Add bloodpoint rewards to “kill your friends”

Whats everyone’s opinions on them adding bloodpoints rewards to private matches? I think they should at 50%, like why not? There’s no risk to farming since the reward is halved, and it’ll make private matches more enjoyable and likely to happen since we’ll actually get rewarded for our time. My friends and I rarely ever do them since the grind is real, but they can be a lot of fun, and they open up the party limit to 5...thoughts?


  • Even at 50% it would still be abusable. 112 000 BPS per match under your rules.
    For 5%, then you can get a maximum of 11,200 bps per match abuse.
    This idea is just stupid, 1% is what i'd agree with. We should focus efforts on making the grind less instead.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    No since people would just play that and farm everything then once they're P3'd at have all their perks play normal mode.

  • wisdom
    wisdom Member Posts: 216
    How about take away bloodpoints from SWF. Make it symmetrical 
  • SiftHeadsDude
    SiftHeadsDude Member Posts: 34
    While I do see the possibility of farming, the potential fun of KYF is wasted since everyone wants those bloodpoints, and it shouldn’t be like that. 
  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    No thanks. It'd ruin some balance of the game.

  • PatchNoir
    PatchNoir Member Posts: 600

    Well i have tested and people cant farm more than 4 games, its boring so add bloodypoints and people grinding it will be not a real problem cause its funnier play against killers that you dont know. Lets fix SWF this bad word is a real problem

  • SiftHeadsDude
    SiftHeadsDude Member Posts: 34
    Yea I don’t see what most of these ppl are talking about by excessive farming or messing up the game balance. It’s not impossible but I doubt it’d happen because of limited reward, chance, and variety 
  • anonymous456
    anonymous456 Member Posts: 22

    i like the idea but like everyone says it can be abused very easily, but i play KYF with some of my mates as we are all different ranks so with the newer players they can practice a bit more as well as if we go with SWF we could be put with a higher rank ( i'm quite a high rank where as they are more lower ranks ) so maybe lower the 50% to like 15% blood points as you may gain some but not enough to be abused.

  • SiftHeadsDude
    SiftHeadsDude Member Posts: 34
    Thats a solid idea, gotta agree completely