Why is SWF hated?
you guys sure do love cherry picking that one clip
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It was funny tho
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You make a good point, the fact that he just self-promoted by telling me to follow him, idk. I think it's funny to watch this man cry tbh
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Yup, that's the one i saw posted here, got better things to do than watching your whole stream. Although that one clip is enough to know that you can't be taken seriously.
Peace ✌️
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Yeah,becuse its funny is it something wrong with that?
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swf isn't funny
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It's a pretty good clip (so far)
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SWF knows why they are hated
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Why is SWF hated? because some Killers only want to stomp and stomping a SWF is not easy. They are beatable but full 4 SWFs tend to put up a fight, is very rare to end matches against them with 3 or more gens left
Also SWFs dont fall prey to scummy tactics like camping (they will genrush you if you do it or BT save the guy), tunneling or mass slugging, since a lot of bad players tend to abuse this against Solos they try it too against SWF but they get smashed, with their pride hurt they vent against SWFs instead of self reflecting.
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Same goes for survivors only want to go vs bad killers. Thats why survivors hate spirit and freddy right
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SWF does get a bad rap, which stems from the minority of them who decided Ochido was their God, or have bad parental issues.
Most SWF are decent and even complimentary! Sure, having a damn tricky round versus a good team where you don't ever really get the upper edge throughout may suck, but it also helps you get better and learn how to improve your play. I'm giving SWF the shadow of a doubt, although if those who don't act like entitled basement dwellers grew up, you might have a decent, relatively united community!
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It wasn't swf that was funny, it was your obnoxious attitude that was funny.
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so you never trick survivors ever because you don't know if it worked?
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Its sad that unbiased and clearly well thought comments like this doesn't get as much attention as those comments you just mentioned from both sides, that does not add anything to the debate. Sadly ppl dont want solutions, they just want to complain and dont think on how the other side will be affected.
Ty for your comment and great analysis of the issue :)
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I don't want to talk bad about you and your friends, dude. But the swf players are now just making fun of the killer and annoying him or her. I'm just wondering what their problem is. Do you want us to enter the game as 4 killers and destroy you? Please let the game allow this for 1 day!
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Incorrect about swf's being most commonly played. The devs have released data in the past showing that the vast majority of players are soloing and that the majority of swf's are duos and the smallest amount being 4 swf's.
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I mean you wont notice why swf if you dont play killer at high ranks. For me you can play all day with your friends on dbd but as soon as you pull up that discord or built in console voice chat then you already have an advantage. Alot people know swf is a problem the whole "people just want to play with their friends" is such a bad excuse. The reason why people choose swf is because they want easier games. If you are having trouble at the rank you are in now without your swf party sorry to tell you this but you were probably boosted to that rank. Get better at looping, bring perks like bt or ds and play killer if you dont already.
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Swf is op because I lost several games to them and as my experience is exactly the same as everyone else's in the game, with no exception, I declare swf op.
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While SOME very elite SWFs are very difficult to beat - the vitriol and hyperbole on the forums mischaracterizes almost all of them as these unbeatable sweat squads. You have to remember that forum posters represent a very TINY percentage of actual players. There are innate biases that a lot of "killer mains" have and they constantly talk down about survivors (The same is done in reverse by "survivor mains" as well).
I have played/recorded/tracked nearly 3200 matches as survivor with just over 350 of those in either a 2-3-4 man SWF - my escape rate while SWFing is...wait for it... 2.8% higher than when I play solo. For context I have also played approx 3600 games as killer. Unlike "mains" who post from a place of bias - I prefer using actual statistics and presenting information from an unbiased perspective as much as possible from experience.
I actually like going against SWFs as a killer - once you learn to adapt (imagine that - adapting to your opponents) you will find alternatives to exploiting their comms and altruism. I prefer a challenge - even if that means only getting a 2k. I don't need a 4k to win - I judge my winning on bloodpoints and pips/safety pips.
You will learn to ignore the overt "mains" on these forums who use hyperbole and isolated instances as their "argument". I just wish there was an actual ignore feature on the forums so I didn't have to skip over so many tilted and biased posts in search of level headed mature posts.
