Why Killers need to Tunnel a lot harder

When Survivors keep Gen-Rushing, we should and must tunnel every single one of them. They want a quick game? So be it! Hunt them down and kill them.
No more mercy!!!
The fact that you obsess over the first survivor you hooked is why you get gen-rushed.
Learn about creating pressure.11 -
Tunnel my friend. Tunnel to the middle of the Earth.
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Nope don't want to or need to.
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Tunneling doesn't mean you never switch focus. If I got you on the hook I am gonna get somebody else. Once you are off the hook so returns my focus. Fact is a killer needs to remove someone as soon as possible. Not every survivor is a pain, but the one that are ruin it for the rest of us. Killers that face camp suck, killers that tunnel are playing the game. Don't get pissed cause the team looper can't bait a smart player.4
DemonDaddy said:Tunneling doesn't mean you never switch focus. If I got you on the hook I am gonna get somebody else. Once you are off the hook so returns my focus. Fact is a killer needs to remove someone as soon as possible. Not every survivor is a pain, but the one that are ruin it for the rest of us. Killers that face camp suck, killers that tunnel are playing the game. Don't get pissed cause the team looper can't bait a smart player.
It's just what weak killers use because it works at low ranks. Its also really not fun for the survivor getting tunneled.5 -
@The_Crusader said:
DemonDaddy said:Tunneling doesn't mean you never switch focus. If I got you on the hook I am gonna get somebody else. Once you are off the hook so returns my focus. Fact is a killer needs to remove someone as soon as possible. Not every survivor is a pain, but the one that are ruin it for the rest of us. Killers that face camp suck, killers that tunnel are playing the game. Don't get pissed cause the team looper can't bait a smart player.
And yet plenty of rank 1 streamers don't play this game and still manage to win most matches so...guess it's not a fact?
It's just what weak killers use because it works at low ranks. Its also really not fun for the survivor getting tunneled.
And it's no fun for Killers getting gen-rushed by surviors
Speaking of streamers: Truetalent even said it on stream while he doesn't tunnel, he doesn't agree on survivors complaining about getting tunneled. Yet at the same time gen-rushing the Killer.
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@The_Crusader said:
The fact that you obsess over the first survivor you hooked is why you get gen-rushed.Learn about creating pressure.
Let me tell you how ignorant your statement is.
4 survivors vs 1 killer
4 survivors have to complete only 5 objectives that only take 1 minute and 20 seconds to complete with only 1 survivor on it AND without any aid (like from perks and toolboxes).
The 1 Killer has to hit each survivor twice just to down them just to hook them once and then has to hook each survivor 3 times to kill them? AND the fact that instead of a set timer like the survivor vs gen objective, it's a skill vs skill sub-objective for the killer and they have to complete that sub objective twice just to get 1 objective (or hook) on the survivor. So yeah the devs did a pretty good job so far :P
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A smart killer focuses on;
The bad looper
The injured survivor
The person who has been hooked most
Most important: removing the opposition
I know getting singled out isn't fun, which is why I switch targets after a hook. True that a skilled player may not need to, but that is on the basis that the killer is out playing everyone. Playing at the same level as your opponents changes the level of pressure that can be applied. Spreading out damage doesn't work if your shortest chase equals a gen or more. Why switch to the guy baiting if you barely have time for the one with multiple hooks. You want to have 4 targets at end game, fine by me. I want to limit my stress and eliminate 1 of 4 problems quickly and before gen #2 pops.4 -
Slug for pressure.
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@bendermac exactly, he's really good at the game yet doesn't tunnel.....really makes you think. It's almost as if you don't need to.
@CallMeRusty420 Constantly chasing one survivor gets you no where at high ranks though. Only works at low ranks which is why green ranks are full of tunneling trappers.
You think Nurse and Billy are top tier killers because they tunnel? Or because they don't don't need to tunnel?
They fly across the map in seconds and due to instadown chainsaw/ability to teleport through walls they can end chases in seconds too. They're hooking a second survivor by the time the first survivor is only just getting unhooked. That's the kind of pressure you need to be applying to the absolute best that DBD has to offer.
Sadly not all killers are viable against the cream of the crop.
@DemonDaddy Hey man, if you're getting your ass whooped then fair enough you're gonna have to tunnel. I've seen enough pics of newish level 12 killers going against a SWF team ranging from rank 16 to 2000+ hours rank 2s. If you get dodgy games like that then nobody is going to blame you for taking out the weaker ones first.
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There is no such thing as gen rush. Survivors do gens. Its. What. They. Do.
I think gens go fast, but thats how its always been until new objectives show up.
Just like players complaining about tunneling. Guess what killers do? If they think they can get to your injured butt when someone unhooks you, they absolutely want to rehook you and hopefully get to kill you quickly.3 -
Tunneling, camping and NOED.
3 things that a skilled killer doesn't need.
I am a badly killer and i use tunneling and noed. (Don't like camping)
Skilled streamer (Tru3 at example) every game kill 3-4 survivors without tunneling , camping and NOED(except few killer sometimes like wraith)4 -
Lanis_ said:Tunneling, camping and NOED.
3 things that a skilled killer doesn't need.
