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Do the pick/kill stats include tunneling/camping/slugging?

This isn't meant to be another discussion on whether or not these things are legit tactics or not. I just wonder if it is reflected in the dev's stats.

because, and I think this is something we agree on, reworks to a killer would likely be influenced by that. for example: Bubba has a high kill and pick rate, but is this due to him being a strong killer that's easy to handle, or because the number of people that use him for camping and slugging?

If it isn't reflected in the stats, a 4k brought forth by camping and making use of the chainsaw being able to mow down multiple survivors in one go, even with bt active, would likely look like a 4k brought forth without camping and not call for looking into his power.

so, are these things reflected?


  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    A player that's been killed by any means necessary is included. The only thing they don't include is dc's.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    yeah, but are the 'means' included? That's what I wonder. like, can the devs see if someone tunneled?

    likewise, do they e.g. see how many people died to pig's traps because someone couldn't keep their hands off a gen while a teammate had a trap on?

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    I don't think they would be able to tell just by the stats without seeing the match. They'll probably just have a basic scoreboard for kills and escapes.

  • SPNFamily
    SPNFamily Member Posts: 11

    I assume so because I don’t think they would be able to tell the difference? It could also explain why some killers like Pig have a high kill rate as I remember when I was new, I used to see a lot of people running into the exit gate with a trap on their head and instantly dying or people just repairing generators and never taking them off because I don’t think they fully realised what they did hehe.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    Is there any stat that keeps track of how often the killer starts within ten seconds walking distance of a survivor? In fact is there any minimum distance requirement between survivor and killer at all (I mean, beyond sharing the same screen) at the start of a trial? I played for roughly 90 minutes today and had at least 3 or 4 matches in which I JUST start creeping around to find the first gen and before I know it a killer is running right up on me. Literally fifteen seconds or less and the chase music comes rushing at me before I can do anything or even identify a safe direction to go. Surely I can't be the only person this is happening to, I'd love to know if there's a way to look at statistics of "fastest downs" or something.

  • sesawyer3127
    sesawyer3127 Member Posts: 342

    I hear ya,,,I even ran the add on "start farthest from the killer" and somehow the Killer finds me first and fast lol. This has happened so many times I avoid that addon in the bloodweb like the Plague lol.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    I think that's actually BECAUSE you started furthest away:

    The killer see the offering not turning and can guess whether it's the yellow or the purple one. Most killers seem to head for the gens near the furthest one at the start, cause that's the most common starting points. So when you bring the yellow shroud, the killer has a pretty good clue where you are.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    What I want to know about the data. The skill of the people participating in every match. Meaning how many matches are there where the killer got 4k but the survivors were noobs? Or all 4 survivors escaped but the killer wasn't any good?

  • RenTheCat
    RenTheCat Member Posts: 212

    There is no way for the devs to see if someone is being tunneled. There is just no way to measure it, most of the time tunneling is not even a thing and is just in the survivor's head.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719
    edited April 2021

    Thanks for the confirmation. I'm glad to know that it isn't just happening to me. It's been driving me nuts. I could always post video but yeah, just tonight in Midwich I had the Spirit on me literally one room from where the game started me. I crept through one of those holes in the walls, started scoping out the next room, and the terror radius music came on and almost IMMEDIATELY switched to chase music. Same thing happened in the hospital, I start in a hallway so I begin creeping through two small rooms thinking "this makes more sense than being in the main aisle". Before even getting out of that second little room, here comes the terror / chase music. I don't want to lose my cool and jump up and start running because I haven't even been given enough time or distance to know where to hide. Yet by continuing to crouch I'm just letting the killer catch up that much faster. I don't mind being the first person the killer finds but my god, at least allow me to develop some spacial awareness first.

    Wasn't by a gen, wasn't using the "furthest from killer perk", just randomly got slapped like 200 feet from the killer. That just shouldn't be happening (though I do appreciate the input about that perk, never thought of it that way).