Survivors and Resilience Attention

Hello I wanted to throw this out there because it's become a real issue and has caused me to get killed.

If a Survivor continues to move and or points repeatedly while you're trying to heal them then STOP this means they are more than likely running Resilience Perk and or Dead hard which means they NEED to be Injured for it to work!!!!!

I have had BIG issues with other Survivors not taking these hints and it's upsetting!

I had a Claudette level 11 literally trap me in a ruin area where totem's usually are hidden, and I kept standing up, pointing over 5 times, even running back and forth in that teeny spot and she would not let me out and fully healed me! I needed my resilience badly especially since we had a spirit that was literally gen hopping and we were down to 3 Survivors with 3 gens left! We all were killed and I lost rank!

I was so mad after she did this, that I literally chased her down haha. So I began to combat this with reporting them, and popping genies or bringing the killer to them in a chase. This is what I will do, if a Survivor doesn't catch ALL of my hints and chases me down and or blocks me, to heal me when I am clearly not wanting them too!

Btw this happens with high level players who should know better!



  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,200
    edited April 2021

    If a survivor tries to heal you, they probably NEED to heal you. They have a challenge to heal, or they're looking for altruism bloodpoints. They also likely have perks that assist in healing others, and so to make use of those perks they should be healing other survivors.

    Unless you're going against Plague, or a killer who is very likely going to Expose you, then you have no reason to stay injured. You might have Resilience and Dead Hard, those are second chance perks. You will still have Resilience and Dead Hard after you get injured next time, but in the mean time, being at full health gives you another health state, increasing your survival chances, and improving the whole teams chance to escape.

    You wanted to stay injured against a Spirit? Do... you even play this game? The only good counter to Spirit is NOT being injured.

  • ill_Boston_lli
    ill_Boston_lli Member Posts: 899

    Don't corner yourself if you dont want to be blocked in. I usually run solo and stay away from team mates if i dont want to be bothered There are ways to avoid people;

  • VaJaybles
    VaJaybles Member Posts: 658
    edited April 2021

    My main build is the speed vault build and I feel this but also no I don't. Just get healed, and move on, you're going to get hit again eventually and end game is when the perk comes in clutch. Not really such a big deal that sandbagging someone who was trying to help, except for the person who trapped you, hold shift or RB or R1 so they can't heal, get crows so the killer comes, and then dh to a pallet.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    I run the vault build with iron will and there's nothing worse than 99ing yourself just to have another survivor run up and tap you to full health lol. Like in 99% healed and I have a medkit and I'm not asking you to heal me, don't you think there's a reason why lmao.

  • Gay_Police_Dept
    Gay_Police_Dept Member Posts: 743

    Haha, solo Q is just like democracy, it just doesn't work :D

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    The only time I break away from a heal is if my Spine Chill is going off.

    But yeah, even when I run Resilience I gladly take a full heal, especially if they heal fast. If they have We'll Make It for example, or even Botany Knowledge (Mega sleeper perk) you may as well get healed as long as the killer doesn't have OHKO potential. Even then, sometimes I still like to be heales up against Bubba/Billy in case they m1 while you're injured.

    But yeah. Also if they DON'T have the aforementioned perks and you're suffering from Sloppy.. Then I would break away lol

    That shi takes FOREVER to get healed up from and isn't worth it imo

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,792
    edited April 2021

    Some people feel entitled and simply do not care. Unfortunately nothing will ever change some people's minds so you have to be as proactive as possible around these people to not give them an opportunity to force a heal on you.

    Most people are normal and stop trying after a couple attempts.

    Post edited by brokedownpalace on
  • SammiieK1991
    SammiieK1991 Member Posts: 686

    Tip for you... never put yourself in a tiny tight corner to be healed by your team. Its happened many times where they've healed me and wouldn't let me out. You can report them for doing that as its considered body blocking.

    If you're running resilience or botany knowledge most of the time it's more effiencient and sensible to get yourself somewhere secluded away from the team and killer to heal yourself. It takes longer, but longer moves are sometimes safer. Especially if they're in a chase and there's a slight chance they'll bring the chase to you. There are some team that will deliberately put you on the spot, but some that will be a bit more sensible.. I personally always avoid bringing the killer to my team. Especially if they're healing or working on a gen. Bubba and hillbilly are quite often the cheeky ones because of their high perks.

    Play a safe tac tic and always prepare yourself for awkward situations at the very start of the match.

  • aprils4kids
    aprils4kids Member Posts: 38

    Yes there are some times I need to be healed mainly at the end, but I will go a whole match not being hit once which wastes my Perks. So if I get hit I need that hit to finish stuff of quickly. I have challenges as well to complete. There are 3 others who need healing too, not just me haha.

    But to be harassed essentially, that actually gets me killed, or makes me miss my challenges etc then it's a problem. This is the big issue for me.

  • aprils4kids
    aprils4kids Member Posts: 38

    Yeah I learned this after that time haha. I reported them too. I appreciate the understanding and the helpful tips. I'm try that.

  • aprils4kids
    aprils4kids Member Posts: 38

    True. This is why I figured I would create a post about it, incase they didn't know or figured some of us will take it.

  • aprils4kids
    aprils4kids Member Posts: 38

    Omg yes!!! I have done this too. Hahaha. I mainly play with my husband so we take care of each other with this stuff, but a lot of times we play with two others and find a killer in public. We tea bag next to someone or wave them over to see if they want healing and leave them be of they don't come to us or get off a generator, simple enough. I don't go chasing people around for it haha, even if I have a challenge.

    We are careful of trying to read others so we don't accidentally mess up any perks they may be using. Just like I have rifts to unhook a lot of people Im not going to go do it and risk them being killed just to get it done, that's not right nor is it helpful to the team.

    I don't know but glad to see others have the same mind set in this game, real team players. Some are just a**H****.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    Exactly, it's pretty easy to tell as well when someone needs healing because in my experience they normally come up to you when you're on a gen a violently tbag you until you do lol. 😂😂