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I only play solo and it can be a pain sometimes, however I prefer over SWF because I find it boring when matches are over in minutes and you hardly get any interaction with the killer.
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Sounds more like a bad killer focusing on 1/2 survivor.
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Because it's either your guys fun or the killers fun. You guys may have fun but the killers won't so therefore it's broken because the survivors aren't clueless running around like headless chickens. People claim that this game was specifically designed only for solo players in mind which I find hard to believe myself but to each their own. When the devs themselves use 3rd party programs i.e discord then what does that say about that theory?
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I don't know?
Why is hacker hated?
I am very sure it is a way that make sure you can enjoy your game too.
Cheating loser.
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Wait swf is hacking/cheating I thought the devs wanted swf's
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It's not hacking. Devs never did not intend people to play this with their friends otherwise it would not be an option in the game. xD
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Because it makes the game too easy, I only play solo queue and the occasional Duo, and it's fine for me and can be fun. Yes, you do have the occasional trash teammates but it's still fun if you're good at the game. You are used to the game being so easy because you're communicating and knowing where the killer is at all times, you don't have that mystery aspect that people who play solo queue survivors have. When you always play SWF all the time of course you're going to be bad at solo queue. Playing the occasional SWF is fine, but when you're playing it all the time its annoying for killers and too easy for survivors
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It's a fact that killer skill must be above those of the SWF to actually win. The game was balance for solo initially so SWF with comm get 10 free perk. SWF easily get higher rank than their actual skill. I've manage to carry 2 green rank to rank 3 with a purple rank so yeah.
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No every game I've played SWF has been very fast regardless of how good the killer is. The only time we came close to losing was when we messed up, but even then me we got 2 out. SWF isn't exciting because it's to easy. That's why I stick to solo now because at least it's fun not knowing the outcome of the match before it starts.
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Because they play the game on easy mode
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Not like they are wrong or right. The game has no defined victory condition, so you can have any personal victory condition you want.
Is a 2k a win for the soloq survivor that was one of the ones who died within the first 3 minutes of the game? I don't think so.
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I'm a main killer, (I also play in SWF) I don't hate swf, but the advantages it gives are very strong, it's like having extra info perks and the possibility to have insane coordination, thing that will make the match much harder for the killer. I think people hate it 'cause it may seem like an unfair advantage, knowing when to go for a save, to go and finish the gen of your friend that is now being chased etc.
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You don't sound rude, you sound like an unmature dude that instead of giving a proper argument to @Lord_Tony you keep indirectly insulting him. He asked you a question and you cannot answer it you know why? because there is no counter against swf in comms and that's a fact that you are just denying.
The game isn't balanced around swf, it never was, and anyone that its not an entitled survivor knows that. And lets be clear here.. most killers don't want to deny the possibility of playing with friends, they only ask for balance which is completely understandable and should be addressed by the devs.
There is a reason why if you hit ready as killer you instantly go into a match, and the reason is obvious.
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I'll just start off by saying I am a killer main.
SWF has no counter yeah, that's why I want solo queue to be buffed and killers to be buffed as well. You can still play around it if you're better than them though.
The reason why I was insulting him because I've talked to him before in different threads, he's ignorant and does not listen to my reasoning. Literally everyone loses their brain cells trying to communicate with him.
Expect to lose against SWF every now and then, but you can destroy SWF sometimes. You aren't supposed to win every game. If you're better than the SWF, then you'll probably win. That's why I told him to get better at the game, watching his Twitch streams he assumes every game is SWF when he loses, but he just doesn't play well.
I'm not going to insult you because you aren't Lord_Tony, in fact I respect your opinion.
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i dont know about other people but mostly in SEA people are toxic so i already lived with it.
I think the way killer doesnt like SWF is they got free kindred skills and they can combine their skills so no one is getting same useless perk twice.
Also majority of SWF that i found are potatoes. usually you could kill 2-4 survivors each time. only sometimes there's a good SWF team, i know i can beat them using spirit, but i prefer using other killer to have more fun.
