Lucky Break will be overrated

gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

New Lucky Break is the opposite of Iron Will, Dead Hard and Resilience. It discourages staying injured and encourages immediately healing, which in a lot of cases is a suboptimal playstyle at least at high level.


  • lolifasad
    lolifasad Member Posts: 68

    And also, I don't know why you believe Iron Will discourages healing. Iron will is supposed to make you less noticable, whilst injured, in case you didn't have the opportunity to heal up. And also make plays to potentially lose the killer. However, you still leave trails of blood and there's no reason to remain injured when you have iron will, it doesn't give you any advantage over healing up. Not healing with DH is a good strategy only in some scenarios, not all. For example if you're up against Insta-down killers or Perks, then yes. Otherwise, there's no reason to remain injured to have DH available, if you're facing an M1 killer, you're still better off getting hit and then being able to use DH, you'll waste more time and survive for longer.

    And Resilience is a risky perk by itself, it's a somewhat okay strategy to stay injured and do gens faster, but at the same time you're risking going down and wasting even more of your team's time in the process, than the time you saved whilst using it's speed bonus. But out of all perks you mentioned, Lucky Break is the last perk that is related to healing in anyway.

  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184

    You say that like people only use self care or seek each other out to heal. Even though insta heals were nerfed, med kits as a whole came back a lot stronger.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405
    edited April 2021

    I agree it's a little Overrated. Losing the killer is nice but you essentially dedicate almost your entire build to that (LB, IW,and most likely DH with BT also probably picked). It's good but not THAT good. This is likely how most builds will look and it makes chases annoying but not unwinnable. Killer can run something like Spies to counter most of it. Id love survivors to run this build against me

    Post edited by IWasLeft2Die on
  • aliquis
    aliquis Member Posts: 82
    edited April 2021

    If lucky break can allow the survivor to consistently juke midchase and get a head start of a few seconds, to reach another loop/pallet/vault , it will be very strong. Every killer knows, you have to keep the pressure going, one long chase is a lost game against survivors that sit on gens.

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    I use resilience and I heal 99%. It's an op perk, and 0% risky

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    The new lucky break is ludicrously overpowered, anyone who says otherwise probably dosen't play much killer or have a good understanding of killer.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446

    Or... Does play killer quite a bit and has a play style that Lucky Break won't hurt.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    I really hope so and that it won't be as bad as everyone thinks.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    That's a nice idea, but to be perfectly honest it doesn't matter. 90 seconds of no tracking is 90 seconds of no tracking. The fact that it can be spread out across multiple instances more than overcompensates for the 16 seconds of healing.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446

    I have a play style that doesn't involve forcing downs. Instead my builds almost always focus on spreading injuries across multiple Survivors and making the Survivors feel like they have to heal. LB + IW won't do anything to me because I was already probably planning on "losing" them after the injury.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    At some point you have to commit to a down, or else you're giving up map pressure for a meme playstyle (hit-and-run) that hasn't worked since the Ruin nerf shifted the general playstyle into a more gen-slammy territory.

  • Bard
    Bard Member Posts: 657

    Hag doesn't chase people, so she doesn't mind.

    Legion, Twins, and Plague have easy to land, non-committal damage that quickly burns through Lucky Break.

    One-shot killers can bypass it somewhat.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446

    I would like to point out that I said my builds do not force downs. Doesn't mean I don't get them. Survivors inadvertently offer them to me due to liberal use of Nurse's Calling or Surveillance and Undetectable. Works way better than you might think.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    There is no playstyle that counters being unable to track survivors for 90 straight seconds.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446

    It's a good thing that a perk that does that doesn't exist, now isn't it?

    Now... snark aside. Riddle me this.

    How much good is Lucky Break going to do you if I'm on Legion and you're the start of my Frenzy chain? The answer is none. You lose time on your perk and I lose nothing.

    How much good is Lucky Break going to do you if I'm on Myers and I step around the corner in Tier 1, stab you, and let you go? The answer is again none. Tier 1 Myers can't force downs anyway so I'm going to go Oppression kick your gen and look to ambush somebody who blew up a Gen or you again when I see you with Nurses or Surveillance.

    How many instances of that sort of thing happening will your 90 seconds survive? 2 maybe 3? You could easily end up losing your perk before I try to force a down through it.

    That's why I think Lucky Break isn't as big of a deal as everyone is making it out to be. Does it counter the current Killer meta of only fast downs all the time? Yup. Do Killers have other viable but unused tools to then counter Lucky Break? Also yup. So... it might shift the meta, it might not. However what I can confidently say is that it *will not* make Killer an unfun mess of an experience. If you are one of the who do think it'll do that... well... you need to upgrade your imagination to look past the Meta and to what else might be possible with our current tools on the Killer side.

  • twocansofbean
    twocansofbean Member Posts: 200

    I don't think lucky break is as OP as people think but also I do think you're still underrating the perk. So if you take lucky break you probably would have a med kit. Else its point less.

