Killers need a 5th perk slot
comms are essentially a 5th free perk to survivors. It replaces the need for several survivor perks allowing them to maximize their builds with DS, UB, BT, DH instead of wasting slots for aura reading.
So survivors get a 5th perk and killers don't?
We have 5 totems and only 4 perks. We should have 1 perk slot for every totem.
Now I would argue to make this fair the 5th perk should be exclusively a hex only perk. That way the 5th perk can't be a strong perk like corrupt, pop, m&a etc.
And it being a hex perk slot only balances it out because it can get cleansed 30 seconds in the match,
But killers need something if we need to be on the same level or almost the same level of comms. They get essentially a free 5th perk, we should get a 5th perk too.
what if it's a 2-3 man SWF? should killers still get a 5th perk slot?? I don't like this idea that's been tossed around.
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comms are essentially a 5th free perk to survivors
Top 10 signs to ignore a post
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Ah, there it is, my new source of entertainment. 😂
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I don't understand, am I wrong?
it's not a 5th perk?
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yes killers need to be buffed in general even if it's solo q.
only 2 killers are viable at red ranks (nurse and spirit) it's obvious killers need buffs
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no way we don't need to make solo q more of a nightmare than it already is.
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SWF has made being a killer a nightmare.
What do you propose then without buffing killers and nerfing SWF?
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you can't nerf SWF with comms that's not how this works. I mean yeah killers could use buffs to help balance them around SWF level but I can't think of any ideas.
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*Laughs in Blight, Oni, Twins, Huntress, Bubba, Hillbilly, Deathslinger, Phead, Plague, Wraith, Demo, Doctor, Hag, Trapper, Trickster, Ghostface, Myers, Legion, Freddy, Pig, and Clown*
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You are not running into actual sweat squads where their use of comms is stopping you from winning games.
You facing off against Joeschmo and his buds playing a couple of rounds of dbd and the actual team of competitve players using comms to their fullest extent are few and far between. The reason why survivors are so strong is because doing generators isn't hard. A good survivor can loop a killer for a long period of time, meanwhile their 3 buds are all on gens, ideally separately. By the time you catch the one person you're getting looped by, thats 3 gens done.
You are not losing to communication, you're losing because you're bad and you don't know how to apply pressure to gens. Basic common sense and game knowledge can usually provide for what Joe and his buds are saying on comms about your position.
I'll bet my left nut that you are not playing at the level where SWF having communication is the reason why you're losing games and not the fact that you could be playing better or that you just flat made mistakes during the game.
only 2 killers are viable at red ranks (nurse and spirit) it's obvious killers need buffs
Every killer besides Trickster is viable at red ranks. Red ranks are no better than Purple Ranks and barely better than Green ranks. The majority of red rank players are still awful and clueless at the game than the majority of the pack. Being at red rank does not require skill you just have to play the game for an extended period of time.
The games you're talking about where only nurse and spirit are viable are maybe 1% of red rank games.
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Let's be real, Trickster ain't even viable in white ranks
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Okay but just imagine spirit with stridor, thrilling, sloppy, ruin, and undying
or nurse with infectious, knock out, BBQ, corrupt, and sloppy
Killers don't need a 5th perk slot.
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My guy, when are you going to stop malding at the idea of people playing with their friends and actually get good at the game?
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tell me how to counter comms t hen
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There are so many problems with this. Firstly, not all survivors are on comms. When I play survivor I basically exclusively play solo, and I would bet my life I'm not somehow the only solo queue player in the game. Secondly, not all survivors on comms are good. Some people are just casually playing to have a good time with friends. Should we be giving Killers an edge just to punish that?
- only 2 killers are viable at red ranks (nurse and spirit) it's obvious killers need buffs
No. No, they're really not. Red ranks isn't anything special. I would know as a red rank killer main who primarily plays Doctor, Wraith, and Demo, three killers that aren't Nurse and Spirit, and that aren't even top tier. Red ranks are not all that.
This isn't even mentioning all of the balance issues adding a fifth perk spot would bring. That would allow you to bring enough hex perks to fill more dull totems than a map spawns with, so they'd have to change that. On top of that a fifth perk slot would also allow killers that are already strong AND that already have strong perk combinations even more room for potentially game changing perks. Imagine a world where a killer could run 5 gen slow down perks at once. Do you want that?
A single extra perk slot can do a lot. And for what? To combat survivors on comms? I agree that a fair few killers aren't in a great spot right now (cough cough TRAPPER cough) but I don't think the solution is a fifth perk slot for killers.
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How do you know everybody is on comms?
Like I said earlier, why are you blaming SWF instead of the fact that you're probably not playing as well as you could be. Do you have a good perk build? What killer are you playing? What map are you on? There's a lot of factors that go into your performance on a map without even taking into the account of whether or not the people you're facing are in a party or not
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Buff weaker killers And buff SoloQ to get the lv of info that SWF gets. Do you think it would be fair?
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I personally dont think a 5th perk would be healthy even with the restriction you made. But a overall buff on the killers and even rework on some like ghostface/trapper/myers/wraith could be a better option. That's because when you look at top tiers killers nurse/spirit/blight you notice that they dont need a 5th perk to be good, only good design to begin with.
