Noed- You only hurt yourself.

wildtrapjake Member Posts: 68
edited April 2021 in General Discussions

As a player of both sides, I am convinced that NOED is a perfectly fine perk. More often than not, it only grants the killer one free down if survivors play smart.

That's where the keyword comes into play "smart".

Bad survivors will push for saves/risky hex cleanses while NOED is active. The right play is usually to leave the one player. They "can't escape death" per say


One rich example I had recently was a game where I played as twins. This was my second game as twins, I ran NOED with the three twins perks. Played against a couple red and purple ranks, map was the pale rose.

I was just testing out victor for the most part, only playing half serious. I got looped at the big shack for ages and managed to get 1 down/hook in basement just after the last gen went off. NOED was visible/active.

1 by 1 the other 3 survivors came to the rescue of the basement hooked survivor, and 1 by 1 they each got placed it the basement themselves.

After the game I got flamed in the comments for using NOED, and "camping" basement.

But truly, they did it to themselves. They could've left me with one hook?

Sure NOED sucks to get hit by in some circumstances, but more often than not, it's power can be mostly avoided.

PSA-if NOED is up, probably best to just leave. Cut your losses so to speak.
