Male V Female

I was wondering if you play a Male survivor are putting yourself at a disadvantage by playing a male character in this game.
I love Felix but I see a ton of people play the females characters and I wonder is it because they are smaller in size so less easy to see? Is this a thing that people actively think about?
Does it even matter?
Just a passing thought as I buy more skins for my boy.
Yeah a lot of people play female survivors because they are smaller and much harder to see when hiding in bushes etc.
Also a lot of them have better cosmetics so that's always a plus as well.
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It’s a small advantage but a good survivor is a good survivor regardless. I main jeff and do just fine most matches
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It's a video game trend where 1) pro players usually play females so the hordes just copy what the pros do,2) you feel more powerful(more pro)for some wierd reason in video games while playing females.
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Well it give you a small advantage SOMETIMES female in this game are more quite, the sound when they're injured and stuff like that aren't too loud. But a lot of male have the same things, Ace, Dwight for example, or Jake that is the quietest survivor in the game, but at the end of the day, the advantage its just minimum.
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Jake is pretty loud imo. Ace is probably the quitest.
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Jake is definitely not the quietest survivor in the game, the guy is loud af. Maybe you just mean that he's more likely to have Iron will because it's one of Jake's perks?
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Nope, i remember him being pretty ######### silent, at least i remember this way, it could even be me being high as ######### tho, i don't play a lot this game anymore, and i don't play a lot of Jake, so i could be mistaken.
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I don't really go off of size/stealth, I just play the survivors I like, Nancy and Felix.
But yeah, some pick females because of their size, some pick them because they like them, it's just a personal thing.
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I agree, I main Jeff, and I don't have any issues with hiding from the killer. Yes, I do run Iron Will on him so he's not so loud, but that's what you get for playing someone so majestic.
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I think it's mostly a cosmetic thing. I think they want they want to dress their characters up snazzy. Mind you I see a lot of Meg and no accounting for taste I suppose lol.
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Rather listen to the grunts and painful cries of a female and this is one of those sentences that sounds better in my head. Excuse me.
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Jake main here. He is most definitely not quiet when not running Iron Will. He is one of the loudest survivors in the game, as a matter of fact.
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I don’t really try to hide most the time. I’m already playing him so I might aswell just loop
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I was reading through this thinking I was smart because my main is female then I recalled I main Jane so this doesn't apply at all.
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In general I prefer playing as a female character in videogames, even tho I'm gay
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I like the stealth approach in this game, and that has a name. Claudette.
Small, quiet, and if you prestige her she comes with a camoflage outfit.
I also do it with Jeff (he is my swf-guy, but i stopped playing swf), but Claudette is way esier.
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Oh yeah for sure. Mind you I kinda build him in such a way that he's going to be either hurt or broken a lot, so I'd rather not be grunting so much.
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If a game gives me an option to play a female character, I'm going to play a female character. Lotta games I had growing up didn't have that option.
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That's great! I tend to play the male characters more as I'm such a sickly kid so playing strong male types is kinda escapism for me. ~ Plus Felix is a cutie XD
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I just so happen to like playing as a female. That's all.
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I just prefer playing female characters in games, I don't really care about advantages or disadvantages. All the girls could have glowing hair and grunt constantly and it wouldn't change a thing.
Well, that's not true, it would make me feel supremely uncomfortable. But I'd still play the characters that I feel closest to.
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I play kate because she's hot... and I p3 maxed her.
and then felix and elodie came out... but I don't wanna p3 another survivor before I finish the killers... so I'm stuck with kate for now 🤷♂️
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Personally i think many people play the females because they look better. I mean if you are going to have look at something for hours at a time you want to enjoy it.
When i play fighting games I typically use the females because i like speedy players over slow and strong. Physics help too
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The female models are generally smaller and harder to spot.
There are different male models tho, Ace is a medium size and David King is chunky. Also Ace has really quiet injured sounds which makes him a favorite as you can skip Iron Will.
It ends up on your personal preferences tho. You are the one staring at the model and hearing their voices for hours, may as well look at something that's pleasant in your eyes, choose some cosmetics you like, or hear injured noises that do not trigger you (Some female characters screams and grunts of pain make me uneasy, looking at you Elodie, Feng, Laurie).
I main David King for the aforementioned reasons BTW and do fine. Minor advantages are minor and I am not playing at the highest competitive level, I want to have fun.
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Incredibly valid!
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Ace is the quietest survivor, when he is not injured and vice versa, and it's pretty much confirmed. So much that there is times when I get downed and I crawled to a bush, or grass and the killer loses me.
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It basically does little. Doesn't really matter.
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I main Meg because we are much alike in ways IRL. I also play as Nancy, she is cute. Kate I like and Nea because her clothing is awesome. But i do like some outfits and characters that are male. i am female but sometimes you want to play as a sxy character ha!
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You get a very small advantage, but I find that you get more of an advantage wearing darker clothes if immersion is what you’re going for.
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It's anecdotal but I definitely feel like there is a heavy skew towards more female survivors in games. I tend to play as either Felix or David and it's very often that I'm the only male character.
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The female survivors tend to be smaller but their hitboxes are the exact same size. I personally prefer the male characters because their models reflect the hitboxes a bit better (so I don't get tilted over Huntress shots) and they're a lot quieter.
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I play the females due to I prefer there outfits the guys don’t really have any good outfits
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While they are just characters they really only affect your stealth all the hit boxes are the same some are. known to be louder the others like ace really quiet and eleody the ear destroyer. But other than that they are all the same
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I’m a guy but I mostly play female survs just because they get better cosmetics. I do dabble in some Jeff from time to time though.
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I play Kate with a particular outfit because I think she's good looking and as a guy when there is no difference in gameplay I'll opt for a good looking woman to play as. That's really about it. All survivors have access to all survivor perks with a little grinding so it all comes down to personal preference in my opinion.