How many characters have you unlocked with shards?

Personally I have bought all the characters because I usually just spend shards on the shrine and the occasional cosmetic.
I'm curious how many people are patient enough to save 9k shards for new characters. I think the most I ever saved was 6-7k then said "######### it."
Plague, Oni, Doctor and Hag
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From what I recall I have bought Jeff, Adam, elodie, twins and gun Jin with shards.
I have bought a lot of cosmetics with shards though
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Oni, Deathslinger, Blight, Twins, Trickster
Yui, Zarina, Felix, Elodie and Yun-Jin
I haven't paid for a DLC since the Silent Hill one
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Most of them. The thing is, i dont even know what else to do with the shards, i currently have a little more than 100k of them.
But i usually dont care about killer cosmetics, since you can´t the them yourself anyway, and the only interesting cosmetics for the survivors i play i either already got or are not availible with shards.
But i cant even give them away. I would like to be able to award some shards to killers and survivors after the game (only players you are not in an swf with together).
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Only one I bought with shards was Spirit. Everyone else I spent their DLCs. I used shards one time in the shrine for bbq and have used many shards for cosmetics.
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Jane and Élodie
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Man there are some patient gamers here! Much respect to you guys, I've always struggled with that.
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Feng, Jeff, Jane, Hag, Doctor, Clown, Spirit, Legion, Plague and Oni. I dont own but I have all Ace, Adam, Quentin, Steve, Nancy, Ash and Yui perks unlocked on the Shrine.
I dont plan on unlocking more Survivors with shards since they are skins and I dont plan on unlocking Twins, Ill get Deathslinger or Trickster once their Archive gets out OR I save 18k shards (I unlock wathever Killer gets the archive, Plague being next I unlocked her few days ago).
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Everyone except Trickster, but that's because lately I've been taking breaks from the game so it's taking me long to reach 9k (but I'm almost there).
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None. I consider buying chapters as my continued show of support for the game, and save my shards for buying cosmetics.
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4 - Clown, Kate, Adam and Spirit. Everyone else with real money. (Which is kinda a shame, because I would love to have the white Shirt on Kate, but I wont buy the Chapter just for that)
And nowadays I pretty much only buy Cosmetics with Shards or sometimes Perks in the Shrine, when I want to click some Bloodwebs.
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all non licensed killers with the exception of plag. I also got a few survivors but I don't recall which
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Blight, twins, trickster
Felix, elodie, yun-jin
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Six so far
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Around 8-10, hard to find out the exact number.
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All of them. The only ones I haven’t bought with shards are the licensed ones that you are unable to.
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just two the twins an Ellode. The only thing that helped me do that was all the shards we got throughout December.
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I started playing the game during the 2018 Hallowed Blight event. All the chapters were half off, so I ended up buying everything that had been released so far (which, at the time, was up through Spirit).
The first chapter that was released after I started playing was Legion. I was extremely disappointed in what he turned out to be, so I bought him and Jeff with shards. And I've bought every single original chapter since then with shards, too. I only spend money on the licensed chapters.
I've amassed a rather large amount of shards, I can purchase chapters the day they're released and never have to save up for anything, so it's no biggie.
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Oni, Hag and Yui are the ones I've got with shards so far.
I intend to do this with all unlicensed chapters (because why not get them for free by saving up stuff? It's not like I really ever find something else to spend them on, so it works for me for the time being.)
Edit: Spirit as well. I forgot about that.
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All of them. Never spend shards on the shrine and rarely for cosmetics so I usually have enough once a chapter comes out and enough for a cheap recolored cosmetic for the surv.
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All killer and all survivor except Kate, Jeff, Jane and Adam ( i got all their perks with the shrine)
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Back when they introduced it, I bought Clown and Kate for shards for trying out. Then when Spirit came out I've decided to buy the chapter, just to support. But I changed my mind quickly with the broken Legion patch. Since then I'm getting every original chapter with shards and avid putting to much money into the game.
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4 killers, 1 survivor
I used to buy them but now that I have more shards than I know what to do with I just buy all the new original killers.
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Deathslinger, just Deathslinger.
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Twins, Elodie, Blight, Yun-Jin, Deathslinger, Trickster, Oni, Jeff and Adam
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Legion and Yun-Jin.
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Jeff and Legion Because i had hiatus that time and didn't want to give bhvr money for their terrible game atm
Trickster and Li because chapter sucks
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I believe that everyone I could have bought with shards, I have done so. I don't like spending more money on an already overpriced game. The standard should be $30-40, not 60.
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Where is this game going for $60?
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None. I use shards for shrine perks I want to have. I bought all characters with money
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Only one, Jane
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I'm saying at one point, like when the Special Edition console port first dropped. But I'm also saying in general: games don't need to be that darn expensive. I don't care if it's AAA or if it's technologically more advanced. The price of consoles shouldn't go up either, because that was the unspoken rule for the longest time: that console prices didn't depend on economic inflation.
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Only blight.
Farming shards takes forever and I'd rather spend them on shrine perks since I've skipped a bunch of characters who I have no desire to play.
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I am using them for cosmetics.
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9 killers and 9 survivors.
Clown, Spirit, Legion, Plague, Oni, Deathslinger, Blight, Twins, Trickster.
Kate, Adam, Jeff, Jane, Yui, Zarina, Felix, Elodie, Yun-jin.
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None, I only spend shard for perks
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Never bought any character with shards. I'm so far behind on unlocking perks i just don't get the motivation to play as much anymore alongside the constant nerfs. All my points go towards the shrine sadly.
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I bought hag, ace, and Elodie with shards. The rest I’ve either bought the full dlc or the character with auric cells.
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i only used shards on twins chapter this dlc wasnt wotrh reall money for me
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I bought Oni, Legion, Blight, Clown, Plague, Spirit, Twins, and Elodie I bought with shards.
I only regret buying Clown because his chapter became free with xbox game pass for a while so I wasted 9k shards and bought everyone else with money.
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Kate and Jane
Spirit, Clown and legion
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None. I like using my shards for cosmetics ! :3
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This probably sounds bad, but none of them. My impatient self could never grind up the iridescent shards at such a substantial volume when I could get immediate gratification by just dropping cash and unlocking characters immediately.
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Spirit, Plague, Blight, Twins, Felix
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Every single one of them. I've also bought every licenced DLC from sale at 50 % price except Stranger Things and Ash. Silent Hill was free because I got PH and Cheryl with the free auric cells people got before Christmas. BHVR gets my money as little as possible until they start properly optimizing their game for console and start caring for solo survivors and killers.
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Just Yui. Bought every killer with cells. Survivors are a waste of any currency unless you stream or really want to play that person.
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Spirit, jeff, adam and kate