Favorite killer and/or survivor

I am curious as to what everyone's favorite killer/survivor is even though this has probably been asked many times already but anyway my favorite killer is Legion because he can slow down gens some times even surprise survivors and he is a blast to play
My favorite survivor though is nea since well honestly I have no clue I used to main david then I had two rituals with nea then I just sorta grew attached to her for no apparent reason
This is mostly something to talk about other then the event that I don't even want to talk about because that would cause a flame war and I am curious
Ps: I apologize to my transitions and wording for everything I am new to this
Favorite survivor is either Dwight or Felix. My favorite killer is Ghostie Boi.
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I only play Survivor but there are a few Killers I like playing against or aesthetically.
Fave Survivor is Kate.
I run Nancy and Felix a lot too. I don't run Jane much but I think her design is good.
Then I love the design of Zarina, that base outfit ensures that I'll never be using any other other cosmetic on her.
As for Killers I like the Clown, Spirit and Plague. Clown is the best.
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Kate is just aesthetically my favorite, cause that's what makes Survivors different.
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Kate, Slinger, Blight
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Jake main
Piggy main
Best ever!! 🐷💖🤠💖
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I cant just pick 1 Favorite killer or survivor so imma list 3 of each category in this way:
1 = My 100% Favorite, 2 = Medium Favorite 3 = Favorite
1) Huntress
2) Myers
3) Pig
1) Laurie
2) Yui
3) Ash
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David was my main survivor (and Hallowed Dwight), but they both kinda got demoted when Felix came out. What can I say? I want to survive the night in style.
I don't explicitly main any specific killer, but my favorite is probably a tossup between Huntress, Blight, or Leatherface. Huntress/Blight have extremely satisfying powers that make them feel super replayable, but I think Leatherface and/or Pyramid Head have the coolest-looking character models in DbD.
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Aesthetically and just in general, my wifey, Meg. I don't main anyone else, she's my queen <3 As for killers, I adore Talbot's design and lore, everything about him is awesome to me!!
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For me it´s very close between Myers and Trapper. Don´t make me choose!
My favorite Survivor would be Laurie, David, Kate or Jane. Don´t make me choose!
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Played Jake since I got the game a few years ago. Should probably use David as im an English guy myself. Felix is a likeable character but they're only skins so I'll stick to Camo Jake.
Fav killer, Oni aesthetically for sure, he's hard to play on console, especially at midranks, no practice mode so cba to get bullied using him. Fav killers to play are trapper and ghostface.
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Killer main, I don't play survivor, but if I had to pick a survivor I like it would be Ash or Ace. I'm a Bruce Campbell fan and I think Ace has a pretty funny personality and some fun (albeit maybe not the best) perks.
My favorite killers are Freddy, Doc and Clown. They're all 115% movement basic attack killers with an ability that helps in a chase. I like that style of play. Which one is my favorite changes day to day.
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Micheal, I am glad to see you aren't so vain that you place yourself at the top. 😊
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Dweet and Daddy Myers.
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Felix and Oni
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Survivors: Jane, Feng for the females Dwight and Adam for the males
Killers: I'll either play the Wraith or leatherface.
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Survivor: Feng Min
Killer: The Pig (Amanda Young)
Cause those two have the most perks right now
And I want my snoot booped
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Jake, Billy, and Huntress.
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Killer: Hag
Survivor: Bunny Feng
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If you want to know what anybody's favourite anything is then just type it in the search and go through the many many posts already created.
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survivors Feng, Katie, Meg and Jeff
Killers Myers,Wraith, Oni, Hillbily and Hag
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Piggy all Day!!
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Wraith Main
Will play as Hag or Doctor on occasion
Just started using Spirit and enjoying her attack style so far
Other than that, I might shuffle through the others a bit at times if only to keep things interesting. Dailies or Tower Objectives are the only reason I’d use them in consecutive rounds though.
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My favorite survivor is Elodie because of the cosmetic glitch I did on her. Ignore the background and poorly cut out character I was making me a PFP
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Survivor: Kate 100%. She's the best!
Killer: Nurse or Oni.
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Trapper's fun monopoly has been threatened by blightyboy as of late so I stand divided on this one.
As for survivor, I'd pick Bill any day if only he wouldn't be so obnoxiously LOUD. Old man needs an aspyrin badly.
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Pig Plague & Doctor
Feng Ace & Laurie
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Right! Spirit has such a sexy/pretty look about her-aside from her disconnected limbs.
What can I say? I'm a sucker for a hot killer.
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This lovely lady right here
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My fav killer is Wraith only because he has the power to gen patrol better in my opinion. Clown is very fun but he gets his fat butt handed to him in high ranks so he’s not viable. My favorite survivor is Jane for obvious reasons. I usually take a survivor Jane to hatch in most of my matches as Killer. I’d marry a jane main if I could. Bonus if they looked like her.
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Survivor: Cheryl and Nea
Killer: Nurse and Spirit
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My favorite survivor is Meg because she's beautiful. Shallow, yes, but most of the survivors strike me as about even. I think the best ones have maybe 2 really good perks at most, all the rest are less. So I just purchase the best perks and put them on her, she's not using any of her originals. She's also wearing the fortune teller outfit. Hubba hubba.
My favorite killer is, lore-wise, Pyramid Head. Silent Hill 2 has one of the greatest narratives in video game history and in a way I'm kind of bummed that the character - who is pretty specific to that game - has become a sort of mascot for the series and shows up everywhere now. Still awesome though. In terms of gameplay I haven't tried them all yet but so far I find Michael Meyers to be fun.
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Jane + rockabilly outfit = yes please
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Indeed. Ladies. A single Wraith here looking to settle down with my Jane.