Spirit Needs Some Nerfs

Okay, Spirit in my opinion needs some nerfs, but these nerfs can make her more balanced and easier to play against. Along with making her better to play as. These nerfs shouldn’t make her useless, but they shouldn’t make her incredibly overpowered.
•Make it so the glass on her glows when she is phasing when your in the killers terror radius.
•Make Her Phasing cool down a little bit longer when not in a chase, but when in chase it would be faster.
•Make her a little bit like nurse, if she fails to hit somebody when coming out of Phase mode she gets a short stun.
•Allow Spirit to See Scratch Marks AND pools of blood within a current range when phasing, for an example of a survivor is 24m always and you start phasing you can’t see there pools of blood and scratch marks, but if your within 12m you can see Pools of Blood and Scratch Marks.
• I would give spirit while phasing grunts of pain Moderately quieter, because a spirit with Stridor or without it can track survivors easily in phase mode.
•Last change I would give her is to change some of her add ons, but personally most of them are fine besides the Mother Daughter Ring or the Yakuyoke Amulet. I would also change her recovery add ons as well.
What do you think about the changes? I would love to hear your opinion.
Not bad. Although I do think a fatigue coming out of phase could make her a little unbearable to play so maybe give her a higher lunge out of her power to compensate. In terms of add ons, I think the amulet is fine because it's strong but has a negative effect. MDR needs a nerf as hiding scratch marks isn't enough to compensate for how broken it is imo.
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By the way what I mean by the stun is when she misses she is slower and her vision is slightly blurry for at least 3-5 seconds.
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I think Spirit is complete BS since her release and I agree she needs big nerfs but I disagree with many of your points; I will explain why and how.
- By making her glass visibly doing something different when she phase you completely kill her mindgames at pallets.
- By increasing her cooldown when not in a chase you decrease her map presence; she needs that because when not using her power she is too slow.
- This is what needs to happen, I’ll explain more on bottom.
- By doing this (and n.2 also) you’re making Spirit weaker out of chases and MORE powerful in a chase. The last thing Spirit needs is more chase potential.
- By this you contradicted your previous point. Why make her more powerful in a chase, let her see blood and scratchmarks and then remove sound cues? Core mechanics should be equal to every killer so sounds for Spirit should be the same as the others.
- I don’t think the problem is her addons. They have been reworked and almost nothing changed, the problem is her base kit.
About point .3
Spirit is the only killer in the entire game who is capable of closing long distances fast without any form or stun/animation after doing so.
Long-range projectile killers (Huntress, Plague, Slinger, Trickster) and closing-gap killers (meaning they can close distance during a chase - Wraith, Billy, Nurse, Pig, Legion, Demogorgon, Oni, PyramidHead, Blight and Twins) all have a stun/animation during which they can’t attack you if they miss the first attempt. The only exception being Clown, but not so much: firstly his ranged doesnt do damage and secondly he needs to reload bottles. Every killer has some form of slowdown after using their power, something that blocks them from immediately hit you, BUT NOT THE SPIRIT. If you “win” a mindgame against the Spirit you will have gained minimum distance and she’ll be in melee reach after a few seconds. And honestly this is where her problem lies. Make the phase walk easier to use, yes, but stun her if she misses.
TLDR: Spirit is the only killer in the entire game that doesn’t get stunned after closing a big distance and MISSING a basic attack and that’s where the problem is.
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Nah, learn her counters instead running in straight lines and being shocked when she downs you.
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The counters that exist in nothing but perks (so not really good counters) and are immidiately removed as soon as they use Stridor? Sure thing :D
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You've picked up on the right aspect to nerf, but I still think this would be too overbearing.
Spirit is designed to use her phasing in short bursts, and periodically come out of phase to get her bearings. It is not meant purely to land a hit directly out of phase.
Instead, retain the ability to exit out of short phases without any stun penalty, whereby you only get stunned if you swing and miss, no swing = no stun. But if you fully deplete the phase gauge, she goes into a desperation state, where unless you land a hit within the next 5 seconds, you get stunned for 5 seconds.
This would discourage completely depleting her phase gauge, and lead to a higher skill ceiling whereby you try to learn to use 99% of the gauge.
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Care to name them?
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She need some sort of animation/stun after using her power and her power could see a longer cooldown. 15s for a full recovery is nothing. Ma boy Legion take 20s to recharge his power, goes slower and can't down anything + have a 4s stun after using it.
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There’s counters against a killer you can’t physically see what they’re doing? Impossible.