Please 99% Gens Against Pig

I got into a heated argument with a teammate, in post-game earlier, after they popped a gen while another survivor was in the dying state with an RBT on her head.
I had advised them in the future to 99% the gen until their teammate has a chance to heal/search a cage, and they laughed at the notion that anyone should do such a thing.
The Cheryl who had the RBT on her head spent the entire game in chase away from Pig, who knew she would be guarunteed at least one kill if she just kept Cheryl off the cages. This is a common (and completely avoidable) tactic used by many pigs at higher ranks.
To Cheryl's credit, she looped the killer for 4 whole gens, needing only one or two protection hits along the way. But her fate was pretty much sealed the moment someone activated her bear trap.
Ironically, Otz just posted a video demonstrating pig's lethality (specifically with 2 add-ons), and at one point mentions that the only thing that could have saved Elodie was if her teammates did not complete a gen before she had a chance to search a cage.
Do your friends a favor. Don't finish gens while they're wearing party hats.
If she has ruin then good luck with that..
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No, you should pop gens. Leaving it 99'd opens it up to regression and time-wasting, and the RNG nature of Pig means you're probably going to get the RBT off relatively quickly regardless of whether or not it's active. It's just safer to finish gens.
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An excellent point.
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If the pig was tunneling the person with the trap on their head, I don't see how 99% gens would help them out.
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The trap timer doesn't go down while the survivor is being chased, though.
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If the Pig really wants to keep them off the boxes there's really nothing you can do about it. If anything, it's better to just pop the gens because then it might pressure the Pig into leaving them alone to get the others off gens. It's like camping/tunneling. You want to punish it by doing gens as quickly as possible while they're focused on that one person.
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I hate to break it to you, but that is not how RNG works. You're just as likely to have the trap come off at the first cage as is the last.
Unfortunately for me, its usually the last.
Why would you voluntarily cripple your team?
The moment you pop that generator you are taking your teammate out of the game. They cannot go for an unhook, cannot heal an injured teammate, progress another gen, cleanse a totem, etc.
Reverse Bear Traps are (completely avoidable) ticking time bombs.
We're talking about a 30s headstart after the survivor was unhooked or picked up off the ground. You can cleanse nearby totems, loot chests, or start another generator in that time. If the killer comes around, just go tap your 99'd gen so it doesn't need to regress.
Yes ...and, no. The timer doesn't go down if the game recognizes a chase, but there are plenty of situations in which the killer can be chasing you, and you're not technically "in a chase." In this particular game, the Cheryl looped the Pig around fun-bus. I watched as Cheryl vaulted the window three times, and the timer ticked down the whole way thru. That loop was too big, and the pig was too far behind, for the game to recognize it as a chase.
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I am the unluckiest guy in here,I swear the key to remove RBT is always on the last box.
I hate pig.
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If ruin is active 99 gen won't work.
If it's last gen (which I'm assuming when you say Cheryl looped her for 4 gens) can finish it, open gates, leave and person with activated trap can leave through hatch.
If a pig is running add on that hides auras until a gen is completed finishing a gen will help the teammate.
If pig was keeping Cheryl off cages to guarantee a kill she probably would've slugged until bleed out or tunneled/camped had that last gen not been completed. Pig was probably pissed she wasted match on one player, she was going to ensure Cheryl died.
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But she can keep activating and dropping chase with you. If you go for a box, she downs you. She can crouch behind you and follow you so she doesn't activate the chase, but still is able to threaten you and prevent you from going to the boxes.
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Y'all don't understand that killers who play like this are pretty, and will let all 5 gens fly if it means guaranteeing the kill on that 1 survivor. Pig is just another Basement Bubba. Once that head trap is activated, all the Pig has to do is follow that person the whole match so they can't get it off their heads. Yeah, they can find hatch and not die to the trap, but what are the odds of that? They'd have to still be alive at that point AND would have to know where it is.
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It was the first generator of the game. Cheryl proceeded to loop her for 4 gens with her active RBT, then died to her trap with one generator left.
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The rare circumstances in which someone dies to an RBT does not merit deliberately stalling the game for the killer, who is the only person that actually benefits from you not doing gens.
As you said, the survivor is as likely to have their trap off on the first as they are the last box. Which means there's a 75% chance they will have to put in no effort at all.
Edit: also, survivors sole focus when they have an INactive RBT should be no different. Get. It. Off. ASAP.
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There's no point in 99ing generators. This actually makes RBT's more powerful for wasting time, since now you're risking huge regression on top of slowing down further progress.
The trapped survivor is already preoccupied, but now you're asking the other 3 to also do nothing to advance their survival? The Pig herself will no doubt be looking for and chasing someone. If she wants the trapped survivor with an active timer to die there is absolutely nothing they can do. She can just keep attacking them on boxes, or downing them and carrying them away from them. It's no different than being tunneled by any other killer...