Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

An Evening of Disappointment - A New Player's Experience

So I talked a friend into getting the game. She downloaded it and wanted to jump in to play killer. I warned her that it was much more difficult than playing survivor but she was okay with that. The problem isn't losing the problem is how new players lose in this game.

She played all night and pretty much just went up against tea-bagging, maxed out perk, survivors each with 1,000+ hours in the game. And so many "ez" emots in the end game chat it made me sick. And we won't even talk about the 3 minute 4 gen pops.

This is the problem with the game. When the game stagnates and dies because it can't draw in new players I hope the survivors that play like this realize it's because of them.

I tried telling her not all survivors are like this but she just said she was done. She'll wait and play Hide or Die in a few months.


  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    edited June 2018
    Best thing to do is take her into a Kill Your Friends match, and show her the ropes first. Also, it’s right after Rank Reset, really bad time for her to play. 

    Take her into a KYF and have her practice with you. Wait a week or so. That way all the toxic, high rank, max perk Survivors have ranked up, and she won’t get matched with them, and she can try again. 

    If you two play on PS4, I’ll gladly add you to my friends list and the three of us can play KYF. 
  • aufovsky
    aufovsky Member Posts: 52

    I would love to see something like elo ranking without resets that would be good imo. If ur bad u play with bad people if ur good u play with good people.

  • Piri
    Piri Member Posts: 8

    As a Newbie you shouldn't play right after the rank reset tbh.

  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010
    Talk about a warm welcome holy hell
  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930
    edited June 2018

    @ThePloopz said:
    Talk about a warm welcome holy hell

    My first game was when the game itself came to console. I kept getting 4 k as doc. There was so much LESS salt when it first came out. My main advantage was being a fan of the game, and knowing the mechanics already.

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474

    @ZombieGenesis said:
    So I talked a friend into getting the game. She downloaded it and wanted to jump in to play killer. I warned her that it was much more difficult than playing survivor but she was okay with that. The problem isn't losing the problem is how new players lose in this game.

    She played all night and pretty much just went up against tea-bagging, maxed out perk, survivors each with 1,000+ hours in the game. And so many "ez" emots in the end game chat it made me sick. And we won't even talk about the 3 minute 4 gen pops.

    This is the problem with the game. When the game stagnates and dies because it can't draw in new players I hope the survivors that play like this realize it's because of them.

    I tried telling her not all survivors are like this but she just said she was done. She'll wait and play Hide or Die in a few months.

    Unfortunately this is the culture this game has adopted. It's not new or unique to this game but I've never seen such a high level of importance placed on the results of a game quite like this one.

    What I mean is this...there seems to be an inflated sense of self worth based on results in this game. To win means you are awesome and the opponent was trash. To lose means you are awesome and your opponent was trash. Any sense of emotion from the opponent is control and considered a win. It's a divisive line with very little middle ground. In this game, there is always that "one" player in which winning isn't enough.

    Just look past it all, it's not could it be, honestly. I play, I have fun, I win, I lose, I do it all over again.

  • Outland
    Outland Member Posts: 535

    So many suggestions on how to ease a new player into the game. KYF, Never around rank reset,... blah blah blah.

    These limitations should never be necessary. BHVR needs to fix their ranking system so that new players play against new players. Rank resets are ridiculous, all they do is force the rank 1's down to stomp the less experienced people.

    I also believe that once you rank up past 15 you should never be able to de-rank lower then 15 again.

    If the game is to the point where NEW PLAYERS can be totally turned off the game, by the antics of experienced players then , something needs to be done to make sure those players do not mix.

    And if experienced players are going to SWF with their brand new friends then the perk count should be limited to the lowest number in the party. So if your brand new person comes in and plays the first game with one perk that's the max perks for each player in the SWF. This allows people to play in the <15 rank area that they normally wouldn't be allowed into.

    I agree that the game always needs new players to stay alive, and the current toxicity of the people in this community is hurting those new players that we do get.

  • Shadoureon
    Shadoureon Member Posts: 493

    They should just make it 100 ranks with 5 pips per rank and no reset. Top stays at the top and new players dont need to worry about getting stomped.

  • Jesya
    Jesya Member Posts: 1,101
    edited June 2018

    @SovererignKing said:
    Also, it’s right after Rank Reset, really bad time for her to play. 

    That's a major issue right there. There shouldn't be a good and bad time for new players to start the game. Even without rank reset you can come across P3 survivors (and killers) at rank 20. There is no incentive to rank up.
    So either: give incentive to rank up, or after X amount of hours in the game you cannot derank past a certain level (even with rank reset). There is no legitimate reason for someone with hundreds - thousands of hours sitting at rank 18-20.

    As for the KYF some people don't have friends in the game to start out with... so what then? They just get screwed?

    I had the same issue going from Xbox to PC... the controls felt awkward to me so I got stomped on.... the EZ bois at the end was gross and turned me off. Haven't been back to PC even though the game looks and plays much better.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Oh hey another thread about how the ranking system is bogus. Besides the fact it doesn't fix the problems in the game, it doesn't even do it's job to MM people with equally skilled players! Gotta love how rank resets every month, it totally makes things fair for everyone!

    Y'all still think Emblems are great? How about the devs FIX THE GAME first, then they can give us any ranking system they want as long as it actually ranks people according to skill and matches them with others in the same rank.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Piri said:
    As a Newbie you shouldn't play right after the rank reset tbh.

    Sadly its the same before rank reset.
    THere are enough toxic idiots who derank just to bully low rank killers with their DS and lightsabres

  • Manta
    Manta Member Posts: 117
    Just out of interest, what is the reason for the rank reset?
    (Not a sarcastic comment, a genuine question)
    Thanks :)
  • SuggestofPhrase
    SuggestofPhrase Member Posts: 13

    @Manta - it's so that you don't play the same players all the time if you're at either end of the rank spectrum. Aside from purposeful deranking, it's supposed to shake things up so you encounter different opponents and gives incentive to play each month.

  • Manta
    Manta Member Posts: 117

    @Manta - it's so that you don't play the same players all the time if you're at either end of the rank spectrum. Aside from purposeful deranking, it's supposed to shake things up so you encounter different opponents and gives incentive to play each month.

    Ah I see, thanks! 
  • MysterTal
    MysterTal Member Posts: 157

    @ZombieGenesis said:
    This is the problem with the game. When the game stagnates and dies because it can't draw in new players I hope the survivors that play like this realize it's because of them.

    The kind of people who have their fun at the expense of other people, take pleasure in humiliating others and find joy in other people's misery and enjoy taking advantage of playing the power role in order to abuse others, are generally not the kind of people who care about much of anything.

    Basically, if the world ever burns they're the kind of people who will be laughing hysterically while posting "ez burn lel" in their Twitter or whatever.

  • ACoolName
    ACoolName Member Posts: 177

    If somebody you hate insults you, do you really feel offended?
    Those who t-bag and/or post salty or insulting end-game chats aren't the most likable people.
    Not saying to fill yourself with spite and hatred. Just....don't care, really.
    They can't do anything like that in real life.
    And it's not like you'll ever see them again.
    And if you do...... mori time.