What killer do you guys hate facing the most ?

I dont like facing trappers, hags, and nurses what about you guys
DS and Hag.
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Wraith and Leatherface
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Spirit and Plague.
I don't mind Spirit's strength. I don't mind the 50/50s that much. Most of the issues people have with her are things I don't really mind. She just gives me anxiety and stresses me out (granted, I have gotten better at dealing with it over the years).
Plague is just a game of "damned if you do, damned if you don't." And I hate that game.
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Hag Freddy Spirit take the top 3 spots for me.
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Hag and Bubba. Freddy might be close, but all the Freddies I go against are foreheads.
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I'd have to go with Trapper because it usually goes two ways :
-He gets a basement hook and will proceed to camp it until whoever is down here dies
-He doesn't get basement and gets genrushed in 4 minutes
Either way it's pretty boring
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Freddy and Trapper. They're so boring to me to play as and against for different reasons.
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Hag, Leatherface, and Plague.
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Spirit is just unfair to play against.
Also Slinger. This video translates how it feels to run away from him:
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This 100%. If you get downed near the basement you might as well die on 1st hook because he's gonna lock that place down.
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spirit freddy leatherface
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Spirit, Bubba and Freddy.
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Spirit - Just hope your 50/50 guess is in your favor.
Freddy - Has the abilities of several killers in one.
Doctor - Stealth is deleted from the game. Combine it with Iron Maiden and you get punished for using the only non-perk counter he has.
Plague - Forces the game into one of two bad modes. Either everyone is No Mither with no stealth; or the killer has a full damage sprinkler of BS.
Ghostface - Still haven't fixed his reveal mechanic after all this time. Almost as much of a coin toss as Spirit.
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I'm not real keen on playing against (or as) the Trap Killers. So Trapper, Hag, and Freddy (Demo is a happy exception).
Otherwise, I don't really like seeing Spirit (not enough info/counterplay options) or Ghost Face (who would honestly be fine if his stupid Reveal mechanic didn't derp out all the time).
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Ghostface. He is the bane of my existence.
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Hag. Shes a killer that horribly punishes ally survivor mistakes and being damned because of your allies is already punishment enough.
lotsa hags being dropped. A few slingers too but give me slinger anyday over the swamp lady. At least with slinger I dont die after being hooked once. 90% of my survivor games vs hag I end up dying or being immediatly rehooked despite not setting any traps off post unhook.
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Freddy & Trapper.
Not because I don't like Trapper but because I will inevitably see a trap a half second too late and step on it. Every match. Every time. No matter how much I look or expect a trap at a certain loop, one trap will get me and I feel like it's a personal failing. lol
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Spirit, freddy, and Hag if they know how to play her. A pc quickscoping deathslinger is also generally a miserable experience.