I am a badly killer and i use tunneling and noed. (Don't like camping)
Skilled streamer (Tru3 at example) every game kill 3-4 survivors without tunneling , camping and NOED(except few killer sometimes like wraith)
Howrver I'm not going to deny that the game breaks a little bit against the very best survivors. You can be hooking someone every 30 seconds or so and it still won't be enough. You need overwhelming pressure on them, like 2 hooked at once. This can be hard for most killers to do on the large maps.2 -
The_Crusader said:Lanis_ said:Tunneling, camping and NOED.
3 things that a skilled killer doesn't need.
I am a badly killer and i use tunneling and noed. (Don't like camping)
Skilled streamer (Tru3 at example) every game kill 3-4 survivors without tunneling , camping and NOED(except few killer sometimes like wraith)
Howrver I'm not going to deny that the game breaks a little bit against the very best survivors. You can be hooking someone every 30 seconds or so and it still won't be enough. You need overwhelming pressure on them, like 2 hooked at once. This can be hard for most killers to do on the large maps.
They only cry because they lost to someone doing those things....
And if they lost to that kind of killer....
And that kind of killer is "bad"...
Well then that makes that particular survivor even worse than a "bad killer".
Forum logic never fails to make me lol.0 -
@DemonDaddy said:
A smart killer focuses on;
The bad looper
The injured survivor
The person who has been hooked most
Most important: removing the oppositionI know getting singled out isn't fun, which is why I switch targets after a hook. True that a skilled player may not need to, but that is on the basis that the killer is out playing everyone. Playing at the same level as your opponents changes the level of pressure that can be applied. Spreading out damage doesn't work if your shortest chase equals a gen or more. Why switch to the guy baiting if you barely have time for the one with multiple hooks. You want to have 4 targets at end game, fine by me. I want to limit my stress and eliminate 1 of 4 problems quickly and before gen #2 pops.
Basically, this.
Tunneling only becomes "bad" if you choose to tunnel someone that's already been hooked thinking "Oh, I'm going to get this person out of the game faster" when there are closer survivors nearby and you choose to go after the hooked survivor irrespective of circumstance, such as if they're headed to a strong loop. In other words, you can't be mindless about it.
If I chase you down off hook, I don't think that's douchey unless I have a strong lead and your rescuer is nearby. In general, if you can afford to give someone a better gameplay experience, you should. If you're tunneling death hook with three survivors in plain view and not a single gen has been done, that's where things get a bit scummy in my opinion. If the game is still a toss up, I'm not going to switch targets and hinder myself because of some imaginary rule of fairness you've imposed on me. I'm tunneling your ass down.
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Tunnel 1 surv
All gens done by the time theyre dead
1k and depip
Go to forums/reddit/steam boards to complain about losing
Keep being bad
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Attackfrog said:The_Crusader said:Lanis_ said:Tunneling, camping and NOED.
3 things that a skilled killer doesn't need.
I am a badly killer and i use tunneling and noed. (Don't like camping)
Skilled streamer (Tru3 at example) every game kill 3-4 survivors without tunneling , camping and NOED(except few killer sometimes like wraith)
Howrver I'm not going to deny that the game breaks a little bit against the very best survivors. You can be hooking someone every 30 seconds or so and it still won't be enough. You need overwhelming pressure on them, like 2 hooked at once. This can be hard for most killers to do on the large maps.
They only cry because they lost to someone doing those things....
And if they lost to that kind of killer....
And that kind of killer is "bad"...
Well then that makes that particular survivor even worse than a "bad killer".
Forum logic never fails to make me lol.
The killer had the power in this game. The killer moves faster. Sure you can loop them but if theres a delay in the connection or not many pallets around it can be asy for the killer to sneak in hits.
So you're wronn but like most killers you're trying to downplay it to justify camping and tunneling. Anything to win eh?0 -
Well gen rushing is not that bad that means the surviver are doing they job the objective and tunneling is not that bad as well bacurse a good surviver can escape/loss the killer and think it like that in real life if you would be a guy that kills people and one guy is hurt the other one is not who you gonna kill?
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The_Crusader said:Attackfrog said:The_Crusader said:Lanis_ said:Tunneling, camping and NOED.
3 things that a skilled killer doesn't need.
I am a badly killer and i use tunneling and noed. (Don't like camping)
Skilled streamer (Tru3 at example) every game kill 3-4 survivors without tunneling , camping and NOED(except few killer sometimes like wraith)
Howrver I'm not going to deny that the game breaks a little bit against the very best survivors. You can be hooking someone every 30 seconds or so and it still won't be enough. You need overwhelming pressure on them, like 2 hooked at once. This can be hard for most killers to do on the large maps.
They only cry because they lost to someone doing those things....
And if they lost to that kind of killer....
And that kind of killer is "bad"...
Well then that makes that particular survivor even worse than a "bad killer".
Forum logic never fails to make me lol.
The killer had the power in this game. The killer moves faster. Sure you can loop them but if theres a delay in the connection or not many pallets around it can be asy for the killer to sneak in hits.
So you're wronn but like most killers you're trying to downplay it to justify camping and tunneling. Anything to win eh?
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@Poweas said:
Slug for pressure.^ This, knock out slugging and blindness pushes altruism, Altruism= more survivors to smash in the face.