Can you guys nerf Insidious Bubba already?

Seriously, I am here facing these Insidious camping bubbas. There’s absolutely no counter to him as well. If your going down in that basement your gonna die, period. In my opinion, they need to rework bubba or insidious, because this is not healthy for the game.
I don't know about anybody else, but insidious bubba is really funny even when it happens to me.
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Dont go in the basement? If he hooks someone down there and camps, well sorry but they are crank them gens out and fult tilt boogie on outta there.
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Every killer can camp basement, it's not bubba exclusive.
But yeah Insidious needs to go.
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Insidious is meta now?
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This is why you'll never catch me looping a bubba anywhere near where the basement has spawned.
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No counter? My guy, you've heard of running away from the basement right?
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Same,it's such a meme.
It's hilarious
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You realize how easy it is to avoid being killed by this right? I mean, this has only been around for a few years.
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It's the funniest thing in this game having bubba just sit in a corner staring at you while your team tries to bumrush in while he's revving his chainsaw, and they all die lol.
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That's the power of Lord Bubba, the moment he spawns in the trial, he instantly lowers everyone's IQ by 50 points.
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how else am I going to get 6 feet under without insidious bubba?
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Agreed, I'm probably a weirdo but I love getting Insidious camped by Bubbas. It's even more entertaining when my teammates end up screwing up and throwing.
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Well technically insidious bubba is getting a nerf with BT no longer being based on TR.
Not that it help too much, but it could open up trades. Still the best strat if you see leatherface hook someone in the basement is to wait a little bit and see if he actually leaves. If not just keep working on gens.
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Yep, and it's absolutely incredible. Bubba makes for some of the best moments on this game lol.
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Same, people gotta stop taking the game so serious. It's funny stuff.
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No I will never stop
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I mean... technically, they are with the bt change.
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1. Stay away from the basement
2. Don't go resucue
3. Use Kindred
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we love to see a girlboss winning
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I doesn’t need a nerf. Survivors just need to stop being stupid.
A) don’t lead chases near the basement.
B) don’t go down into the basement to do a save unless absolutely 100% certain bubba is not down there, and isn’t nearby. Period!
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If Bubba hooks someone in the basement and mysteriously disappears... don't go anywhere near the basement. And yep, BT is getting reworked to counter insidious, although it never did much against Bubba in the first place.
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Do I like dying on first hook? No.
Do I think Insidious Bubba is pretty funny? Yes.
When it happens to me I'm kinda just like "You're lucky this is funny otherwise I'd rage."