Spirit is not too easy
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I keep seeing people say on the forums that one of their issues with spirit is that she's too easy and honestly it frustrates me to no end because i cant help but think people are missing the mark. I will explain what i mean by that throughout the post
Spirit is a problem because of how she nullifies survivors impact on the game as a whole but im sick of hearing people call her too easy because because I don't like the attitude that to justify a killer being good they need to be hard or require something other killers don't need. A good example would be Huntress or deathslinger with aiming or blight with his movement and what I would call an exploit but others would call a J flick.
In some way honestly if ghostface or legion became good killers and if you could M1 chase I would be completely content.
Spirit has another issue and its that she fundamentally breaks the rules of DBD she is like nurse except because their is virtually no mechanical requirements to playing her more players are just better at her, and no having a mechanical requirement to reach before you can even use a killer wont make them less annoying one of the most frequently complained about killers in the game is deathslinger who I would actually argue is a easy killer but i will get to that later.
Just break down her power. It allows her to get a hit on a survivor without them being able to force a chance scenario reliably and things like being injured making you louder and therefor a easier target than uninjured survivors actively encourages tunnelling, there is no penalty to failing to hit a survivor in her power so you can get outplayed and still go down to her if she gets close enough with her guess. She also has a passive phasing ability that can get her free hits with no input on her behalf. The common theme in everything her power dose is it takes agency of the game away from the survivors, It matters whether she is good enough to hit the survivors not how good they are compared to her and her passive phasing means that survivors literally cant see what she's doing for a moment while looping depriving them of the information they need to make plays based on RNG.
She also has no trans
A killer should not have to be hard to be good in this game especially if being "Hard" by most peoples metrics in this game is using a mechanic that allows you to avoid needing to M1 chase look all the best killers the better their workaround the better they are because M1 chasing takes too long.
Nurse-breaks the gameplay of dbd and turns it into something else
Spirit-breaks the gameplay of dbd and turns it into something else
Deathslinger-Shoot and stab, what's catching a survivor in a chase?
Huntress-hatchet go BURR
Then look at some of the weaker killer either their powers are inconsistent and have qualifiers to use it or they have to M1 chase without much help
The main reason i posted all this is I find it annoying when people condescendingly talk about a killer being easy while the only thing that is actually "hard" in the game to me is nurse and its why I don't think any killer should need to be seen as hard to justify it being good in this game. The killer I would feel most comfortable going into a game with right now if I had to 4k would be deathslinger and I spent most my time in csgo in the silvers and barley scraped my way to gold nova, I legit dropped to copper in siege before and have never been in a rank higher than Gold on DPS in overwatch and that's my second most played game behind DBD. If you don't know what that means if you play none of those games I CANT AIM but still can play the character in this game with a GUN better than all the others.
So with that
- Why should a character have to be hard to be good in a game where most characters even the good ones just are not hard?
- Can you really say spirit is easier than any of the low tier M1 killers maybe its just that she's TOO GOOD not TOO EASY?
I know people generally will assume that well she's too easy for how good she is the issue but really i cant just look at deathslinger and think well I should be below average on him why can I hang around on a upper tier killer that by all right I should not be good at and I cant help but think this game as a whole doesn't have much that is hard as a whole so I just think people are wrong to say X is too easy when ironically most things in this game could be described as easy even some of the upper tier killers.
Sorry this turned into a bit of a unstructured messy blob of a post but i cant think of another way to fully explain what i mean.
A killer able to end chases as quickly as spirit shouldn’t be so easy. Anyway the harder a killer is to play the better they should be no?
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Spirit is not easy I agree, I feel like survivors just complain bout any killer lol, every killer to them is boring and op, only billy is balanced in their eyes and they still don’t like him
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I don't think by comparison spirit is much easier than most killer tbh look at what i said a bout slinger im basically the single shot Freddy of gaming and hes my best killer.
i think people overstate how easy she is in their eyes out of a sort of frustration with how broken her kit is and how common a killer she is.
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All of the rarely complained about killers.
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I concur with the belief that Spirit is not too easy. Perhaps not the most complex killer, but definitely not easy.
I believe this expectation was set largely because of killers like Nurse. Nurse straight-up does not play DBD anymore, but she's often forgiven by the community because of how brutal she is to control. This had led to the large belief that a killer that is easy should be weak, and a killer that is strong must be difficult. Spirit isn't easy, but compared to the likes of Huntress or Blight who have massive learning curves, Spirit's comes off as rather insignificant.
