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General Discussions

SWF is fair and balanced.



  • Member Posts: 340

    So you're mad that you don't play to win against a team that does play to win? Why call out survivors running meta perks?

  • Member Posts: 2,109

    this game isn't balanced around SWF and it shows.

    I'll be mad about it

  • Member Posts: 1,019

    the only reason why swf groups are so common is because solo queue is miserable as hell. last game (im at rank 4 btw) i was matched with a rank 13 steve who did nothing. i couldnt tell if he was throwing or worse than me on my first game

  • Member Posts: 277

    How I imagine the "4Man SWF with OOO" games going..


    OOO User- "The killer is... uh... across the map. I can't tell where... there's walls in the way."


    OOO user- "The killer is over there."

    "Over where?"

    OOO user- "Over on the other side."


    "Dude, why didn't you tell me the killer was over here?!?"

    OOO user- "He wasn't last I looked."


  • Member Posts: 9,436

    Console players can't 360 a killer mid chase as well as PC players. A good PC player can vanish right under a killers FoV.

  • Member Posts: 1,723

    It looks like this point has already been belabored, but this post is adressing matchmaking issues + the overkill of a coordinated squad who is stacking all the cards in their favor.

    "Putting more hours into the game" is not a solution to DBD pairing a Rank 13 killer against three red ranks, and a fake Rank 20.

  • Member Posts: 582

    Base SWF isn't the issue. Most SWF groups are beatable if the killer player is good.

    The only time SWF is a true problem is when a killer is out with a group that is much better then them at the game (Due to questionable matchmaking, which fluctuates depending on the time you play at due to peak hours and all) or they're a genuine, hardcore tournament-ready squad who is in queues. (Or, you know, you happen to get a decent SWF on a killer you never play and have a really questionable build with, which falls back into option one.)

    Imho SWF is fine how it is, and a lot of killers rn can hold their own fine against majority of SWF groups if they're a good killer with a decent build. And Solo survivors struggle hard...

  • Member Posts: 526

    I mean you could just add voice chat or proximity chat for solo queues

  • Member Posts: 723

    Senzu... I just want to say that I've always loved your energy here on the forums LMAO

  • Member Posts: 847

    Comms between players by itself is a detriment to killer. Theres zero compensation for this in game. the difference between normal survivors and swfs are massive. Pair that with synergies between survivors perk builds and dedicated roles. Your logic is flawed or you prey on the imbalanced nature of the game in that environment.

    It takes no braincells to see how swfs break this game. The fact you even responded like this tells me you dont solo que at all and play with sweat squads. You just want to see this trend continue

  • Member Posts: 1,284

    Watched your Spirit and Deathslinger games, wow you are REALLY BAD LOL, definitely in no position to argue about game balance or these alleged death squads that you've never faced, rank 9.

    Why you lose you games:

    • Camping as Spirit with two purple add-ons, lol.
    • Not being able to aim.
    • Getting spun, constantly.
    • Basic ignorance of how to even loop.
    • Blaming everything on SWFs, even though the teammate is literally nowhere to be seen.
    • Tunneling the first survivor off the hook. Every. Single. Time.
    • Complaining about getting gen rushed without any game delay perks.

    "shUt Up SwF" gave me a big hearty laugh tho, lol

  • Member Posts: 7,525
    edited April 2021

    Killer mains are so cringe with their assumptions, I play solo almost exclusively, when I stream I sometimes team up, but I don't use comms, and when I play off stream which is incredibly rare I only play with one other person.

    Here is dozens of hours of me playing solo or queued with 0 comms -

    Honestly so embarrassing how killer mains always make these wild assumptions, sorry I don't follow the "killer is hard" trend that the forum likes to push, I don't find killer hard, not my fault.

    Try again though, maybe your assumptions will be right next time.

  • Member Posts: 89

    I am a killer main. I have been rank 1 and found that the game dies in red ranks. If you want to be a top-notch killer you have to tunnel and camp. You have to be ruthless. It's really no fun whatsoever.

    I still have trouble against SWF's and I think anyone who says that they never have trouble against SWFs is straight-up lying.

    Not only that, mixed with the ranking system and the comms, this game becomes near impossible for killers.

