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Why are people so mad about Dead Hard?

gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

I don't understand how people can think Dead Hard is that amazing of a perk when even every basic attack is longer than it. Every killer has the ability to just hit all the way through Dead Hard NOT even including the latency issues. I know that the problem of DH comes from using it for distance but in that regard Sprint Burst is way better. Dead Hard is better than Sprint Burst only because of the i-frames that come in handy during very specific circumstances like dodging a hatchet or something like that. This is like the one thing I just really don't get.


    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Had a survivor who pressed against a pallet and dead harded just as I got to them. Hit just went through. They were invincible. That doesn't feel good and there was nothing I could have done about it. Then they vaulted while I was in the recovery animation and made the next loop.

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    Dh is the only surv perk that can help you escape in some circumstances, for example at the egc when the killer is at the door of after unhooking someone. It’s the only fun perk for survivor. IF they remove it I would uninstall the game

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    What about when they hit you through the pallet at the same time as stunning them? The mechanic is the same, they just don't get stunned currently.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    But good killers know to bait it out by now

    The point people who take issue with DH bring up has nothing to do with baiting it or an inability to do so.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Fair enough. Disregard what I said, then. My apologies.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,695

    Part of the reason DH is an issue is because survivors can use it to get to a window or pallet and extend the chase. I don't use it as much because I always get hit even when I'm trying to DH.

  • skylerbound
    skylerbound Member Posts: 753

    Sprint Burst and Spine chill is a good combo as long as you have enough awareness not to run to the killer lol (cries with meghead memories)

  • Vatekanore
    Vatekanore Member Posts: 15

    See- the key difference between Dead Hard and Sprint Burst, is that Dead Hard is on demand, you can literally just press E and undo any kind of mistake you've made, it's even more disgusting than old DS

    Being able to dodge a hit whenever you want is the most broken thing in the game as of currently, sure Sprint Burst can get you more distance, but if you ######### up on a loop after that you're down, with Dead Hard, you just don't need to care about mistakes at all, the killer can't hit you so long as it's up

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Dead hard is just annoying. It's one of those things that happens in a chase and it's like "Welp, guess I got outplayed and they extended the chase without me having anything to do with it". It's not overpowered and sprint burst is 100% superior to dead hard, but dead hard lets you gain distance on demand and there isn't much you can do except to just watch it happen which is why it's annoying. Again, I think the perk is fine as it is, I think survivors having mechanics like these to gain distance are perfectly ok, but it's still pretty meh to deal with as killer.

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    Killer mains get mad when DH was used for distance after they chose to follow the guy that was not exhausted instead of the one that SB away. Sad Pikachu Face.

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    Well... there are no downsides of DH, and you can use it either for distance or to avoid a hit, being the second the purpose of the perk, but the perk says it gives you distance. Now, the perk shouldn't make you invincible, if the killer manages to hit you even when you're using it, you're not entitled to be protected.

    So basically it's bothersome because you don't really have a limit on uses, I mean if you're injured and you don't have exhaustion, you're guaranted to have it. As an example coup d'grace allows you to have an extra lunge BUT. Just after generators are powered and you can just use it five timesat most ... Now, you can tell me... "if you down a DH users and hook them, the limit is three times" but there are a few differences... you decide when you want to use DH, you can't do the same with Coup d' Grace... both perks rewards you for failing in your objective but Coup d' grace has a maximun whereas DH no.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    So then do you think Sprint Burst is problematic when it gives you more distance?

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    Good enough plays can hold it at 99% to make insane distance. If your problem is that DH is easier to use i don't think that's inherently a problem with a perk.

  • PabloLovesMC
    PabloLovesMC Member Posts: 163

    Its a button that says. "I messed up in chase and should get hit here but instead ill hit a single button and the chase can go on for another 5-10 seconds at least" those 5-10 seconds are crucial for a killer and could mean the difference between a gen or even that could give your friend enough time to get close enough for a flashlight save. If i miss as a killer i dont get a button that makse the miss into hit for free. It shouldnt be true the other way around. (Yes i understand you can bait dead hards but its still annoying as F)

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    The difference is that SB is only used for distance, and there's a bit of unreliability to when do you want to use it, same as Lithe. Dead Hard on the other hand is not unreliable since you literally decide when you want to use it, IF you want to use it (SB is always used when you start running without exhaustion so you can calculate it but there are times where you're unable to decide when to use it).

