Why do killers crutch on things every game?

As easy as killer is, why on gods earth is it necessary to crutch on the same things over and over for free wins? Does it not get boring winning very easy?
First game of the day: Hillbilly with Ruin and Tinkerer
Second game of the day: Nurse also with Ruin, Tinkerer, and even Starstruck on top of that
Third game of the day: Huntress with Ruin. I killed myself and exited the game. I knew the 4th match would be another Huntress or a Spirit probably.
This is ridiculous and very embarrassing for killers. It's more embarassing for the devs that are so incompetent that they leave all of these training wheels in the game for killer to get a 4K every game.
Once again, balance the game and make it fair for a change and stop pandering to baby killers that want easy wins.
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Why not?
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Not to burst your bubble or anything, but it's not exactly like using strong perks is unique to killers.
In fact, I believe there's a term for it. If only I could remember... Wait, no, I do! It's "meta perks"! Wow, who would have thought there was a term for the perks that are strong an easy to use that crosses the boundary of Survivor and Killer!
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Holy #########. Now this is quality bait posting.
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Well maybe you shouldn’t give up on hook if you don’t want the killers to have easy wins.
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Sluzzy, your bait is getting weaker by the day.
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Ruin can be gotten rid off. Just find the totem.
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I can literally say the same thing about survivors. Killers might have things like Ruin and Tinkerer, as you have pointed out, but survivors have things like DH and Unbreakable.
And such perks aren't "crutches", they are simply stronger than others. Meta, if I may put it that way. You have been here for a very long time, long enough to know that meta-perks are a necessity on higher ranks.
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Sees 20 dead hards and 20 borrowed times in 5 matches. Yup, how do those killers dare bring good perks, the audacity.
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The meta on the killer side is a free win and it needs nerfing. It's totally broken.
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Where's my popcorn, time for another Sluzzy post best get comfy 😂
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Come to the killer side, Sluzzy, we have cookies.
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In shape of bloodpoints.
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Pretty sure Deathslinger needs his crutch/brace thing because his leg is messed up. Poor guy is limping all over the place.
Plus Hag and Blight have back problems and could use the support. At least Blight had the sense to bring a cane.
Freddy and Clown just have their own various health problems (Clown especially has been leading a very unhealthy lifestyle; good on him for trying to get some cardio in).
They're crutching on everything when they really need to see the Doctor.
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Why did survivors use DS everyday and as soon as it was nerfed no one uses it?
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Wait do you actually mean the ######### you're spewing
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Nah, Freddy is fine. I mean, who needs a healthy body when you have magic and demonic powers?
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How many killer perks are too much?
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Killers are only allowed to run Monstrous Shrine and leave the other slots empty.
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Against mindless solo's that like to suicide on first hook because they're "not having fun", maybe.
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I wish. They're a solo-only nurse main. No kidding the game seems killer sided to someone like that
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Hi Sluzzy I missed you!
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Yes I am. Killers like Spirit, Billy, Blight, Nurse, Huntress and the others don't need perks at all to win because they are so strong. All of these perks are just enabling god mode on a broken killer.
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@Lord_Tony have you and @Sluzzy been introduced yet?
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You need nerfing Sluzzy.
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Ever considered leaving the generator once it reaches 70%? Or finding ruin on the first place?
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There's nothing more laughable than a nurse with slowdowns
But generally, any killer with slowdown perks is just laughable and boring. 100% agree with sluzzy
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I mean, killer powers are basically the ultimate crutches. If you can't catch me at shack and 3 connected jungle gyms as an M1 killer, you're clearly just bad.
I joke, but I have been told that I only win because I used my power.
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You didn't happen to play as an Adam by any chance?
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We missed you sluzzy!
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Well, you heard it here first. Killers aren't allowed to use perks, so says sluzzy.
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I mean i havent played a game in the past week and a half without a deadhard or more. Lol
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Maybe don't be a bad survivor. It's no that hard to play around every killer, the only wild factor is the player's skill level and experience with that killer.