    IMO they should have three game modes:

    Ranked - You join a solo queue survivor or play as a killer. That is ranked gameplay.

    Casual - Here you can SWF but you will earn 50% BP and the games will not affect the ranking

    Kill Your Friends - This doesn't need to change. This is perfect the way it is. Just a total mess about.

    I think that with these simple changes there would be no more discussions about SWFs or ranking. If someone complains about being run about by SWFs then you can say to them "Just change game mode" without sounding like a Dev.

    But this will never happen because the reality is that BHVR doesn't actually care about the game.

    They appoint "Fog Whisperers" and then ignore their suggestions.

    They get their balancing from someone who doesn't play the game.

    They tell us not to make judgements using statistics but then in the same breath defend not changing certain perks because of statistics.

    It truly is a shame because they have an amazing product. It's just a shame it is broken and no one at BHVR is willing to take any responsibility for it, instead, saying that the community is wrong.

    When will survivors get their pallet stuns back? When will you fix the number of keys in chests at the moment? (I haven't played a game in over a month where the last two survivors don't escape with a key they found.)

  • Member Posts: 89

    I have suggested it before and will at every single mention of other options because I feel like your suggestion makes little to no sense.

    Instead of buffing solo survivors or giving them base kits we should just have 3 game modes:

    Ranked - You queue as a solo survivor or a killer. This is ranked mode.

    Casual - You can play as a SWF but you earn 50% BP and you will not change rank

    KYF - Keep it exactly as it is, It's perfect.

    Do you not think this will quell all future arguments on rank and SWFs?

  • Member Posts: 89

    You're really painting with a broad brush there.

    You are implying that anyone who struggles against a SWF just did badly and they can't admit to themselves that they played badly.

    I have to strongly disagree. I am a killer main and have hit rank 1 before when I was try harding. However, it was no fun. Once you reach red ranks you are matched against red rank SWFs whose whole purpose is to destroy the killers as quickly as possible. In those scenarios, even the smallest of mistakes can lead to a loss. Which as a killer can be pretty frustrating game after game.

    I mean you are giving SWFs telepathy. No perk needed, they can talk to each other from across the map without conscequence. I have to think that anyone who can side with that being a fair advantage is just plain wrong or a paid actor from BHVR.

    My solution is a simple one that would take very little effort on BHVR's part and would stop all future arguments about SWFs and balance.

    There should be three game modes:

    Ranked - You queue as a solo survivor or killer. This is ranked

    Casual - Here you can SWF if you like but you earn 50% BP and won't change rank.

    KYF - Keep this is the same, it is perfect.

    Any thoughts? Suggestions?

  • Member Posts: 89

    I'm sure you could spot some mistakes. Do you really think it is ok that a SWF team wins should you make the smallest of mistakes?

    I know that I am not the best killer in the world but I am certainly not bad. I have maintained myself at rank 1 as hag for ages. I don't anymore because I don't enjoy the sweaty gameplay and constant sweaty SWFs.

    The game ceases to be fun at higher ranks, why? .......SWFs!

    There is no other explanation. SWFs in general are not a bad thing but a team of highly skilled SWF is almost impossible to win against. (A win in my eyes is at least a 3K) Even the smallest of mistakes and that is you done.

    My solution to all this BS arguing is to have three game modes:

    Ranked - You queue as solo survivor or killer. This is ranked.

    Casual - You can SWF but you will earn 50% BP and will not be ranked.

    KYF - Keep this the same, it is perfect.

    What do you think? Any suggestions?

  • Member Posts: 1,960

    maybe im the only one but my problem is not with try hard SWF, nothing wrong with doing your best, If i get salty thats on me.

    my problem is the one who seek to bully the killer and make them as miserable as possible.

  • Member Posts: 841

    9/10 SWF are just average to good players wanting to play with friends, they ain't into bullying the killer and idk why this stereotype is in place.

  • Member Posts: 1,288

    SWF is Fair. BUT the ability for them to communicate is not fair. Even in otz video yesterday, I saw that when they all communicate they all performed much better, compared when they did not.

  • Member Posts: 89

    I agree that people make mistakes but you have to admit that you basically have to play a perfect game to beat a good SWF. It just seems a little messed up that you can condone that kind of gameplay.