Bottom line is majority SWF is not as strong as killer said and maybe only 1 in 10 swf you could find really good survivor team. So i think dev do good job in balancing killer and survivors
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Many SWFs would disagree with you - guess you are just THAT good.
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You don't have to be that good in a SWF you just split up on gens. Anyone who struggles in a 4 man is just THAT bad.
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Well I have played just over 3600 games as a killer and I can tell you from my experience that SWFs are SLIGHTLY more difficult to beat, but I still have no problems getting 2-4ks. I am by no means a Pro killer (my average kill rate is 61.92%) so either your SWF is OP AF or you are facing mediocre killers if you are all getting out most matches.
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I don't mind it considering I play with other. I just don't get why people get an ego and text the killer about how bad they are.
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I've been playing 4 years and when I did SWF I played with people who had the roughly the same amount of time in the game. We knew where the imbalances in this game are and it's with gen speeds. 4 survivors who are efficient on gens can beat even the best killers in the game because they can't be in 4 separate places at once. People like Tru3talent and Otzdarva struggle against teams like that because no matter how well they play the gens just keeping popping.
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That's great for you, but most players have played less than 2 years. Most players have less than 1000 hours in game.
I rarely SWF as survivor (Out of almost 3200 games as survivor - I have just over 350 in a SWF and only 91 of those were in a 4 man SWF). Why do I play in SWF - because I have friends. We play for fun - win or lose and frankly our win percentage is not dramatically higher whether it is a 2-3-4 man SWF. This presupposition that SWFs are so powerful is hyperbolic to say the least because its based on the fallacious thought that everyone in the SWF is A+ rated already. I have played since the beginning of 2017 (February 12, 2017 to be exact). I am a 50/50 player and tend to believe the data I track (every single game) over hyperbolic claims that are totally incongruent with such data.
Do SWFs have an advantage - generally speaking yes. (I have played with newer (less than 50 hours) players - and no SWF with them is not an advantage, but it can be a lot of fun).
Are there elite SWF squads - absolutely - I have faced a few in my time as killer.
Are MOST SWFs beatable - Absolutely!
SWFs are the easily blamed entity to excuse mistakes killers make in their gameplay. I just don't view them as the Big Bad Bully groups that some killer mains like to paint them as on these forums. Most SWFs I come across are generally very nice - and just friends trying to have some fun together. I am not saying there aren't sweaty SWFs or toxic SWFs... I am just saying they are not nearly as prevalent as some killer mains on these forums would like you to think they are....
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Facts are facts everyone knows playing SWF is easier and gives you a lot more advantages than solo does. The top players in the game know and recognise this.
Half of the SWFs mess around and don't try properly because they know if they did want to just smash gens and go in to win they easily could, however like I said quick matches are boring so they just mess around and don't try properly. because they know at a decent level on the game everything is heavily tipped in their favour. There's even a clip of a dev on stream admitting that at the top ranks there is a massive balancing issue between SWF and killers, but they don't care because a lot of people are in the middle and they balance for them.
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believe me or not I play SWF because I think it's fun to try to help and survive with your friends and not to make the killer's game a nightmare. My team and I have went against plenty of killers who stomped all over us. Some people act as if when you get matched up against a 4 man SWF you're guaranteed a loss. That's not always the case you just gotta try to play around it and if you do well it can help you become a better killer.
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Of course its fun because its easy. Solo is harder because its up to the individual to carry their own weight with little information. Going against a swf teaches nothing. The game either finishes too fast or the survivors will play more immersed. You get information for free vs using a perk. You have a pre made lobby so you can equip perks that the team needs i know because ill jump in swf once in a while and i can see how unfair it is. You can meme around with dumb perks and still get out because the survivors will know where the killers location is at all times. For example "I saw the totem its by the shack" how will a killer get "better" in that example right? There's alot more examples like that which the killer can do nothing about because again you and your friends have extra perks. Like I said buff solo to swf level by adding comms and buff killers accordingly alot of people agree going this way