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Rank reset, Matchmaking, hit box issues
How does one go from level 10 to level 13 with no pips after the reset? I play every day for hours as Survivor, and a little killer. I worked hard for the pips too. My husband went from rank 10 to 11 with 2 pips! We play together. This seems messed up to me. This needs to be looked at.
Also why hasn't match making been fixed or the hit boxes? A level 10 and up should not be facing level 1 killers a lot.
The hit box for many killers especially the huntress is ridiculous. They need to be fixed badly. Nothing like being at the exit and get hit when you clearly see they did not hit you, and they are able to get you although you're half way in the exits threshold where the black stuff goes up while playing in the lab.
I actually have a video clip (I won't bother citing it because we all know) of me flicking and hitting someone around a corner as huntress. However, she has some really bad hit reg just altogether purely because of the concept of her as a killer. She can sometimes hit the frames behind you and other times her hatchets decide not to work. Basically, she's broken and not enough people care for the devs to prioritize fixing it as they already have to deal with trickster.
As for matchmaking (I'm a killer main) I face the exact same issue in inverse. At level 14 I was facing 4-8 survivors, and now that I'm approaching purple ranks I face red rank survivors consistently. It actually depends partially on what time of day you play. If you play survivor in the evening there are less killers in the pool so you'll have some jacked matches (though the same thing happens to killers). So it's mostly just the game trying to find you a 'balanced' match. On the plus side, playing against good players will have you learn very quick.
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Think your husband is cheating and playing without you.
Rank reset drops you one color ranking.
Red -> 5
Purple -> 9
Green -> 13
Yellow -> 17
Brown -> 20
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The matchmaking has no fix. Since there are simply not enough killers around. Thats why after a certain time, the matchmaking takes any killer it can get and tosses them into a match with whoever waits the longest.
At some point it also looks like it ignores the region lock.
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But this happens day or night. At night we have to wait longer to get a match as Survivor whereas killers find matches easily. Day Time it takes long time as killer and very quick as Survivor. We have noticed matchmaking is worse for us at night compared to the day, but it's still crazy. It was fine til that damn test they did on match making so I figured they could change it back.
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Hahaha. I actually have the availability to Play when he doesn't haha. He works I stay home with kids. We play in our living room on two different tv, he has no where else to play haha. But I died laughing at this though haha I figured you're joking. Thanks for the rank info.
I noticed this week we lost pips and rank although it said after a match we got 0. Then at times it will say +37 or some crazy number haha and of course we don't get those pips haha. Have y'all had this issue?
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I realized I said this to someone else first and not you haha. But this happens day or night. At night we have to wait longer to get a match as Survivor whereas killers find matches easily. Day Time it takes long time as killer and very quick as Survivor. We have noticed matchmaking is worse for us at night compared to the day, but it's still crazy. It was fine til that damn test they did on match making so I figured they could change it back.
Yeah you're that Huntress that we are cussing for hitting us around corners hahahaha. This happens a lot to us. I tried her and well I suck as killer haha. It's definitely difficult for some and others not so much. Thanks for the information and insight, much appreciated.
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Its a visual bug, it doesn't affect your actual pips. There is also a visual bug that says you de-pipped when you safety pipped.
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We realized if we have a 16-20 rank Survivor with us and we are not green rank, we will be less likely to get paired as much with red and purple rank killers. But come 7pm and later as soon as that Survivor is no longer playing with us we definitely facing level 1 killers mostly that are complete a** holes. Like they will literally let you wiggle out while they are running iron grasp, at the exit then let you crawl to the exit and grab you and hook you right before you can exit. I mean kill me, don't freaking have me go through all that work to just do this, it's a dick move. Mind you I would have not been hooked at all or only once, and he killed everyone else already, so it's not like he needed that kill. Sometimes these killers that do this have body blocked, hillbilly is famous for this.
Then we stop playing for the night not only so we don't lose rank but also not having to go against a holes.
Still trying though, just want to continue to have fun while ranking up and helping others too. Heck I will help killer sometimes if they are struggling, but not to sabotage the game for others, but allow them to hit me a lot or hook me , chase me etc.
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Also Huntress's hatchet hitbox is fine, the issue comes from latency, as I understand it, your position has changed on your screen, but that information hasn't reached the server yet. So to you you've turned the corner, the server thinks you haven't yet, and the killer sees you before the corner. The hatchet is thrown and the server decides if your position and the position of the thrown hatchet meet, and this decides a hit. So what looks like a bad hit to you, looks good from the killer end, who gets their information on your position from the server.
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Oh ok. So how do we know when it's real? Lol. Being level 11 now, I thought 16 and lower no longer got safety pips, has this changed? I thought you either lost, gained or didn't gain or lose.
Last night I was 10 then after one match I got 0 and it changed me to 11 yet I didn't lose any, the points were correct 7 or 8 points so I should not have lost a pip and lost rank. But that's where I have stayed ugh, since this I lost all my pips then gained one so I'm 11 with one pip.
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As far as I know, the progress bar thing that shows the pips earned is accurate, its just the number that says +/- that can bug out.
(I'm referring to the black pip as a safety pip, so you neither gained nor lost anything.)
I mean, I suppose its possible that pipping has become bugged, but I've not heard of it, you could make a post (or comment on a relevant post) in the bug report section of the forums to be on the safe side.
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Makes sense, but it should eventually catch up and gain information from both servers, not side with the killer.
I have heard killers agree on this too. But the hit boxes on all killers are flawed as well. Especially the chainsaw killers, hitting you when it's clear you were nowhere close to be hit, or being hit well after a vault. We have a friend who plays both and he seen hit box issues as well. Legion, Ghost face, The Shape are the others, but it's not every game.
I played as Hillbilly yesterday during the day and I hit someone and they got a burst towards the wall in Cold won farms and disappeared, yet when they reappeared they were literally behind me. This happened twice with two different Survivors. I was shocked never saw this before as a killer haha. Then I went to hit one Survivor far away from a generator and it knocked down the Survivor on the generator, and I didn't know she was there. I felt bad and let her live. It was crazy. All this happened in the same match.
I think they should fix these issues is all, so killers and Survivors have more even playing fields etc. These seem to be common frequent issues from all the videos, posts etc I have seen since the game has come out.
I appreciate this information, it does make sense, although it's still an issue lol
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I haven't seen a black pip, only 0 for not gained or earned. But we count the emblems points and go by the red bar as well they always line up with each other. The rank progress doesn't always line up. I posted about it but not sure how to report it per say. I have screenshots but that's on my system and I use the app ony phone like I am now.
Where would I go to report this possible bug? I know 2 friends that this happened to as well, I could tell them too.
Thanks again
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Well I just saw the part where you said to go to report it lol.
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The issue is older than the mmr test.
On why killers have longer queues during office hours, when most people work... well...