A more obvious deviation from this rule that is reviled by the community would be Freddy. He is a very simplistic killer but also very hated for how effective he is despite the simplicity. Even Bubba with a relatively straightforward power has more depth than him, so everyone hates him.
My personal issue with Spirit is the lack of transparency she has at all times. Without scratch marks, she can receive hints as to the survivors' location by hearing their breathing/grunts, footsteps, grass moving, etc. Meanwhile, she gives nothing. The only change I'd make to her is to allow survivors to hear her breathing periodically (similar to the bug we had some patches back), let her make footsteps and move grass—give subtle hints that allow the survivor to make informed decisions rather than being at the Spirit's mercy.
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I see Pig complaints... i don't know why but they exist for some reason...
Also see a blight complaints but most of them are kinda valid when the guys initial D drifting with his swings because some guy has DPI has too many digits
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Pig’s complaints come mostly from the Timer and gears combo which is warranted imo
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I see people complain about tunnelling with boxes but thats also fair
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I would like playing against her more but almost all pig players i go against tunnel the the person with the trap for some reason.
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In my opinion most of the complaints come from a place of frustration due to the proportions regarding killers' powers. Spirit is too strong for how easy (will talk about the word 'easy' later) her power is to use and for how little impact survivors' input has on it. Given she's not running stridor, which would make any chase a guaranteed down in a matter of seconds, Spirit is the only killer in the game who's truly able to turn chase interactions into coinflips. With most if not all other killers the survivor has an opportunity to turn the chase around in their favor; You can bait a Huntress into throwing a hatchet through a window by pretending you're gonna vault it, you can misdirect the Nurse or double back into her blinks, you can even get yourself in a position where the Deathslinger won't be able to completely reel you in even if he lands the shot. It's not all up to the killer - there is a real chance for people to survive in a lot of scenarios against those killers. With the Spirit however you're only really safe if you're uninjured or drop a god pallet the killer has no choice but to come out of phase to break such as the shack pallet. 'Crouch tech' isn't reliable because she can still hear footsteps/grass or deduce where you are based on where the scratchmarks stopped, stand still and she can hear you breathe, dropping weaker pallets will put you in a 50/50 situation the spirit can easily counter by just staying in phase a little longer to hear which side you're in... Hell, you can't even rely on Iron Will because a good number of spirits run stridor.
Even though I'm a survivor main, I've played tons of killer so far. Especially Nurse. Nurse is a mechanical challenge, you need to learn how far your blinks go, learn to play around survivors' mindgames, teach yourself not to blink into the basement (i've done that countless times. it happens, believe me), learn how each addon modifies her power and which ones you like the most, where you can and can't blink to, learn how to flick in order to mindgame survivors... And all that is just basic stuff you need to do every chase in order to catch any middle/high tier survivor. Nurse is a difficult killer and we both agree on that.
What, mechanically, is there to learn with the Spirit? You know exactly how long your power is going to last, you have a great idea of where the survivor is, all of that without the survivor having any input. That's what puts her below most m1 killers in terms of difficulty IMO. It's basically a singleplayer game. There is no challenge, all you need to be better than your average Spirit are good headphones really. Mine are about 400 pounds, not the best in the market, but they suffice, most my games are boringly effortless when I play Spirit. Oops, I heard your footsteps, oops, now you're standing still but I can still hear your breathing, guess you take a hit. Maybe play around my hearing a little better lol.
With most m1 killers such as Pig, Trapper and Ghostface you at least have the skillcap of mindgaming (no, you don't have that with spirit, no, standing still is not a mindgame) and tricking the survivors into looping the way you want them to, all the while having their input and actually having to worry about the possibility they might counterplay anything you do. They're comparatively harder than Spirit. It's not like killer is too difficult, anybody can get good with any killer and destroy almost any team, but I think there's a sensation of unfairness when getting to that level doesn't take as much effort as it should.
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She is overpowered and unfun to play against, a lot of people will agree.
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she is easy but not as easy as freddy, well after playing her couple of times she is easy to get 4K comparing playing other killers, after playing couple of times you would master her easily. having a great headphones and training could give you exact position on where the survivor is.
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Spirit needs a rework, her power is stupid and very boring to play aginst.
