Worst 2 killers and maps.

Alright folks lets hear it, which are the two worst killers you hate going up against, and the worst two maps?
For me, the two worst killers are Legion - it’s because I know how they’re gonna play, Sloppy Butcher along with getting everyone injured, what’s worst is having team mates who want to heal instead of work.
Wraith - I hate this killer with a passion, especially his latest buff which makes him move super fast and gets a speed boost when he uncloaks, very annoying to play against because when he’s close enough to see, most of the time you won’t be close enough to a pallet or something which can help.
Worst two maps - The Swamp ( such a crap map that seems to get chosen a lot, and what’s more, it’s just full of dead zones.
Silent Hill chapter school, it’s so iconic and the perfect setting but it just feels so bland to navigate, I don’t know what it is about this map, it just doesn’t feel like it flows well.
Nurse - I think most people know how much I hate Nurse at this point.
Doctor - I like to occasionally employ stealth and also for my opponents to not have the ability to uncounterably facecamp.
Lery's - I'm a Blight/Plague main. And I dabble in Oni, Huntress and Demogorgon.
Haddonfield - Even as a survivor I will lose automatically. Something about the guilt of playing on such a dumb map makes me play very poorly.
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Huntress is broken Nurse is overpowered
Cowshed and and pantry are cancer
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I don't care if there's a billion pallets. As long as I can see I'm good so I really dislike Swamp and Autohaven.
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Really? I love Coldwind. Not as a killer though, as Survivor it’s one of my favourite maps.
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Spirit and Hag are the absolute worst.
Clown is right there too, but they can't take the cake out of the the pretty ladies of the game. Only reason I'm not going with nurse is that you can pull off some crazy jukes when going against some mid tier player, which is a lot of fun (good nurses play a different set of rules from dbd so I won't even mention them 😅).
Spirit: no iron will/ptb off the record? Though luck.
>proceed to mind game yourself into a sword lunge.
The hag: so you're injured and brought any exhaustion perk besides dead hard? OH MAN.
Tragic to play against, just tragic.
Worst maps for survivors depends on the killer, really. Hawkins is probably the worst if you're against a killer that doesn't rely on special abilities (bubba cries in pain as the map loads).
Shelter woods is probably the best killer map in the game other than coal tower, so I'd pick any of these.
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I have to agree on Spirit, I hate playing against her, I swear I still don’t know how some players manage to find me when as soon as the phase I just start walking in a random direction and all of a sudden they’re next to me swinging away, very annoying.
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I don’t have any killers I dislike playing against since I mostly play killer, but I HATE Haddonfield and Lerys
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Swamp/Shelter Woods
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Legion and Freddy, i just can't they're just too damn boring
Lerys and HNL
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I'm curious - how can Doctor uncounterably facecamp? As long as you wait for the shock to expire and then run in immediately after, you can get the unhook off - 1 second ish to charge and then a full second to actually shock the survivor is longer than the 1 second to unhook, which automatically unhooks even if shocked when near the end.
Old Doctor was a different story, but unless I'm missing something I can't see how the new one can.
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Huh but why 2?
Really that my question. Why not 1 or 3 worst of each lol
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Bad bubbas (ends up 90% with a facecamp) ghostface. Goddamn i stare into his soul and exposed and downed.
Midwich:holding w for a minute ftw.
Haddonfield:its haddonfield.
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Killers: Hag and Hillbilly (because I have never not been facecamped by one since Binding of Kin dropped)
Maps: I'll do one as killer and one as survivor. For survivor it's Lery's (interchangeable with Midwich) and for killer it's probably Haddonfield.
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There's actually not enough time if the doctor has detonation add-ons. I also don't think there's enough time normally if the doctor is just standing there and spamming it.
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Spirit for obvious reasons lol and trickster because he's pretty easy to loop and have decently long chases against so he's boring to vs for me.
Haddonfield because I hate loading onto a map and knowing that I'm pretty much being handed a win unless my teammates are the potatoiest of potatoes. Also midwich I love the way it looks but the gameplay is stale and going against certain killers like hag for example is pretty much a death sentence.
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I'm gonna do 3 each
Maps: the game and both swamps. Just unfun for either side imo. Gameplay on then isn't very interesting having super stealth as survivor and against as killer
Killers: pre ptb freddy. Feels like a waste of time to wake yourself up.
Oni-dont like that blood bubbles constantly drop no matter what you do. Wish you could stand in one spot and they wouldn't drop (and allow self care). Leatherface- I've just faced a lot of camping ones that make the game unfun, especially top of basement camping
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Spirit - All you need is a decent headset and a functioning pair of ears to win. Throw Stridor on her and its practically brain dead easy win.
Ghostface - Broken reveal mechanic gives him many free downs/kills.
Shelter Woods - boring, lacking decent loops, and full of dead zones.
Hawkins - Visually great but so many unsafe loops. That pallet in the little office on the top floor......######### is that lol.
