Sole Survivor: The Perk Nobody Uses..

This perk honestly is the worst survivor perk in the game, all it basically does is hide your aura ability by 24 meters when survivors die, this perk counters BBQ and chili at three stacks, it may sound good but that’s when all survivors but yourself are dead. Overall this perk is very crappy. It belongs to Laurie Strode at level 30.
Buffed Sole Survivor: Every time you get unhooked, you leave no scratch marks for 5 seconds. You gain a token every time you get unhooked.
1 token- Your aura will not be shown to the killer for 60 seconds, Your Footstep Sounds is decreased by 100% only when injured for 15 seconds.
2 Tokens- Your Aura Will Not Be shown for 120 seconds, You leave no pools of blood for 30 seconds, Your Footstep Sounds are decreased by 100% only when injured for 30 seconds.
I think this perk could be a great anti tunneling perk, it can keep your aura hidden for a while, and it can keep you alive for a lot longer when using this perk.
I've seen it once for the 2k hours I've been playing this game.
It's that bad.
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Yes the perk is useless, and it's pilled with the other 100 useless perks that no one uses. It was designed a long time ago and doesn't fit with the new way the game works now.
I think your suggestions has too much effects for a perk with too much numbers and %. It's also kinda useless because you would be better using Off the Record which gives you 80s of immunity to aura read and an Iron Will effect for free.
My suggestion is: If there's no Survivor within 32m of you, the perk activates. While the perk is active, all your actions are increased by 10%. It really fits well it's name.
*EDIT: Corrected Off the Record duration
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Thanks for the feedback.