Of course with a buff on soloQ survivors to get to the level of information SWF have since we are placing them as a point of reference, I dont see why ppl only see the option of buff killers OR buff soloQ and not buff killers AND buff soloQ.
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to be fair it would be easier to give killers a 5th perk than going to each killer and buffing them all 1 by 1.
and this is BHVR we are talking about they'll take the easy buff instead of the hard buff
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You know, I thought I was the designated entitled killer main of this forum.
Some of your ideas aren't terrible, like this one, but you seem so unaware of the survivor side of things you seem like a killer version of Sluzzy sometimes.
Speaking of which, hey @Sluzzy!
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Show of hands, how many of us instantly knew this was a Tony thread before they clicked on it ? I can't be the only one
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While we're at it, let's just make DS and Unbreakable base kit
Post edited by Sup3rCatTree on1 -
You do know it shows you who made the topic before you click on it, right?
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Look Gary, there I am!
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If you're on mobile or if you didn't have the page maximized it doesn't show that.
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And DH and BT.
Also, on an actual note, Monstrous Shrine should be basekit.
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No, it actually doesn't show it. You can't just scroll to the left.
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I'm on mobile so no I don't see it before I click and thank you sir I do enjoy the entertainment you provide me on here
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Not coming down on either side of the argument overall, but I am Joe Schmo survivore who plays with his friends and literally just "hey I just heard heartbeat start up are you still in a chase" "yes" gives me so much extra gen time. I think you're underselling the power of even very basic communication here. Yeah a bunch of friends messing around on comms is way weaker than like, someone running object and calling out everything the killer does(one of my buddies did this just to show how dumb it was), but "oh crap I just saw the killer" "he's chasing me off to narnia do gens" alone is very powerful.
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DoritoHead is also implying that Twins is viable in red ranks. Sure, they're viable... via camping and slugging. And with the upcoming nerfs, that's going to be weakened further.
Pig and some of those other killers on that list aren't viable as well. They're not in tourneys for good reason.
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Don't get me wrong when I say this, Tony is suggesting something that will end in disaster, but focusing on two extreme ends of this doesn't feel like a effective rebuttal to this suggestion.
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You aren't even in red ranks (as of 8 days ago) so how are you going to make this argument?
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No offense, but I wouldn't say Twins is very viable either without playing in a very, very scummy way that is countered by sticking in pairs. Pig and other mostly M1 Killers... not so much either, without big assistance from add-ons or perks.
Tony most likely isn't running into actual sweat squads though, most SWF squads are only 2 mans iirc according to official stats by BHVR, Tony sounds very Killer biased.
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I purposely deranked, why would I want to go against sweat with friends in red rank?
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Not every team is a SWF team. Some solos just have game sense, you know.
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Whoa whoa whoa, you deranked on purpose?
So that means that you want to face survivors who are immediately at a disadvantage? Deliberately?
That is literally why SWF sucks. If you intentionally face people who you can crush with minimal effort, you've become part of the problem.
Conflict begets conflict, Tony.
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Suuuuuure, though your camping Sprit with add-ons, complaining about needing Stridor, and clearly not pressuring gens, then blaming it on SWFs says otherwise.
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yes and no
playing tombstone myers makes you derank
playing trickster before chaser fix makes you derank
I was playing both to derank but I was playing both legit
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pressure gens with what? I haven't unlocked pop with spirit yet.
why kick gens without gen regress perks when survivors can gen tap faster?
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They aren't the only killers that will become too strong with this. Oni, Hag, Huntress, and pyramid head are already strong, the last thing they need are more perks. 5 perks is too much for one killer to have. It might not be too strong on a weaker killer like Myers or Clown, but it will suck to go against as a strong one, or a very annoying one.
Imagine a build from doctor that looks like this: Calm addons with distressing, undying, overcharge, oppression, and unnerving presence.
Hag (not even with addons) with corrupt, sloppy, STBFL, monitor, and nurses.
There is a reason 4 perks is the limit for everyone in this game, 5 perks will bring chaos.
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Ever heard of a smurf squad?
It's literally a SWF doing the same thing so that they can stomp weaker killers. Dropping from red ranks to green, or even to brown.
Doesn't that make your blood boil? The idea of a red rank SWF going against low rank killers on purpose? When they already have a massive advantage? Doesn't that sound completely unfair?
You are literally doing the same thing with Stridor Spirit.
You are taking something horribly broken and pitting it against people who have no reason to be able to deal with it.
I don't care how "legit" it was. You purposefully deranked. Because you wanted an easy-peasy curbstomp match. You are the problem.
Bad sportsmanship much?
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rank 20
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It was relatable the first time I saw it. Because it was literally a match I had once. But it doesn't refute my argument or support yours.
Killers can bully survivors too. You can't deny it.
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Play another killer.
Pressure gens by being good in chase.
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Yeah! Just look at the Clown!
Hey, @TheClownIsKing, could you explain the whole deal with "if you don't have enough survivors up to do gens then that counts as pressure?"
You explain it better than anyone else, due to your experience with the subject.
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even when I was in green ranks I was getting RED RANKED SWF
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I don't get how someone complaining about killers not being viable and needing a 5th perk slot can't even apply basic pressure to bad survivors as SPIRIT, of all killers, forget Clown. I despise playing Spirit so much that I just don't use perks at this point when I play her for some sort of challenge.