    I know when I have had a bad match and usually take the time to try and figure out where I went wrong. I do still find myself asking "What else could I have done?" against SWFs. I feel like I play really well but maybe I picked someone up when I should have continued to chase the second person or whatever. When that is your only mistake in a game but you still lose, that's the frustrating part. When you see game after game like this, it gets worse.

    I don't want to play this game to be a sweaty ass killer all the time, it's stressful. Sometimes I just want a casual game but instead I get try hard SWFs.

    I main Hag btw. I find that a good SWF will basically always have someone following me around triggering my traps from a distance. I teleport and give chase only for one of my traps that I set chasing the last guy to be triggered. I ignore it though because he is just trying to steal my attention. I chase the current survivor to a loop and trap it to lock down the loop. The survivor I am chasing moves loop, as he should, and as I am chasing him the previous trap I have just set goes off. Even if I know its about to happen and I insta teleport they are already too far away for me to hit them and chasing them is just wasting even more time without getting even a hit on someone.

    This was something that would happen a lot to me as Hag against a good SWF. So I had a think about it and tried a couple of different strats to try and get the upper hand. Truth is that there is nothing that you can do against this. They can trigger your traps from too far out and you will never get the insta hit from the teleport. The hag is slow so if you try to chase at that point you are going to be wasting a lot of time. If you leave traps anywhere to try and catch a survivor they will be triggered by someone else.

    Point I am getting at is that against certain SWFs, there is NO counter. If they are a good SWF team then certain killers just dont stand a chance.

    If you have any suggestions that would be helpful that would be awesome. However, I have been noticing that the majority of people who disagree with me are the ones playing spirit and nurse and they are filling this forum with, what is essentially, "Get Gud"

    My solution to all of this and to stop the arguments is a simple one. Three game modes:

    Ranked - You queue as a solo survivor or a killer. These games are ranked

    Casual - Here you can play as a SWF but 50%BP and no rank changes.

    KYF - Keep this exactly the same, it is perfect.

    What do you think?

  • Member Posts: 89

    Until the recent patch I couldn't tell you a time when I didn't come across a red rank SWF team running all DS at least 2 BT, usually with soul guard as well. There would be at least 1 prove thyself and 2 tool boxes, 1 med kit and a key.

    This is your average SWF team. You're trying to tell me that this team also having extra coordination is totally fine and doesn't in any way affect the gameplay or the experience for the killer?

  • Member Posts: 89

    My solution is simple. Three game modes:

    Ranked - You solo queue or play as killer. This is ranked.

    Casual - Here you can SWF but you earn 50%BP and your rank wont change

    KYF - Keep this the same, it is perfect.


  • Member Posts: 9,436

    This is you average red rank SWF team. You're discounting the majority on non-red rank players.

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    Splitting up the game modes in any way gets a big no from me.

    Survivors will mostly play 'Casual'. I won't play survivor at all unless I'm playing with friends.

    But why would killers bother playing Casual? They'd only end up with "tougher" games as that's where all the SWFs are, but only get 50% of the BP for it...

    The survivor queue times for SWFs via 'Casual' would be insane.

  • Member Posts: 89

    Oh for sure I am discounting them because no one is on here complaining about green rank SWFs.

    The issue is those teams that do run all the meta perks and completely bully some killers. As I have said before, certain killers just do not stand a chance against those try hard red rank SWFs. No matter how well you play, they just don't stand a chance.

  • Member Posts: 89

    I appreciate your suggestion and I have thought about this.

    You can still award the killer full BP but with no rank change. This would incentivise them to continue to get practice playing casual mode.

    Only talking from my experience but after getting some wins against noob players I am usually up for the challenge of red rank SWFs. Yes, I may only get a 2k on average against them but at least it's a challenge.

  • Member Posts: 847

    its so cringe when streamers try to self advertise and make assumptions. i play both killer and survivor split down the middle. I also love how instead of trying to make arguments to counter what i said you made condescending jabs at me. Further proving my point

  • Member Posts: 89

    Do you know what is super cringe? You saying that you play almost exclusively solo survivor but then the in same post saying that you don't find killer hard.

