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Toxic Survivor Tier-List (Based on my experience alone)

Just to clarify I AM NOT saying you are toxic if you play these characters, nor am I saying that these characters are toxic in general...this is just the characters that I have experienced the most toxicity from and the least.

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  • Member Posts: 10,910

    What's wrong with us Yuis?

  • Member Posts: 3,546

    Aw c'mon why so much hate for the Steve mains

    not all of us are toxic :'(

  • Member Posts: 4,531

    Cheryl's are also very toxic from what I've seen.

    I'm glad to see my fellow Ash mains aren't being toxic to you though.

  • I must be lucky then I have never come across a toxic Cheryl

  • Member Posts: 4,699

    Adam toxic? No impossible were all so wholesome

  • Member Posts: 1,783
    edited April 2021

    Curious about your Dwight experiences. From my own they're either babies, stupidly good, memers or Head-on gamers. I can't remember the last time I saw a Dwight tbag, flashlight click, run OoO, aggressive DS/UB or do anything else even remotely annoying.

    I also would like to ask what you consider as toxic behavior?

  • Member Posts: 176

    Yui should be in her own category as super nice and cute. I agree. Never saw a toxic Yui.

  • Member Posts: 230

    Ace "moderately toxic"?


  • Member Posts: 1,927

    I'd swap the jake and the ash around and move Meg up to the top and then I pretty much agree lol.

  • Member Posts: 100

    In what world are jake mains that toxic.

  • Member Posts: 3,012

    Kate mains are cute usually, i love them

  • Member Posts: 85

    In my tier list Ace players go in the super toxic row.

  • Member Posts: 6,030

    Onesie elodies, and Cheryl's (more specifically Lisa's) need to be moved to super toxic

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    Hell yeah, Kate is nice.

    Really wish I understood why I seem to get tunneled more often when I play as her, though. Especially since she's my main. 😥

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    The OP's chart roughly matches how often I see the characters. For example I see Dwight, Feng and Bill all the time but no one in their right mind picks Quentin, ever, and I strangely hardly ever see Ash either. I wonder if there's any confirmation bias here? Not trying to insult or make any accusations, just wondering if some characters seem more toxic because they're more often chosen and therefore more frequently allowed to exhibit toxic behavior. Just a theory.

    For whatever it's worth I currently main as Meg and Dwight with Claudette and Nea next in the running and never act in a deliberately toxic fashion. So just remember: the next time you see one of them, they might just be good people. Until they reveal themselves with a teabag I guess.

    Don't take it personally. She's hot, the killers just want her.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    Most Quentin I face are super toxic. Except unlike other, hes super good at chase.

    Once hes got Bloodwarden trapped, within getting a hit at gate, he only got killed by Entity at the end of EGC

    Toxic Quebtin has the highest escape rate in my games

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Nice to see tapp players in nice. A lot of people get the wrong impression from them

    Quentins are a little bit toxic from my experience though

    From my experience yui is at the top. Swear on my life I’ve never met a nice one

  • Member Posts: 1,864

    Now, now these are Kate players we're talking about. Move her up to moderate

  • Member Posts: 2,924

    Would love to know who the name-besmirching pricks who got Jake in the toxic category are, because most of us are pretty chill

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    Yeah definitely got Jake and Ace mixed up there.

  • Member Posts: 2,923

    Cheryl players need to be burned at the stake.

  • Member Posts: 391
    edited April 2021

    As a Jane and Steve main that's never toxic I feel insulted. Also please WHY is Quentin there literally half those P3 Quentin mains are as toxic as radioactive waste.

  • Member Posts: 1,062

    Then why tf do I always get tunnelled off first hook when I just try and play a stealthy Cheryl?

  • Member Posts: 112

    I like that Dwight is in A tier and Claud is in C Tier. Very M. Night Shyamalan-esque.

  • Member Posts: 939

    I main Grandpa Bill so I might be biased, but when I play Killer, I don't see a lot of them being toxic. Had no idea a lot of people find Cheryl's bad either.

    I think top tier for me is : Steve (always), Nea, Meg, Ace, Yui.

    But mostly I can tell level of toxicity based on their skins. You get a Nea wearing super bright colours + dangerhair and you just know it's going to be interesting. Steve is usually toxic regardless of fashion lol.

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  • Member Posts: 454

    Glad to see the few Tapps out there are being nice

    (Tapp main btw)

  • Member Posts: 1,093

    I might be in the minority here, but the large number of the Fengs I come across are NOT toxic, even the Bunny ones, so I wouldn't have her in that super-toxic tier, from my experiences. Jake neither -- it's rare I come across a toxic one, though both the Fengs and Jakes I see tend to be really good at the game. Since I play a lot of Meg, I'm probably biased, but I don't see many toxic Megs either.

    On the other hand, I can count the non-toxic Lauries on one hand, and the ones that were, looked to be people trying to get Adept trophies who normally don't play her, lol. Same with Nancy -- almost every one I come across has a teabag ready for that shack pallet they drop in the first minute of the game. 🤣

    Claudette is way too low, as is Quentin. The Yuis I run across are mostly nice enough, and I may never have come across a toxic Kate -- they almost always are nice, as are the huge majority of the Janes (when I play Pig, those three always seem most willing to Boop the Snoot).

    If the Dwight I'm facing is toxic, they're almost always really good.

    All of this, obviously, personal experiences. Your mileage (as seen by the variety of replies) will vary.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    If you allow me to share mine:

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  • Member Posts: 13
    edited April 2021

    Nice Elodie's? Share them with me. Every time I get an Elodie they either troll or they have no idea as to what they're doing.

    You are correct about Cheryl's, though. Cheryl's who wear the Lisa skin are suspiciously skilled and altruistic. I wear it albeit I'm decent at best lol.

    Here's mine,

    Post edited by 1_800_MIAMI on
  • Member Posts: 10,910

    Please explain to me your experience with Yui’s? What’s wrong with us?

  • Member Posts: 939

    To be honest, I don't really allocate toxicity to a character ;) . I've seen some nice Yui's. But it's the same scenario as the toxic Nea; the more pimped out their avatar, the more toxic they seem to be.

  • Member Posts: 687
    edited April 2021

    Well this just makes me sad. I main Kate and Nancy with Tapp, Yui and Feng following behind and I'm never doing toxic behavior. And I play Bunny Feng! I do notice when I play Kate and Bunny Feng, I do sometimes get tunneled and I don't understand why since when I play killer, I've only come across like 2 toxic Kates and 1 toxic Bunny Feng. I always aim to play my games showing not all Yui's and NANCY'S are toxic. Not all Nancy's are camping pallets waiting to drop one, stun the killer and teabag. I'm so pleased I've never seen a fellow Tapp main being toxic, they're generally the most wholesome and know how to stay on task. Honestly the times I've played killer and I could swear the Tapp was part ninja cuz I never saw him the whole game until I forced him out of hiding to rescue his team or never at all and he escaped.

  • Member Posts: 687

    From someone who sometimes play onesie Elodie cuz I simply find the outfit cute I can hopefully assure you that I do not know how to use a flashie to save my life and I find teabagging disgraceful. I've only ever teabagged once and it was after war with a face camping Bubba so it was well deserved but other than that, my onesie Elodie doesn't know how to be toxic lol

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