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youd be very upset if you went agasinst my j flick blight with ruin tinkerer
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Every other survivor deals with the same things you do and the good ones still escape many of their matches. How much help do you need?
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Hi, Meme Limiter Bubba main here....
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Tinkerer and Starstruck 🤤. Sounds embarrassing to lose to... Let alone publicly complain about it being crutch. If "killer is so easy", try it. Then for once you'd have a clue what you're crying about.
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I almost took this seriously. Then I saw the author.
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I wouldn't even play against that because its an unfair advantage.
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I dont know where killer being easy is even a thought in anyones mind. The reason killers use these perks is because of SWF. The mere fact that a team can come in and dictate the match is the reason killers use what they do. I never get upset about a killer using certain perks. Sur eits annoying when i am solo and the killer is built for a 4stack, but I do not blame them one bit because of how tough SWF can be.
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At this point, the OP's posts have become borderline embarrassing in their utter lack of creativity, rational thinking, or even amusement factor. Some people actually come here to have reasonable discussion about topics that affect the game or to talk about fun things that happen to them while they're playing. The OP's posts are nothing more than bandwidth waste, taking up space on the front page when someone with something actually intelligent to say about the game could have their post residing there instead.
The OP's well-documented match against a well-known streamer, where they quit on their team after being downed ridiculously easily in the first 30-45 seconds of the match by a simple Hillbilly sprint at them, shows why they have ZERO credibility to discuss anything about the game at this point. I would hope that the constant bait posting would warrant some attention by the mods, since they add zero constructive substance to actually discussing the real issues that do crop up in the game itself, from both sides.
Whatever the OP's motives are with the continual bait, their rhetoric has gotten old, boring, and stale. Your horse has been dead for a long time already -- stop beating it, for the love of God. :facepalm:
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This is a public forum, not a "killer's main" only forum. They can ban me if they wish but it would mean they only allow killer mains to post here.
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it has more counterplay than spirit and is extremly hard to learn but yeah youre right
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Oh Sluzzy, you're posts never fail trigger snowflakes babe 😂
I get exactly what you mean. Easy wins...easy wins everywhere, everyday. It needs balancing for sure.
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You're right -- it's a public forum. People from both sides certainly have the "right" to have reasonable discussions about their game experiences, and how the game could be improved to help its growth and the experience for all players, no matter if they play one side exclusively or both sides equally, as I play.
Except, your posting at this point shows such unmitigated bias, it's borderline laughable. Discussing anything rational with you is akin to discussing science with a Flat Earther. Your bias is so ingrained, you're incapable of having a "reasonable" discussion at this point. You're tactily actually undermining the game with your posts, since your continued rhetoric about how "bad" it is (even if in your view, that only extends to one side of the equation) is actually a shadow bashing of the game and the people who develop and work on it. I mean, as terrible an experience as you continuously claim it is for 4/5 of the playerbase (actually more, since there usually seems to be a prepoderence of players on the survivor side normally), you're a constant noisemaker for why people shouldn't play the game. If your arguments actually had some substance or truth to them, or if you had credibility to talk about the real issues in the game, that would be one thing -- but you lost that a LONG time ago. You're a bait poster, nothing more at this point.
You obviously aren't dumb, and in real life you might be a nice enough person -- nothing about this is personal about you, BTW, but about what you add to a discussion -- but at this point, you're not adding anything to conversations here that might actually be meaningful and worth the developers (or other players) paying attention to, sadly. It's just become mindless noise on your part, and since you probably do have something worthwhile to say somewhere I'm sure, you do a disservice to yourself by making sure anything you MIGHT say that would carry weight gets lost amidst all of the continual nonsense.
ETA: Your words from your first post: "It's more embarassing for the devs that are so incompetent". As I said, you're bashing both the game and the developers by default on a continual basis. If I were them, I'd be less than happy with that.
Post edited by ChiSoxFan11 on11 -
get farmed
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If it were up to me yes but only the entity has full access to the cookie jar.