    In reference to your frenzy comment. That's ok so the survivor will lose about 10 secs from mending + 5 secs to make sure you're not chasing them. Which still leaves 59 secs after healing for 16 secs.

    Even with the Myers ok you hit them but now they heal. And other gens are still being worked on. People may have lost time on the perk but they still haven't lost a hook state. And they probably will run away before healing incase of nurses calling.

    Though I do agree this perk is useless on plague.

    You can say the survivors didn't achieve anything other than time lost on a perk. But that's also time the other survivors are spending on gens. The more time you dont have survivor on hook thats less time you have to stop survivors from finishing gens.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,878
    edited April 2021

    Lucky (break) for me I run coulrophobia/deathbound anyways. Say goodbye to a perk slot you sorry, sorry souls.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    I need to point out that the Ruin rework simply forced survivors to stay on gens or lose all their progress, but survivors already acted like this to begin with because pop and ruin were used every game anyway.

    When there's no ruin, there's no reason why they'd be more 'genslammy' and ruin, while common, isn't exactly in every game.

    As for committing to a down with regard to the person you're replying to...they'd likely have used up their Lucky break by that time anyway, and most maps make scratchmarks in the middle of chase redundant as it is.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446
    edited April 2021

    For Legion... I mean... at that point you're healing against Legion which is basically a massive waste of time. Also the odds are incredibly high that I'm going to Frenzy chain off you multiple times. Your medkit will probably give out after 1-2 times and after 3... you probably don't have a perk anymore even with a Medkit.

    For Myers, First my build is packing Sloppy Butcher. So yeah you can heal but its gonna be painful. An Oppression kick frequently gets me 1-2 explosions which buys me 8 or 16 seconds and if they know what's up they usually leave the Gen because they know I know where they are and might be going to ambush them. Also... how exactly are you gonna make sure you aren't healing within Nurse's range of T1 Myers? Unless you're on a map that royally sucks for him... I have undetectable and will be milking every LoS blocker I can. Seriously... it is actually pretty funny how much less efficient Survivors get when they have zero clue if they are safe or not.

    Slugs and Hooks are not the only way to get Survivors off Gens.

  • twocansofbean
    twocansofbean Member Posts: 200

    To the legion point that's also why he's consider one of the worst killers still. Even if you managed to get feral frenzy off you still didn't get anything out of it. Gens are still being completed survivors, sure they waste 8 secs mending. But as a legion if you don't get back to the lucky break survivor within 30 sec(16 healing+8 mending+6 excess time). You effectively applied zero pressure. In addition you have lost 60 seconds of generator time, considering other people on gens.

    Currently it feels like I'm making an argument to why legion sucks cause med kit OP. Cause if a person manages to heal against legion twice while not going to hook. and after the 3rd time then most likely the legion is going to lose the match.

    In reference to the t1 myers. Thats the one where he gets walls hacks right? Well yeah that's an obvious counter if your perks is specifically used to hide from killers. There's no way to hide from killers using wall hacks. Sure lucky break might not be effective against you. But the 95% of times lucky break is nice to have. Iron will is still considered an S tier perks even if myers or wraith has the wall hacks add on.

    Sloppy butchers only takes away 4 seconds of healing. And lucky break also counters Haemorrhage.

    Also wait why are you taking nurse's calling on T1 myers. It has a shorter range of 28. It seems a bit redundant if you already have a stronger wall hack add-on

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    One perk shouldn't be enough to change the entire meta of the game. And this argument that "these certain killers counter that perk therefore it's a bad perk" makes no sense. There are plenty of killers who can counter dead hard, but that doesn't make dead hard a bad perk.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    There's enough killers that'll have no problem with Lucky Break.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    Lucky break change is the first steps to nerfing spirit. Survivors will still complain she is braindead easy mode auto win. so they'll probably nerf her add-ons like mother daugher ring, father glasses and Dirty Uwabaki and than finally they'll gut her like they did with freddy and billy. Most likely reduced speed in phase walk, increased cooldown on ability and indications of where she is moving in/out of phase.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446

    It's not "one perk". For maximum effect you kind of need Iron Will, Quick and Quiet, and Lithe. Buffed Lucky Break just seems like the thing that's going to tie the build together.

    Also... are you aware just how many of the last few Survivors have had stealth perks? If we ignore licensed Survivors because they try to fit their perks to their established personalities... out of the last 10 original Survivors, 8 have had a stealth perk of some sort. Yun-Jin has Self Preservation. Elodie has Distraction. Felix is missing one. Zarina has both Off the Record and Red Herring. Yui has Lucky Break. Jane has Poised. Jeff has Distortion. Adam has Diversion (pebble ftw). Kate has Dance With Me. Last of the 10 David doesn't have one.

    I feel like it is obvious that the Devs have been actively trying to make stealth Survivor play an option. The Lucky Break buff may have just been the end of them being subtle about it.