Should killer be removed from the game?

Killers are far too op and should be straight up removed from the game. While we're at it lets also remove survivor, because they're also op.
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Can we just turn this game into a dating app? I have a few players I want to take out on a date.
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I have a character in the game I wanna take out on a date.
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I agree. I hate when I'm doing my gens and the annoying Killer comes in and screws everything. It's already time for them to go, devs needs to do something otherwise this game will die!! !1111 :rage:
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Agreed. Trapper reminds me of a sweet stay at home dad who's just trying to do right by his kids while also trying to find romance
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with how weak killers are (trickster) it already seems like they are phasing out killers.
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Add sex I want to bang felix cmon behaviour please
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Is it yui?
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Got to woo them first man. Spirit or Huntress don’t give it up on the first date after all.
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Felix is husband now
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For a moment there I thought this was going to be one of those deadly serious threads where people genuinely ask for "Killer" to be removed from the menu screen and replaced with bots.
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I agree. You literally can't counter killers. You have windows and pallets yeah, but they're RNG. Also, the fact that they have aura-reading perks just makes it worse. It's just dumb honestly and I hope it gets removed.
And yeah, let's remove survivor. They use windows and pallets which are uncounterable. They ALSO have aura-reading perks which is OP. It's dumb and I hope it gets removed.
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Well ######### if this happens I am going for Feng’s story arc
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I would prefer the good ol country girl if I had to choose survivor. But I would prefer to go for any of the killer women if I’m being honest.
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The game can't be imbalanced if both sides get removed from the game.
Problem solved. Now no one complains.
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You can have Felix, I get to have whatever sexy male character that is coming with the Resident Evil chapter.
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please consider to make a Killer Bot, if BHVR really not make an attention to killer gameplay
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Let's just make DBD into SBD Sex by daylight
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Can't disagree, some players are just too cute.
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You mean Nemesis?
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Remove Killers, remove Survivors.
All that will be left are the hooks battling it out for dominance. The One True Hook.
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Yes finally balance
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Finally, somebody talking about the real issues with this game.
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Yeah, let's make this survivors vs survivors battle royale game.
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DbD life sim game. No "Killers" or "Survivors", just whacky slice-of-life antics. Watch Oni fail at baking a quiche for Claudette's birthday. Wraith and David fishing on the lake. The biggest issues are interpersonal dramas.
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All of them.
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Entity Dating Simulator, I'd be interested for scientific purposes.
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I don't see why not
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He's mine back off
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Felix is mine, the gays claim him
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This content has been removed.
Imagine being a disgusting gen rusher smh lmfao
We killer mains teach them what it means to rush generators
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not if I get to it first
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Oh hoho, one of us will reach the Feng Arc and that will be ME
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not if I kill you in the process. Then no one will stop me for getting to feng arc >:)
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Fight to the death for the Feng Arc, I like how that sounds >:D
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No, you will romance Michael now
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If one of win then the winner will have to fight feng for her love (not killing her obviously) there a win-win. We get to kill each other for our love for feng and one of get feng until one of come back as a revenant
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The plot thickens....
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And simmer
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I'm a bi dude Do i count?
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Funny bait OP.
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Yes please remove the killer. I want my gen repair sim with creepy atmosphere where I don’t need to worry about being stopped halfway through a repair
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I would unironically buy this.
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just delete the entirety of the game and give us a new silent hill game
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This one here truely understands DBD as well as this forum. Well done!
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Only crutch survivors loop, and only crutch killers try to counter looping. Looping and countering it is stupidly broken.