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The counterplay to Stridor Spirit

Member Posts: 674

Use Spine Chill and git gud


Legit had a Spirit say that in EGC after no one wanted to play against that garbage. As if Spine Chill magically makes you quiet lmao.

They can't even admit she's super busted and kept denying it because they know damn well they're being carried by this bullshit combo that is Spirit + Stridor and as if that isn't enough put NOED and slowdown perks with Ring and Amulet on top of it.

Very fun and interactive.

How this hasn't been adressed yet is beyond me.

Inb4 those defending it will bring up SWF and how Spirit is the only way to win in high ranks.

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  • Member Posts: 894

    She's fine. Without her, all you'd get is Nurse at red ranks.

    Just don't be predictable.

  • Member Posts: 82
    edited April 2021

    I agree with the sentiment about spirit generally.

  • Member Posts: 1,684

    Spirit needs a complete rework imo.

  • Member Posts: 8

    Its just funny that peoples who cant deal with killers want a nerf and mostly a green,bronze rank players yelling the most.Freddy is allready dead and he was nothing special yet bhvr nerf him.We need more buffs for killers so theres gonna be more variety on red ranks.The only killer who needs a completely rework its a twins because she is not fun to playing with and against,its anoying to be chased all the time by Victor and be sluged.No,im not a killer main,im playing 50-50 mostly solo as a survivor.I propose the same for peoples who play just one side to understand the game better.

  • Member Posts: 1,060
  • Member Posts: 3,786

    Spine Chill vs the Spirit just lets you know a few moments in advance when you're screwed.

  • Member Posts: 1,871

    What do you mean Freddy was nothing special? He had the highest Kill Rate among the roster, was incredibly boring to play against, and could achieve good results by anyone with little experience at all.

    A killer power is only healthy when it's fun to play as and against and Spirit/Slinger fail hard on the latter.

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    Not true, I've juked plenty of spirits with Spine Chill. All I had to do is slowly walk towards the direction they're most likely coming from while making sure I have LOS blockers to hide behind. She usually ends up phasing to the gen I was on and spends 30 seconds checking behind every tree and rock, looking for me. Many times they pretend to go patrol other gens but immediately phase back 2-3 more times, which just causes me to giggle.

    Not every strategy in Dbd against a killer needs to be looping. Stealth is a strong option as long as you know when to use it.

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    You do realize that a spirit could just keep looking in your direction while phasing right?

    A spirit gives zero indication of where she is when phasing, same whenever she does phase. This means you have nothing to react to, thus she does not have counterplay. Perks help by making it harder for her to catch you, but this won't work against a good spirit.

  • Member Posts: 2,334
    edited April 2021

    To be honest I can't take anyone seriously when they suggest "equip X" to solve problem. Bandaid fixes for balance have been an issue with the game for a while and equipping a perk when you don't know what you'll be facing against is stupid.

    Yeah let me use a perk I don't want to for the one out of ten chance I'll actually face what I had the perk on for.

  • Member Posts: 2,334
    edited April 2021

    He had a high kill rate because people find him boring and just suicide against him to move on - Admittedly I find myself doing this more and more because every Freddy just constantly bounces between gens with slow down perks I just want to casually play and do challenges not have a 20 minute slog of a game which yes some games actually do last that long with Freddy. Pretty much every game I've played 2 out of 5 games are normal and the rest people suicide on the first hook. I'm just tired of playing normally only for the someone to just suicide first hook so I don't bother anymore.

    I'd rather his Snares would have been reworked into some skillshot admittedly and the rest of the power stay as is.

    Although not say Freddy wasn't piss easy to play in his new state. BHVR should have just raised his skill floor which the changes don't do at all - All the changes are just flat nerfs for unskilled players without giving players who are skilled something to improve on. Terrible changes overall tbh.

  • Member Posts: 1,871

    There is a kind of lethality that is not measured by numbers, either driven by boredom or just lack of general enjoyment brought by some killer powers and playstyles that lead people to suicide. The same one you describe, A form of lethality nonetheless.

    Freddy's current kit screams stale gameplay, with mind-numbing chases, and a slow progression to the game that drives people away from matches. You're right, he needs changes.

  • Member Posts: 716

    I guess the only hard counter to Strider Spirit is No Mither & Iron Will. You get 150% to no moans and groans 😂

  • Member Posts: 526

    What percentage of the player base is even playing at sweat hard red rank?

    If Nurse and Spirit being allowed to be OP is to address red rank SWF, I doubt it's even very many players.

    Nurse gets a pass because she is straight forward and hard to master. Spirit is just dumb and not fun.

  • Member Posts: 223

    I actually kind of enjoy going against spirit, but only because I played so much as her. I like to go up against killers I play, but that's just my opinion. For me stridor is more of a way to tell which direction the survivor is rather than exactly pinpoint them as it can kind of throw you off since they're so loud. Also since iron will is meta and with lucky break getting a buff, stridor is almost close to necessary on spirit.

  • Member Posts: 1,306

    I mean, it help Pyramid Head a bit.

    If he doesn't have Spies, I'm All Ears, Nurse's... well, anyway, it can function as a backup.

    Also, I use it as a crutch. Does that count as being remotely useful?

  • Member Posts: 223

    All perks are essentially crutches as they cover some weakness you'd normally have. Doesn't mean they're not useful.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    The counterplay to any Spirit is the same: slam gens while hoping she's bad. Stridor just lowers her skill floor.