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To be honest, I feel like Oni isn't complained about *enough*
His power is legit stronger than nurses', only downside is he doesn't have it up immediately, but once the snowball starts it's basically always ready, and his add-ons are some of the best (possibly broken) in the game
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Difference is oni has counterplay during his power and also requires an injure to get the ball rolling which against a good team is very difficult
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I always speak in terms of soloqueue cause that's what I mostly do. His power has *some* counterplay, but only if the Oni is not that good
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There’s quite a few tiles where oni’s demon dash can’t be used. The same doesn’t apply to nurse
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I just think survivors should see spirit when she's phasing, maybe for a few seconds like someone else mentioned in their own thread. I think this would be a decent change and it would be less difficult to face her.
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While I do think her power takes more skill than low tier killers like Legion and Wraith, she’s still way too easy for how strong she is. You don’t understand how big of a problem that is because 1) it doesn’t matter how good a survivor player is, all their skill and the time they’ve spent on learning the game is thrown out the window because anyone that plays Spirit can get a hit whenever they want and 2) new players that rely on Spirit will hurt themselves in the long run because she doesn’t really teach the core mechanics of how to loop. There’s many people that get into Spirit, master her, and then play another killer that takes way more skill and just doesn’t do well at all.
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Hmm, funny, i see complains about Huntress and her iri heads, tombstone myers and blight all the time. And Billy was complained about before its nerf, and now i almost never see a billy in game, so sure there are no complains about him anymore.
Truth is, survivors often complain about strong killers, and you can see it by the timing. They complain mostly about nurse, and as soon as a nerf was announced, the complains about bill started. Its just a chain, survivors just go on to the next strongest killer once one is nerfed.
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Nurse is still the strongest killer though tbh
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Hello, someone who mains every killer in the game here, spirit is a special case where she is really easy but not completely braindead, her power is way too strong for how easy to use it is, that is all
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You’re only mentioning add ons and people only complained about Billy because of insta saw. All those killers’ base kits are some of the more balanced in the game.
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That's true, all I'm saying is I feel like he's a bit overtuned too but goes under the radar because he's not seen that much often (just like hag)
Also I didn't say that he's stronger than nurse, I said that his power is stronger than nurse's (imho), but unlike nurse, he doesn't have it 100% of the time
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You got it wrong, all killers are too easy because survivors are way too weak. Spirit is not only too easy but has no counterplay, no matter how good the survivor is, if the killer has a good headset and has played the killer only a few hours, maybe has the same broken slowdown perks and aura perks, there is no way the survivor can win.
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Playing against Spirit just weeds out the bad survivors. It's easier to blame the killer than it is to take responsibility for playing badly and learning what to do differently next time. She still has a higher skill cap than most the killer roster. She only gives the "appearance" of being easier because she's a noob stomper. She asks something more of survivors that most killers don't.
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- Buy Headphone.
- Download Equalizer (optional).
- Main Spirit.
- Stand Still.
- Profit.
How hard can it be?
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Obviously still to hard since it's a whole 5 steps. That's 4 steps too many.
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You can cut 1, 2, 3, 5, and still do well I heard. :D
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Don’t forget to level up Nurse to level 30 and get the Stridor teachable
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That's too much, we can wait for the shrine. :D
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All you need is a good pair of headphones and stridor then you'll be an amazing spirit without much practice.
Even aside from that, she is a killer you have to ask the question of "when will she down me" unlike other killers you can ask "will they down me or will I escape?"
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If you have working eardrums spirit is fairly easy to play and do well with. Is she the easiest killer in the game, hell no!, but she has by far the best skill to strength ratio in the game tied only by maybe freddy but thats more to do with him being a fairly good killer and arguably the easiest killer in the game.
So I would argue she is too easy for what she offers, though I will agree she has other issues that are more problematic but the generosity of her skill curve is definitely a sticking point.
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That is an option
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lol best answer so far. if killer say spirit is not easy i wonder how well they play other killer. I also thought i was good at playing killer too until i tried other killer. and judging for that i wont play spirit again.
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Lol yeah I played a game with spirit after taking a break from the game for years (shortly after returning) and never played her in the past. Was getting pretty consistent 4ks without stridor and headphones lol
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I actually forgot to reply to this. Anyway, that is true, but Oni doesn't even need to dash if he's close enough to the survivor, since he just needs to basically tap his mouse to still one shot (which is what I consider the most unfair thing about him)