Sorry guys I can't play trickster anymore

apparently he is too p2w sadge.
You literally get a better trickster as free DLC
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Yeah but the basegame cost 20 euro p2w smhg
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It takes a special lack of skill to lose this hard against the weakest killer in the game.
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and call it p2w for bonus points
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Trickster is a bloodpoints machine too. They lost really bad.
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Well you are using 1 killer and then perks from 4 different killers ;)
I don't agree with the guy but that is maybe what he's referencing
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I know Trickster has a strong 1v1, but pay to win? The only thing there you have to pay money for is the base game and (if you don't get it in the shrine) Surveillance. (At least I think that's Surveillance.)
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He is using 3 different teachables too. But like is a killer having a diverse build really a reason to suicide on hook and say the game is p2w in the chat. Like he literally only knew I had ruin when he decided to suicide maybe he guessed surveilance but I hadn't even used pop or iron maiden yet.
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He does even really have a good 1v1. Tall loops kinda cuck him.
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What's the point of this post? People say all sorts of things
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Not in my experience. He's kinda like Deathslinger tbh, just takes a bit longer. And a lot more worthless because you have to be super accurate 16 times instead of twice.
I got super bored with him once I figured out his playstyle. You just mindlessly hold W and survivors go down in 20-30 seconds.
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I see you are using Iron maiden, does it make reloading as Trickster faster now?
as far as I know it didn't on the PTB.
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I'm not saying it makes sense, just trying to offer what his perspective might have been.
Any game that has DLC abilities that actually affect the gameplay and aren't simply cosmetic will have some kind of a divide between people who buy most/all of the DLC and people who buy few/none. It's smaller in DBD because the game is not actually free to play, BUT there are clearly some people who think certain characters or perks are "pay2win."
When it comes down to it, though, this guy was just mad because you kicked their asses with arguably one of the weakest killers in the game, so he was just looking for anything to insult you with.
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Yes it makes it faster.
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Being a survivor against him is miserable. I literally have more fun fighting freddy
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He has insane 1v1 only thing that sucks with him is shack, but I don't even bother with shack if someone tries to take me there.
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The best part is that he has counterplay, it's just that it's the exact same thing over and over again.
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also most main buildings he is screwed on and if they get a decent chain of jungle gyms. he gets railed.
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Yep more time going pew pew less time sitting in front of lockers
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Of course the guy with the least amount of points has something to say
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Eh, I don't have many problems with chained jungle gym's or most main buildings. The only problem I have is with shack. I still think his movement should be 115%.
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mostly my issue for jungle gyms is very little places to shoot through and honeslty it sometimes just feels more fun to just do it as a 110 killer.