How do I become a better survivor/killer?

Obviously I know with practice I will get better but I feel like I am lacking a lot of knowledge of basic game stuff, I know how to survive through the game but I want to be more skillful because frankly I suck at running from killers, I usually play as a feng min and she is a level 17 :))
And for killer I play the huntress and shes at a lower level because I favor playing survivor.
Read dbd wiki when you don't understand something specific or need numbers behind le famous DbD Considerably and Slightly on most addons, which means something entirely different in each instance.
Watch guides on all aspects of the game; a lot of DbD mechanics are not just not explained in-game, but not even mentioned at all. YT has quite a lot of content of the kind. You can kick off with some basic survivor guides and huntress-specific killer tutorials and see how it goes.
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Chases is really just parctice makes perfect but I am kinda bad at survivor so I cant give much advice. As killer one of the best ways to win is just prioritise a 3gen you are almost guaranteed to lose 2 gens in the early game if survivors get good spawns and dont spawn all together. Focus on making you're chases as short as possible and try chasing multiple people at once if you can. Also my number 1 tip for new killers is just dont kick gents 90% of the time. Base regression is pretty bad and it literally takes the survivor milliseconds to stop it whne its like a 2 second animation for killer or something. You should only kick gens when you are 100% sure nobody is nearby.
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Honestly it is just practice makes perfect. Watching content creators helps and getting tips from them on how to run loops as killer or survivor.
Also with huntress have aura perks and just keep going for cross map shots with bbq etc, you will miss the majority of the time but eventually you will start getting them, plus trying and failing is better than not trying at all
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I know that if you post your gameplay on the forum people will give you feedback on it. I did it and it was really helpful.
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Play, play play. I know, it's obvious, but also true.
Play and watch videos from competent creators.
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play customs with your friend that's best at the game you will both get better at more diverse matchups
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When you strip DBD down, its really just a grade school math equation.
If a Survivor begins running around shack at X speed, and the Killer starts chasing at Y speed from Z meters away, how many meters will the Survivor need to run before they are overtaken by the Killer?
I doubt you'll be crunching those numbers in your head all game, but the more you play DBD the better sense you'll have for the answer to that equation and the variables that could increase/decrease the solution.
While nothing can truly substitute for gameplay experience, tutorials and gameplay review can rapidly increase the rate at which you improve. The more Youtube videos you binge, the more tips and tricks you'll pick up on.
When I was just getting into the game two years ago, OhTofu's Pallet Tutorial was the single best video for helping me improve as both Killer and Survivor. I highly recommend this video, then move onto a video that breaks down Maze Tiles & Structures.
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Thank you so much, I appreciate it :)
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Thats a really good idea I might try that
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I will, my friends dont really like the game because they're either scared of it or just get tired of being killed lmao so ill just need to find friends on dbd
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Good thing i like math but yes I have been watching ayrun and ohm and have gotten alot of tips from them but for sure I will look into that video.
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I've never watched much Ohm, so I can't speak about his content. While Ayrun is incredibly entertaining, he isn't the most educational (thats not to say you can't learn a thing or two from him), so just keep that in mind if your intention is to improve quickly.
A general tip: If you find you're constantly struggling against a specific killer, playing that killer yourself will make you a much better survivor against them. Nothing really beats learning a killers' strengths and weaknesses first-hand.
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A good place to start at getting better at both sides is simply to play both sides. Playing survivor, for example, will improve your looping skills with time, and give you an idea of what kinda movements to expect from survivors when you're playing killer. Playing killer and watching how survivors loop you should give you a good idea on how to effectively loop killers.
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also think of the hatchets as an easier flashlight they're easier to use when survivor is locked in animation
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You know what helps me the most - just watching gameplay videos. Style of play, use of perks etc gets kind of engrained in memory after a bit.
MY biggest issue - I'm STILL not coordinated enough to use the camera to 'look behind' with mouse/ That's my practice lately.
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All killers works different. I mean PH and Freddy different killers and have different tactics. So first learn tactics for killer which one you will play. And then pratice. And you will get better.
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Best way to learn is to play a good variety of killers so you know their powers and playstyle. That in turn will help you out when you go against them as survivor.
But if we want to be specific -
Survivor advice:
Always try to focus on doing something that benefits your team. Focus on generators and bones. Don't be afraid to play boldly, because hiding or playing scared gets you nowhere, you don't get points and you hurt your team drastically if even 1 teammate is crouch walking or hiding for majority of the match. Know when to go for saves. For instance, if you know the killer has hooked someone and is already chasing another teammate, take that time to go for an unhook and heal them if they don't run off on you. If they run off on you, you can either follow them or just ignore and move on. Sometimes its best to let them run off and you go back to your primary goal which was generators. The less time you give a killer in a match, the better. Downtime and running around needs to be minimized. Unless you're in a chase of course. But you'll get better with game sense the more you play as well. Avoid 3 genning yourselves. Don't work on all the generators on 1 side of the map. For example, if you do a gen in 1 corner of the map, go to the farthest opposite corner one, so that when/if you do manage to get to 1 gen remaining, you make it so the travel time between the gens is longer for the killer and the chases are delayed as long as possible.
A good perk to run if you want some help with unhooks/when to go for them, is Kindred. It is extremely powerful and will let you know what your teammates are doing when someone is hooked, if the killer is in the area/proxy camping. It will also let your teammates know who should go for the save when you are the one hooked.
Play what you like but remember to apply pressure across all 4 survivors. If you realize a chase is going on for too long, its okay to drop it and go to a gen you know is being worked on. If you injure someone and want to go pressure a gen/force the ones working on it off, that's okay. The person already injured has to take time to heal or be healed if they don't want to risk getting 1 hit downed. Bring some slow down perks if you can (Ruin, Oppression, Surge, Pop Goes the Weasel, etc). Force survivors into dropping very safe pallets like the one at killer shack.
Since you play Huntress mainly, I'm sure you already do this but just in case you aren't - Bait out pallets to drop and then throw a hatchet at the person. They will be delayed from moving in time because of the pallet throw down animation, you won't be stunned and you'll be able to hit them. Same applies to when you know someone is heading towards a window to vault through, unless they are running Lithe, you'll be able to hit them there as well with a hatchet.
Also try to focus on pressuring survivors into certain zones of a map that favor you. A lot of teams unknowingly (especially at low rank) 3 gen themselves, which means they get to 1 gen remaining but the 3 gens that can be worked on are relatively close and make it incredibly easy for the killer to swap between, which makes finding survivors easier and getting into chases faster.
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I found I learned a lot on the killer side from watching Otzdarva. Make sure to watch the 2nd channel notOtzdarva though, that's the one where he actually explains what he's doing. The main channel is kinda memey highlight reels.
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The new dbd player starter pack
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This video would really help you
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That's super helpful thank you a lot, yeah I learned that playing a few games with huntress and it's helped me a lot.
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I know it is going to sound like im trolling. But read8ng was my best friend in learning to get better. I mean like read perks, items and all abilities. I found a huge jump in my skill once i understood everything. Because after you understand it, applying the knowledge to see how it best fits you is the next step.
Also there are more friendly than unfriendly people that linger in the forums, they not only answer a question but usually provide indepth explanations. I remember asking about being a better Legion and got some real solid advice.