Remove survivor usernames in pre-game screen
While this is primarily a streamer issue, it affects all players involved in the games where it matters. Stream sniping is a cheating issue that could be easily remedied by removing the killer’s ability to see the survivor’s usernames beforehand.
If the names get removed then there needs to be a symbol for who's in swf.
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I think this is a nice change in general, tbh.
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There is no need for that. You also dont get any information if someone is in SWF or not when the profiles are private.
Yes, should have been the case since long ago. Gameplay-wise there is no reason why the Killer should be able to see names or profiles in the Lobby before the game.
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Uh, yeah there is a need for that, surv main. I would rather know that I'm going against 3 TTV's that are an obvious depip squad.
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I highly doubt that you have gone against a Depip Squad at any point in your playtime. And you will most likely never go against one of those Squads because they are super rare. Only because you lose games does not mean that the other side was a Depip-Squad.
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I wish they got rid of them too. It ruins the immersion for me
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What evidence do you have for doubting them going against a Depip Squad at least once in their playtime? Are you assuming that they have low hours or something?
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I think they should just assign everyone a DBD ID and remove gamertags entirely. In match have it say survivor 1-4, then on end game screen have Survivor 1-4 with DBD ID. Will stop stream sniping, players who don't want their gamertags shared to a stream will no longer have that issue, killers will not be able to target survivors they have issues with from previous matches, killers and survivors on same platform will not be able to message to work together before a match, and will end confusion when reporting someone from a different platform.
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I wouldn't mind having a SWF indicator in the pre-game lobby if there aren't names.
I'd rather not go full sweat against a poor Solo squad.
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Streamers put TTV in their tags because they want people to see it, it's self-promotion.
Also, the rules specifically say that stream sniping isn't against the rules. It's a ridiculous thing to do, but not cheating.
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Nope, but those are seriously rare. Yet players claim all the time they go constantly against those really coordinated Squads. Which simply cannot be true.
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I use TTV as a streamer so I can chat with people after the game is over. Stream sniping isn’t against the rules because they have no way to enforce it. It is still in essence cheating, it’s just not something they can regulate. The issue I mainly have is that non-TTV people are suffering because of it. I don’t care if I get camped, tunneled, or just targeted in general, it comes with the territory; but other players shouldn’t have to have a bad game because a killer has a vendetta against TTV people.
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How can I hide something in someone else’s game? I can hide what perks I’m using on my stream, but I can’t prevent the killer from finding my stream ahead of time and using it to find me or the other survivors.
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I think there should just be an option to hide player names ingame *not hide yourself from other players
the reason is some streamers like otz have a bad time due to some toxic members of the community hopping in survivor twitch streams and treating the streamer poorly, so having the option to just hide names in lobby would be a nice quality of life for those individuals,
however for normal gameplay purposes I see no reason to hide names in the lobby for either role under normal conditions, most of the time I just glance at names in the lobby for a few seconds and thats the end of it just to clear up simple stress of if they have a shared clan tag or something to be slightly worried about so I can prepare accordingly
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How does hiding my lobby help?
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I can't speak for other consoles, only playstation. On playstation you're allowed to change your screen name for free once, after that you need to pay to change it. Also, you risk losing save data from some online playstation games if you change your screen name so if you play more than DBD it probably isn't worth the risk.
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I suppose it wasn’t made completely clear from the start. I put TTV in my username for visibility and just as consistency across my media. I also want people to be able to come to my chat after the game to talk since there isn’t a way for everyone to talk in-game (since cross-platform communication isn’t a thing).
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I agree, The Killer doesn't need to see your platform/network ID. The same excuses why Survivor players can't see The Killer's ID applies in the reverse.
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Yep, remove any survivor name-identifying information from killer's view.
- It's not all that rare I'll run into the same killer more than once in a play session. If I haven't changed anything since that match, they get the benefit of knowing my perks going into the match.
- If I don't get to know the name or any other info of the killer I am about to go against, why do they get to preview me? They see my name, can click on my Steam profile, etc. etc.
- I don't want to be targeted any differently during the match due to reasons 1 and 2 above.
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Definitely. I'm surprised this has not been rectified long ago.
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To be fair, I don't see stream sniping as a form a cheating --- if you are going into a multiplayer game, advertising yourself as a streamer (the majority I have encountered have TTV or twitch or something in their name to indiciate they stream) then you should expect that sometimes your opponent will look you up or have a friend look you up if they're playing together. If you want anonymity - don't mark your user name so clearly?
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but also on playstation you an just see everyone who's playing with you (if their account isn't private) by going to the quick menu, so killer name should appear
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I think it is an everyone issue and I agree that names should not be revealed until the end of the match. This would prevent those cheeky cheaters who just keep dodging lobbies until the Killer they are working with confirms they just entered his through whatever method of chat they rely upon. There is no reason, whatsoever, for anyone's names to be in the general Lobby. People who know each other, can muster in their own Lobby first so they won't have a problem. The moment they go to the main Lobby, no names. :)
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That doesn't work on PS5, and I believe it no longer works on PS4 because now everything is on the server. If you're referring to the players met, that is really hit or miss. It's really inconsistent and then there's the issue if people are appearing offline then you see nothing.
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God no, I need to know if I'm going against or in a team with a TTV so I can immediately dodge lol.
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I actually miss seeing Ranks in the lobby. It was nice to see 1-19-20 and know to leave.
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I’m at a point where I don’t care if I get targeted for being TTV. It’s when killers go for toxic plays against the whole team when they see TTV, and so the random people I get teamed with suffer. It’s for the people who go against the same killer over and over and so the killer may target them if a match didn’t go they way they wanted. I’ve also had killers specifically kill everyone else and let me go because I’m a TTV person, and I don’t like that either. It’s not fair to my teammates.
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Survivors don’t have the luxury of trying to dodge a TTV killer, so why should you?
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I dodge if I'm a survivor and they're in my team as well, I don't want them as my teammate either.
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Yeah, stream sniping just to play like a toxic jerk is where I draw the line too. If you 'snipe' but still go out of your way, not necessarily throwing the match but not being overly toxic, to make sure you're not just "ruining" someone's stream , then I don't see an issue with it. Like I said, it's the chance you risk by associating your tag with your stream.