Level Designers really want to bring 2017 DBD back...

A double pallet outside AND the pallet in the building?
I heard that the reason for bringing the pallet back in the building was to prevent the double pallet outside... crazy.
The map dev is failing hard lately.
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We had one glimpse of hope back when the ironworks window was removed + a bunch of other stuff, before then and after then maps have been pretty bad.
Also don't forget that there's a pallet gym all the way at the end, so that's 4 pallets in a row.
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the little window at the end is disgusting as well. I always have it open on the god loop side as killer and weaker side as survivor...
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I've seen many more double pallet loops just in random areas as well. It isn't good.
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When you get a double pallet loop it means the map couldn't spawn the minimum amount of pallets so it forced one there just to meet the quota. What this actually means is the RNG favors you, because the map has the minimum number of pallets possible.
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Groaning storehouse is very bad with pallet spawns to a point where double pallets are common place
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I mean look at cowshed. No change. The Game got worse. If your killer cant play around pallets, chases are boring.
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if you have double pallets it means that the minimum ammount of pallets have spawned so around 7 or 8 total pallets which is actually a good thing
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Developers don't realize that making sure that spawns don't fall below a minimum amount doesn't mean allowing double palettes.
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Yeah, there's either far too many pallets or far too little pallets (which is why competitive DBD will never work).
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My guy using unrelenting, spies and sloppy with bubba and also speed limiter, i cant take you seriously lol
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That's the chad Bubba build though 😌
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damn its almost like it isnt hindering your ability to kill at all because you have 4 hook states with three current injuries while only one gen is done and you have 2 crappy perks and an add-on that is actively weakening your power.
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Yep,absolutely hate that map.
The center of the map + main building is actually disgusting
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I’ve been saying this for months, the new maps are dog ######### and definitely fee like 2017 DBD.
Is that groaning storehouse? If they’re going to bring the pallet back there they could at least fix the god windows but no. One building can just waste so much time with no effort or skill required. Its such dumb stupid design i cant believe they pay these designers so much for such an awful product.
I havent played in weeks and to be honest I cant see myself having the desire to play until they do another pass on all of the maps again
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Yeah and I bet the rest of the map was a dead zone since it means there’s barely any other pallets left.
Yes they ######### up the RNG, but everyone seems to look at one little thing and cry the game is survivor sided. This map was probably worse for the survivors.
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And its on groaning which is more or less an infinite, maybe not a true one but I am pretty sure it takes 2 minutes at this loop since survivors can literally break chse on it.