  • Member Posts: 223

    Survivor is fine. I find it to be much more chill than killer, unless of course your teammates suck, but to be fair it's my opinion. They don't feel any worse to play than 2 years ago. Most of the changes made were necessary in my opinion. Also most map changes were necessary to get rid of infinites and make it more viable for lower tier killers.

  • Member Posts: 6

    I guess the thing is, nerf her too much and then she will become weak. All I think they really need to do is make it so her shards glow bright (So it's clearly noticeable) to indicate when she's phasing, make it so you only see the glow if your within something like 16-20m of her. This will allow stop her stand still mind game which is one of the biggest issue. As regards to Stridor, I don't think the perk should be changed, instead maybe make her "Wind sound" cancel out survivor sounds, or something like in intervals, she can't hear survivors for 5 seconds then can for 2 seconds, and repeat while she is phasing.

    Personally, I love going against Spirit, (If they don't run Stridor) I find her really fun to face. Stridor is what ruins it mostly and the stand still mind game can be problematic. She does NEED a couple nerfs but we don't want another killer that become super weak that survivors can just bully easily

  • Member Posts: 137

    Personally spirit needs a small tweak, in my opinion the glass in her should bright up when she goes into phase mode, that would make her more balanced. Also spirit stridor is just fine, I don’t mind facing it.

  • Member Posts: 6,025
  • Member Posts: 137

    Try running iron Will and spine chill, the killer may bring stridor but trust me spine could be very useful when facing spirit. Just do your best and don’t give up immediately, try to at least safety pip and get as much points as possible before you do.

  • Member Posts: 747

    There's counter play to any killer but if you tell them that they'll just cover their ears and spam nerf. Nobody had a problem with her until recently. She's supposed to be a mind game killer. By making it so survivors know shes phasing it will literally gut her. Shes one of the killers that can go against sweaty swf. If you really hate spirits that bad use iron will and don't start with "I shouldn't use a perk to counter a killer!!!!!1!!1". Killers use gen regression perks on their builds all the time don't give me that excuse survivor mains.

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    You can't nerf spirit without destroying her.

    If iron will trumps stridor then we have a killer that can't see or hear with their power.

    on the other hand, spirits power is too strong giving no feedback to the survivor and it being too easy to hear survivors when injured. (even not injured depending on how loud they have the game)

    Someone suggested she get stunned every time she comes out of her power, but people need to think how this feels to play as killer. Put simply it is horrible. It will nerf both her chase potential and map pressure (things survivors drool over at night) but it will also wipe her from existence like hillbilly or nurse because it isn't fun

    Deathslinger has the best way to deal with a "stun" on their power. The player can choose to reload and lose ground on the survivor or just chase as a 110% killer. Something similar would need to be done with the spirit meaning they would need to remove the passive charge and replace with an active one that the player can choose to do but it would basically reset the chase by slowing her for x seconds.

  • Member Posts: 374

    Well if you're a survivor main, take your own advice and play Spirit. Compare her to Nurse. They can both wreck a good squad, but one's putting in much more effort than the other. She doesn't need that big of a nerf, just make chase interaction more skillful and rewarding for both sides. I can imagine her being much more fun then, for both killer and survivor :)

  • Member Posts: 10,113

    I've never understood how y'all can say Spirit is busted and not fun, but Nurse is fine and fun to go against. It's like Opposite Day.

  • Member Posts: 82
    edited April 2021

    I doubt anyone argues that nurse is the most fun killer to go against, but that she is considerable more fun to play against than spirit.

    The reason beeing, when she uses her power she gives you information (sound when starting to charge her power, how long she charges, you see in which direction she faces) and you can use that information to make counterplay (double back, locker jukes etc) if you win a mindgame you get rewarded, you gain distance to the nurse, which means she has to charge her blink for longer, which gives you the option to double back or hold W shift andrun to a line of sight breaking spot. Spirit gives you 0 information to make counterplays, you dont even know if and when she uses her power during chase with you. If you win a mindgame against her because you made a correct guess, you wont be rewarded much, her power will be up again soon and you ll have to gamble again.

  • Member Posts: 1,497

    Talking about Spirit is boring and unoriginal, what I want to talk about is the next killer survivor mains will complain and moan about if Spirit does get another nerf. My guess will be either Slinger or Doctor, maybe even Nurse is good Nurse players become more plentiful.

  • Member Posts: 3,786

    I was referring to chases, since that's when Stridor is most problematic.

  • Member Posts: 22,842

    20 minutes? Amateur numbers. My shadow play is 20 minutes long and caught one Freddy game halfway through the one gen standoff. It was so bad but we got a 2k2e so I guess it was balanced.

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    There's literally no reason whatsoever that Mother Daughter Ring + Yaku Yoke Amulet should be as powerful a combination as it is. It suddenly gives Spirit insane mobility and is actually kind of problematic.

    Spine Chill can help to counter her but it's not magically going to make you win against her lol the only positive I can see with Spine Chill is, at a dropped pallet, if she begins to phase and go around it, your Spine Chill will turn off as, a husk left behind looking at you will not trigger Spine Chill (I'm uncertain if it lights up if she looks at you while phasing, someone back me up on that one if you know).

  • Member Posts: 329

    I'll GLADLY go against Nurse instead of Spirit. At least dying from Nurse makes me feel proud of the player behind that killer, who outskilled me. Spirit requires no skill whatsoever, especially with stridor.

  • Member Posts: 198

    Just get good.

  • Member Posts: 4,759

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