Inability to remove Victor from back or crush him when he is idle

Mikestery Member Posts: 6
edited April 2021 in Bug Reporting

My friend just experienced this when The Twins had the addon where Victor's pounce will make a survivor drop their item. He heard Victor about to pounce and proceeded to drop his item before. Victor attached during the dropping animation and then he was no longer able to remove or kick him even after Charlotte downed. Downing did not clear the issue as subsequent attachments did not allow him to remove Victor off of him. He is on Xbox One S.

Steps to reproduce: Have an item, prior to Victor pounce, begin dropping your item. Victor must attach before item is dropped. Victor might need to have the addon that makes survivors drop items. (Spinning Top)

This is first the occurrence for us.

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  • LexyTheKiller
    LexyTheKiller Member Posts: 54

    Nope this happens regardless of what your friend did. It’s more a less random when it happens but when it does it’s stupidly annoying.