Perk Buffs

Perks that need Buff:
Relentless(I see no point of its use, nothing happens)
Decisive strike(should stun killers with endurance for normal time)
No mither(the point of it is to repeatedly get up and escape right? Well when killers can 1 hit you and know that you have that perk, its purpose is defeated. It becomes a waste of a perm slot)
Fire up(The speed doesn't help that much in any situation)
If there are any other perks I missed or you believe should be needed or buffed. Comment and I'll add it. Just put the park and reason it should be buffed. FYI I am going off of my PS4 experience, so some of the things only occur on PS4. I also didn't take much thought into this. I put down perks that made no sense or were just useful to me when I used them.
The fact that making perks a hex speaks volumes about how balanced they are. Also these suggestions are terrible.2
You’ve gone utterly MENTAL!
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Whispers should be buffed because the WHISPER is too quiet....? I hope you realize that the perk lights up when active so you don’t even need to hear the WHISPERS.
Also what perk on PC are you talking about that gives all the benefits of No Mither without being injured? The perks are the same between both games except the icons for Bill’s perks are different on PC.1 -
Thanatophobia is worthless in it's CURRENT iteration so it doesn't need to be nerfed. Nurse's calling is so easy to not get caught by so it doesn't need to be nerfed. And iron grasp only gives you about 3 seconds more wiggle time as it only lets the killer go an extra 12 meters, nerfing it by two seconds would make it do nothing. Decisive strike does not need a buff it already turns the tide of the game, PC has no perk like no mither, and whispers lights up so you don't need to hear it. The reason you can't hear the whisper is because then you couldn't hear the survivors. These suggestions are awful.
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No Mither shouldn't be buffed because they specifically made it the hard mode of DBD. There is no logical reason to use it unless you want to challenge yourself, meaning you're going to die a lot more. Which in my eyes is fine because survivor is quite easy anyway.
When looking at perks we need to look at their intended purpose that logically fits. We can't, say, buff Iron Will because it does what it's logically linked to. It's just a niche perk is all.
But there are definitely some perks that really really need some extra loving like Relentless, recovering from missed hits maybe slightly aids only when you ######### up as killer, but maybe 5-10-15% cooldown from a successful hit?
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This thread is a joke.
Decisive strike should not exist in the game but they are going to change comming soon, survivors who use this perk can not be cured, most will use to the before died.
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Of course he is right! Killer perk countering survivor perk, ok then which survivor perk blocks for example aura reading of bbq or nurse calling huh?