
A very good change to totems would be like
5 or more safeboxes should appear around the map it may contain a totem and to open it survivors should get difficult skill checks or it will take a little bit more time to open it and if a survivor can open it, he could break the totem! So this will bring more objectives for survivors and totems will not be gone in the first 30 seconds of the match.
i play survivor and killer 50/50 btw
Or, better yet, have totem perks not active at the start of the game. Have killers go around and place them on dull totems. This would prevent them being gone immediately as well as add a more in-depth mechanic.
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Id only be into this if they slowed down the beginning some. Gens already get done very quickly that adding more things to slow down killers momentum is not good
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Yes, because killers needs a momentum to improve their 65-75% killer rate
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Id love to know where you got those numbers since the average is 2k for the best killers besides freddy according to the Devs themselves (and Freddy is getting nerfed now anyways)
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I like this
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It’s quite a good idea too.
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With my idea would slow down gens i guess
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Good PoV! I guess the main idea of protecting totems would help
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Bad idea, any Survivor sees you exiting a weird spot or a known Totem spawn point and you are going to lose the Hex faster than ever.
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This would actually be healthy for the game so it will be ignored.
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As long as that's optional, i'd be fine with it.
I actually prefer to not have to waste my time on placing it, the beginning of the Trial is too important to me.
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Actually I'm confused where you got your numbers from because last time I saw the devs release statistics about kills it averaged between 2 to 3 kills, not a solid 50%. The person you're responding to seemed to have a more accurate percentage of about 2 kills and sometimes 3, as opposed to simply 2.
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No, the percentages given indicate that 3 kills are more often than 2 kills. I wasn't meaning exactly 2k but much closer to 2 than 3 whereas 65-75% would be weighed to 3ks being more often than 2ks. "2 kills, sometimes 3" would be more like 50-60%.
It's not a huge deal, but to say killers more often than not get 3ks just isn't accurate and if that were true all killers would be getting nerfs like freddy
Post edited by IWasLeft2Die on0 -
Thats a really good idea....they dont activate until the killer places it down.
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Thank you I think that too
0 - This chart has been relatively similar over the past few years, in red ranks alone the kill rates are even higher(especially on PC, where Nurse actually has a 85% killrate).
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Loool i just laughed because of the “will be ignored”
well maybe they will think about something for the totems protection in a distant future! But thanks, for you supporting the idea 🥳😃
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That would just make totems longer than they already are, my change would be to fix the spawns for one thing, and have certain hex perks continue effects once there gone. Like you would keep the speed from devour or something
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I feel like I got 4k as Trapper constantly today.
Trial 1:
OoO got hooked (1 hook), then got unhooked that the unhooker (2nd survivor) completely abandone the OoO player. So I down OoO again, hook them (2 hook) and suicide on hook at 2 Gen left because thinking I was tunneling.
Found 3rd survivor in a locker near Gen, hook them (3 hook)
In chasing 2nd survivor, trapped, then DC. While so, the 4th survivor trapped near the 3rd survivor hook, chase them & hook (4 hook). The Game end right there.
I got 2 hook when 2 Gen left. Its possible for them to have at least 2-3 escape. But not. DC & suicide.
Trial 2:
Clicky got trapped, DC at 3 Gen left. The Game end right there for other 3.
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It’s a good idea indeed, but the problem isn’t the spawn spots it’s the map knowledge! and actually i guess totems are kinda fast to do
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please do not deviate from the main subject “totems” totems protection!
ps Im glad you’re feeling that way! Killin it🙃