Does anybody actually like going against Trickster?


I am going to be honest and say that, I don’t really enjoy going against him. He kind of reminds me of old Legion for some reason. What about you guys?


  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,158

    I'd argue the opposite, he's not intimidating at all

    His power is only annoying when you're in the open or when you're trying to protect a teammate.

    You can run him around basically all structures and he can barely throw one knife at you around corners

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    Haven't played against him yet

  • TheOwl
    TheOwl Member Posts: 185

    I don't mind going against him. Playing against The Trickster reminds me of the Huntress. He is beatable if survivors utilize cover effectively and make distance whenever they get a chance as his slower movement speed hinders him. You also want to try and stay separated when going against The Trickster. The issue is that many players remain around open areas, and together, against him, which gives the killer quick downs. I had a match last night at the Thompson House where three of my teammates kept going down instantly because they would group up together and stayed in the open. The second you see or hear the Trickster coming, you need to run to the nearest tall structure to defend yourself, or you are going to go down quickly.

    On a slightly different note, to give a little more information to your question, I would also say there is a noticeable difference between console and PC Tricksters, contributing to players feeling different reactions when going against him. It is harder to aim your blades on a controller, and console players are at a disadvantage because of this. As a result, he is an easy killer to go against or quite intimidating depending on whether the Trickster player uses a mouse and keyboard.

  • Meteorizer
    Meteorizer Member Posts: 6

    He's super easy to win against, he's way to weak, so yes and no. I like facing him when I just want a chill match, and no because it's too boring and practically a free win (Unless you make constant dumb mistakes)

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    when i want to rank up and just want a decent match hes fun to play against. but the thing is winning doesnt feel as rewarding considering even a solo queue team is going to get a 4 man escape most of the time.

  • Zayn
    Zayn Member Posts: 365

    I don't mind him much but he's really boring, he's weak but will down you eventually with his knive spam. This depends on the map tho

  • Equus
    Equus Member Posts: 322

    I almost never see him but when I do I get real excited. It's the thrill of finding out if the player has a grasp of this new killer yet. You need to stop with the altruistic behaviour against a good trickster. A bad one will pull out the knives every chance they get and will give you so much distance. A good one will wait till he is almost in m1 distance before getting the knives out.

    I also love playing him and I'm starting to find out through which gaps you can snipe and over what obstacles you can hit; I want to face someone who knows these things. I want to see him more often so I can perfect my skills against him. Trickster isn't the strongest but certainly not the worst; killers just need more time to use his base kit better.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    EZ archive challenge/daily lol