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    No I don't. I don't think sprint burst is as bad as dead hard because sprint burst isn't solely used for evading the killer. If you are using SB effectively, you shouldn't always have it ready to use when the killer comes by. It is used to save you time when running around the map such as running to a hooked survivor, an injured survivor (to heal), and work on generators. If you are using the perk correctly, then you should always be exhausted, meaning you only use it once or maybe twice to evade the killer. If you are always walking around to save it for those times, you aren't using it properly.

  • SavouryRain
    SavouryRain Member Posts: 340

    Simple: DH is the next Survivor perk on the chopping block after DS and OoO. Once the devs nerf DH, people will call for BT nerfs, then Iron Will, and so on and so forth.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,467

    The problem with dead hard is that it's a NOPE button. You're about to get a clean hit, not anymore. With only one condition you have to be injured to use it. I respect it when players use it to gain distance and time it right. If they use to it avoid something that should clearly be a hit such as into a wall or to run through you that's when I don't like it.

    Yes killers have some one hit down abilities, but all of them require something to trigger them and all but 2 are on a timer. Dead hard can be used over and over a long as you're not exhausted; this give it a cooldown but not a limit on how many times and when you can trigger it.

    I do realize that putting a limit of one use per injured health state would make the perk too weak so I'm not going to suggest that but it could use some balance tweaks

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,352

    I don't mind when survivors use Dead Hard to go through you, because it's so obvious when they plan to do it that I just lunge behind myself and catch them.

  • Lord_Tony
    Lord_Tony Member Posts: 2,109

    I've hit someone dead on center with deathslinger's spear after they activated dead hard.

    Now if they dodged my spear I wouldn't have been mad.

    but they ######### didn't dodge my spear, my spear literally hit them but because dead hard has invincibility frames they run away undamaged. I'm like #########.

    Why the hell does deadhard have invincibility frames?

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    after the ds nerf people need something else to complain about. also dead hard is not such a good perk, sprint burst gives you way more distance. the thing about dead hard is that its useless if your team wasted all of the pallets unless the killer is a moron and doesnt wait out dead hard. honestly i prefer lithe over dead hard

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,467

    people have been complaining about dead hard long before the DS nerf my friend. You're right though there are many perks that are better then dead hard.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Eh I'm not sure I agree. Maybe against Blight dead hard is better, because you can literally just dead hard into him in an open area and there's nothing he can do about that, but sprint burst will get you to tiles that you're gonna be much safer at against high mobility killers like Billy. Against Nurse, if you sprint burst very early and stay as far away as possible from her she probably won't ever engage in a chase with you because it would take forever for her to catch you because of her cooldown and only able to use 1 blink for mobility (which isn't much faster than a 115% killer holding W)

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586

    I don’t get it either. I’m not a great killer and I find it very easy to deal with

  • realflashboss
    realflashboss Member Posts: 328

    Second chance perks exist because there are dead zones, killers are faster and bloodlust exists.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256
    edited April 2021

    I don't really see the complaints much, since Dead Hard won't even work for me most of the time.

    For it to even be an incredibly useful perk requires good map RNG, since being out in the middle of nowhere it won't help you like Sprint Burst can. When you can, it's pretty amazing.

    Post edited by Eninya on
  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    Dead Hard has TWO conditions that have to be met - 1. You have to be injured and 2. You cannot be exhausted.. Let's look at the other exhaustion perks shall we:

    Lithe: 1. You have to use a pallet/window and 2. Not be exhausted

    Sprint Burst: 1. You have to walk/crouch everywhere and 2. You cannot be exhausted

    Balanced Landing: 1. You need to fall from a "great" height and 2. You cannot be exhausted

    Smash Hit: 1. You need to stun the killer and 2. You cannot be exhausted

    Oh look every exhaustion perk has two conditions that must be met to use them... Hmm.

    I escape WAY more chases with Lithe than I ever have with Dead Hard. You would think with all the hyperbole on the forums that it's God Tier when in actuality it's just...another exhaustion perk that is EASILY countered.

  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306

    Imagine if the killer had a perk that allowed them to dash forward and ignore all attempts to stun or blind them, but only if they don't have an amount of hooks equal to twice the amount of completed generators.

    Now imagine that there is no charge period like with any killer power currently existing, and that there is nothing stopping the killer from attacking or interacting with something the moment the dash is over.

    Now imagine that they can use this on demand every 40 seconds with no repercussions whatsoever.

    That's not even the worst part about DH. The worst part is that it rewards survivors for playing badly.