    Well isn't that funny. So which is it? Do you only play as solo survivor or do you also play as killer? Is killer really that easy? So why do you only play solo survivor?

    You must be absolutely amazing at this game. Could you post a link to a video on your twitch where you play as killer against red rank SWFs so I can pick up some tips. I mean you must obviously be amazing if you only play solo survivor but find killer easy.

  • Member Posts: 87

    Rubbish, even some of the best players / streamers have a hard time against SWFs not because of skill but because of cheating on comms, don’t care what you say, it’s cheating.

  • Member Posts: 1,994

    This is especially true for survivor mains, who demand “counterplay”, which is code for a foolproof method to shut down a killer and control the match.

  • Member Posts: 7,525
    edited April 2021

    Damn you're banned but I'll reply anyway.

    When I play survivor I play almost exclusively solo. How is that hard to understand? Lmao

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    Try to self advertise? Nah I can just prove what I say, I don't need to argue with you to prove what you said was wrong when j can just link to my vods and show you how much I play solo.

  • Member Posts: 686


    Narrows it down to the entire map. Midwich.....

    " who is it? where are you and which way they go"

    " yeah, its Michael downstairs bro... he went past the gen I was working on"

    You: "...... "

    Basically narrows it down to anywhere in that match really. Unless anyone speaks fluent DBD ... none of that would make any sense, and half the time although I'm in the chat, I just go where I feel safe and if I run into Michael.... then it's a show down. Nobody in SWF is out to get the killer, bully him... but importantly all 5 of us are battling both sides and both sides want to win. I've had loads of swf matches as a killer and they're really not that bad... I find it a positive challenge to get good, and just have fun. Those who get mad over this stuff... literally take the game too seriously.

  • Member Posts: 16,662

    SWF is not cheating. This was also confirmed by the Devs. Also, they offer the possibility to play with Comms on their own Discord-Server. If YOU think that it is cheating, this is one thing. But that does not mean it is cheating.

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    I don't see your point here? Just seems like bias.

    Killers wanting dead hard needed because "it has no counterplay" killers want DS nerfed because it "has no counterplay".

    Both sides do the same thing but I'm not blind enough to pretend they don't

  • Member Posts: 841

    No they're not lol

    If you think SWF's just trying to win the game is sweaty, then IDK what to tell you

  • Member Posts: 716
    edited April 2021

    How about you stop complaining about them.

    If you do happen to go up against a SWF you have 2 options.

    1. Try your best to win.

    2. Take the L & move on.

    Not every single game you get will be a SWF.

    The Devs will never take away the option to play with friends just because you wanna play the game like it's an Esport.

  • Member Posts: 1,442

    You forget the survivor with detective hunch that will also hunt all your totems for the perfect broken swf match. Funny you put balanced landing in all of them, most swf use DH.

  • Member Posts: 1,994

    Except that things like Dead hard and old ds actually had no counterplay. You can guess against spirit and nurse- no matter what you do against the survivor perks, they get an advantage.

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    You can guess if they have dead hard or ds. guessing is counterplay like you said

  • Member Posts: 1,994

    Are you just not playing the game or following? Dead hard is best used for distance to make a pallet or vault, which there is absolutely nothing a killer can do to counter. Old ds you could hope they didn’t have it, but slugging denied you a hook state. It worked whether the survivor used it or not.

    Your arguments are always based around a false assumption. Sure, some killer mains complain because they are less skilled than they think they are, but there is no larger agenda. The game is survivor sided and pretending that the answer to every argument is in the middle is not based in reality.

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    Why are you moving the goalpost?

    You were stating that survivor "demand" counterplay, and I stated that killers do the same, nothing was said about if the game was killer or survivor sided, at least follow the conversation if you're going to reply, thanks.

  • Member Posts: 446
  • Member Posts: 361

    SWF over comms is OP, it's basically free wallhacks. If you think SWF is fair you don't play enough killer.

  • Member Posts: 1,994

    Most survivor complaints, outside of a few things like old legion and omega nurse, are based around the idea that survivors can’t impose their will on the killer (nurse/spirit have no counterplay). Those complaints aren’t even close to the actual problems like god loops and second, third, and fourth chances.

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