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how is huntress broken
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This content has been removed.
trapper and trickster (twins are not as annoying for me now)
autohaven and coldwind maps can go get the die
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latency shots around the corner
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I despise ghostface because I’m an absolute coward and run spine chill 99% of my games and the 1% of games I take it off I go against ghostface get grabbed and promptly have to change my pants
I also dislike hag for the same reason that I hate getting jump-scared
Least favorite map as both killer and survivor atm has gotta go to Gideon’s with the swamp maps being a close second.
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Hag: Just delete her please. I hate her so much.
Freddy: The nerf might help but I hate playing against him constantly.
Haddonfield: This is the hell version of DBD.
Midwich: Hold W sim.
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For me personally:
Doctor, his ability to stop you from vaulting and slamming pallets is very annoying especially when most docs run dissipline addons.
Trapper, Tired of playing against iri stone, looping and chancing not stepping in a trap to get insta downed. Literally the most boring killer to go against in the game currently.. The fact survivors have to watch where they step carefully especially on maps like cold wind, autohaven, Macmillan’s etc which are all popular maps is annoying..
The maps I hate playing as killer are Haddonfield it’s or obvious reasons and lerrys.
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Hag is the most miserable unfun killer to play against imo, and not too far behind her is freddy.
Every time, whether I'm playing as killer or survivor when I load into the swamp or hawkins I want to dc.
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thats not huntress fault. Thats the player fault and that dose not make huntress op
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She's not op, she's broken. Yeah that's my fault i got hit behind the wall you're right my bad
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The Doctor is the epitomy of Smug Bastard. He looks dickish and if I'm to look back on my matches, he's also been played by more dickish people. Only my experience, and there have been fun and decent Doctors, but overall he resonates as the least liked.
The Ghost Face is quite simply Scooby Doo villain made real. He should feel embarrassed by the way he runs after people. Also, he just is an annoying sod to face in terms that some of them teabag at any given opportunity. Again, there are some good ones, but the number of annoying ones stick out.
In terms of maps:
Rotten Fields and Shelter Woods for the same reason: Very uninspiring, dull and lacks any real character.
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Ghost face by far is my most hated killer. Not only is his reveal mechanic so inconsistent but almost every ghost face player I come across loves to be a toxic douche.
Second would have to be Legion. At least with Spirit there's actually some thought that goes into getting away from her even if it is guess work, Legion is just "oh he stabbed me AGAIN, guess I better hold m1 AGAIN, than after do this gen and hold m1 AGAIN" its just a really dull mechanic to go against. And like ghost face, loads of legions I face get very toxic when they win
Maps would be both of the swamp maps. They look ugly, the RNG in them is awful for both pallets and the hatch, both grim pantry and the ship are a nightmare to chase survivors in if the windows have spawned in a certain way and they are just so dam dark!
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Worst killers
Clown the annoying chase music and the disorientation of the gas but also lets not go into his horrifying cosmetics
Ghost Face broken reveal mechanic that all I have to say
Worst maps
Hawkins can't loop on that map to save my life I can distract for awhile but don't expect me to be a huge help
All the bamboo maps I just want to hide but the bamboo just blocks me
There were very close contenders for killers Huntress being one for her large hit box or trapped but his was too situational long grass easy to hide traps and also trapping exits is frustrating
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why dont you make a video of you where you. Play as huntess at red ranks and see how broken huntess is
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broken means not workins as intended, not Op my friend
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ok let me see
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are still damn same.
She's like this from Dedicated servers release. They broke her and never fixed again
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Doctor - I love playing stealthy so I just find him irritating as hell.
The Hag - so unenjoyable to play against ESPECIALLY with mint rag add-on.
As a survivor my least favourite map is probably The Game because of its size, and as a killer it has probably got to be Mount Ormond.
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Legion- pointless to heal when you get constantly stabbed with feral frenzy.
doctor- can't interact with windows or pallets for 2 seconds when hit with shock therapy.
Haddonfield- fences and the houses are my biggest problem
Gideon- All the god pallets and breakable walls.
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The Hag - I hate when a trap is triggered the camera locks onto it. I also hate the camping playstyle that most Hags use.
The Huntress - The only thing I dislike about the Huntress is that her hatchet hitboxes are broken.
Underground Complex (Hawkins) - I always end up getting lost in this map, there's pallets everywhere, and it just looks dull and boring.
Gideon Meat Plant (The Game) - I like the look of the map, But I get lost on this map too and there's just pallets and dead ends everywhere.
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Nurse- Do i have to explain?
Deathslinger- Idk he's annoying to face against
I HATE macmillan & the swamp they're so dark and I sometimes wear bright clothes so the maps would give me away
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I can definitely tell you, Fractured Cowshed & Haddonfield are the worst maps in the game for killer. Extremely safe for the survivors and really obnoxious to deal with.
The only maps I'll DC on if I get them.
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Edited, cause I misread the thread.
Doctor and Plague are the most annoying things on earth. Game and Hawkins are hellish to traverse.
Doctor can afford to run a lot of gimmicky perks to benefit from his built in tracking. Plague isn't as good, but gosh darn-it if she won't annoy you the whole game.
I consider Game/Hawkins to be killer heaven. The size of them combined with the indoor setting can really let some killers go nuts.