    The killer, at this point in the game's life, depends entirely on survivor mistakes. If there is even a slight chance that a survivor can erase a mistake with no consequences, that is powerful. Extraordinarily. Powerful.

    I won't even mention DH for distance, since I think that's been covered enough.

  • kyogul
    kyogul Member Posts: 491

    Sprint Burst takes much more effort to micromanage and people want the more brainless option, which is Dead Hard.

    Dead Hard also extends chase, and is more fun in comparison. Sprint Burst denies chase. Whether you use it before chase initiates or amidst chase, you're still basically resetting the chase and starting it over from scratch instead of continuing on with the intensity.

  • Vatekanore
    Vatekanore Member Posts: 15

    Then use that instead then, i have yet to see a killer complain about 99ing Sprint Burst

    But why take time walking to wait out the exhaustion and keep it 99'ed to go to another loop when you can just run the same loop five more times with DH?

    Plus- if you're 99ing Sprint Burst, you can't really do gens if you wanna keep it 99'd for when a chase starts, Dead Hard just works every time with no trade-off ( And trust me, being injured is not exactly a trade-off, it's something that will just happen eventually )

  • 90bubbel
    90bubbel Member Posts: 87

    it literally happens 99% of my games, atleast 3-4 times a game

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Its slower. 1 blink nurse takes longer to cross ormond then deathslinger. i timed it.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    Because if they are at a loop with a pallet or window they just extend the chase and there is nothing you can do about it.

    Also on a personal note as a huntress main there is nothing more annoying then throwing the hatchet and it hitting and seeing the blood and the survivor not going down and half a second later magically dead harding after they've been hit.

  • selflessnea
    selflessnea Member Posts: 565

    You do know you can get it 99 during chase right. It's not a hey im not gonna do gens because I have Sprint burst.

  • SaltyNooty
    SaltyNooty Member Posts: 276

    Who are you to decide how people should use SB or DH? You sound like a Karen/Kyle and that's frankly disgusting. SB is better off being used to escape a killer and extend the chase for a good while instead of running around like a chicken without a head. That's how I played my meg half the time and guess what? That saved me a lot of losses. Using SB like that leaves one huge trail that's unnecessary, easily making you and open target or running you flat into traps/Stealth killers.

    All of this depends on the person's play style, DH takes to a more confrontal stance as Said in David King's background story, he likes the challenge. You act like you dont know this already for a 'Veteran player.' Meg can ALSO be played aggressively but she's actually a stealth main as for told in HER backstory. The play style is literally given to you if you pay attention to character's, their perks, descriptions and BG'S and yet here you are raving as if the world was dying.

    You are not to decide how people should run their perks, You're not god. It's the same entitlement to a 4K and 'Free hit EZ.' That annoys me about killer mains. I guarantee you, I've pulled off crazier Shmt then people with a dead hard.

    Exhibit A - I made a mistake on a pallet against a ghostface but my exhaustion was almost up so I literally walked for 2 - 3 seconds to let him believe he could hit me and sprint bursted my vss to a safer pallet at the shack. From there, I managed to outsmart his mind games and keep him on me for the entire game.

    It comes down to how and when it's used that makes the perk powerful not the 'Lol. Weave.' Part. You literally let the entire thing go over your head while you're asking for perk nerfs for survivors and buffs for killers because 'survivors have it better.' They dont. It's call having skill and judgement on when to use and when to not use it. If you can learn that, dont call yourself a veteran cause even veteran's know when they're beat.

    Thank you for coming to my ted talk. 🙄

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781
  • SaltyNooty
    SaltyNooty Member Posts: 276

    Then why did you bother to respond at all? If you can't take the backlash of your own ignorance, you're what is wrong with this community. You and your entitlement.

  • doomsday609
    doomsday609 Member Posts: 22

    The difference in dead hard and sprint burst is simple. In chase one gets you to a strong loop faster, while the other can make you use a loop 3 times till window gets blocked followed by a pallet drop. And if there are 2 or 3 strong tiles back to back try and guess why 3 or 4 gens can be done in a single chase. Dead hard would be alright if all loops on all maps were like those on Hawkins where the killer most of the time has the advantage. Even though on hawkings there are pallet drops that when chained together and the killer not breaking them can actually be used very well by survivors to loop for a long time. Strong survivors know these pallet placements and i have went vs such and that actually, for me ,shows some skill and knowledge from the survivor side.