I feel offended

I got called toxic becauseni main demo and Adam.
Your point?
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I have no idea what you were saying in the post but okay
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Don’t listen to people, that’s my advice.
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You were called toxic for a dumb reason ? That never happens.
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I'm called toxic because I main Steve. Ignore it. Move on. Other people shouldn't be able to change who you play.
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I get called toxic for running doctor and told to uninstall. Ignore them they're not worth the reply.
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He said
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toxic for playing.... Adam...?
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wow... all because you main a certain character???
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Well I hope you learned a valuable lesson. Demo and Adam are trash you shouldn't main them.
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what the heck is your problem dude??? Why are you so toxic to everyone on this forum??
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Please stop.
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it's really making my blood boil I can't with this guy.
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Yeah that's true! Jokes on you.
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Who should I main then?
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Should see all the things I get called for actually being a god at Trickster and Clown against people who think I'm some baby who want easy wins, because the majority of the players who play those killers are not very good at them. I get called about everything in the book at the end of the round if they are on PC, but I just laugh it off. People are going to say some strange things sometimes. Nobody is toxic for being a main of whoever. Maybe Nea and Claudette's, but that's because they tend to kill their own team, but we will save that discussion for another time.
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Ghostface so you can teabag on TTVs
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Aww, I like TTVs though. They're nice people.
Well, most, that is.
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Not all streamers are toxic though... Just because they are streaming doesn't mean they are automatically toxic. I've made friends with quite a few of them, and most of them are relatively good people that just want to stream.
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Damn, that is toxic.
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Yes, you should be ashamed
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I'm so sorry to hear that, don't worry... you'll get through this.
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To be fair, playing dead by daylight is pretty toxic.
You are all very bad people.
/s, duh.
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People tell me I'm toxic just because I nod, I understand it can be annoying but geez, I do it so much that at that points is obvious it's just for act ridicolous
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Aww I think he wants a hug