So I am new to playing The Pig...

I bought Pig last night, and I've played 3 matches with her so far. I'm still trying to get the hang of the dash and ambush attacks, but that's to be expected. As for her traps, I thought a Survivor wasn't able to escape through the exit gates with a trap on their head?
I downed a Claudette during EGC, but she was still able to crawl out the exit gates with the trap on her head. I thought that could only happen if trying to escape through the hatch? If traps don't become active during EGC, then that seems to really limit Pig's power as a Killer.
Traps only can activate after gen finish. So in egc your traps will be useless. Devs nerfed that because so many Pig mains abused it.
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They can escape if it’s not active. I don’t think it limits her too much since you typically only have 4 traps so you only need 4 downs before the endgame to use all your power. Usually my goal as pig is to get a down and trap out before the first gen is done.
Her dash is crappy, her stealth is crappy, and the bear traps are completely RNG.
There is very little reason to play her outside the tampered timer + crate of gears combo unless you are a huge SAW fan.
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Well then how can you explain Pig kill rates. She has so good rates against Red ranks.
But Pig needs rework if you ask me
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I main pig and honestly i dont use the dash. I use the stealth crouch every now and then. The traps are your real friend. They are a good time waster. You will want to use stuff like crate of gears and the timer together and the purple map....most of the add ons are crappy accept those. Every time a gen is done any traps you have on peoples heads will activate. You can either patrol the boxes and try and get them out fast or let them wast time looking through the boxes and go on to try and find sombody else. Pig is great
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Define “played correctly”.
She borderline requires tracking perks to get any use out of her stealth. Other stealth killers can stack chase perks or slowdown perks instead.
The dash is useless at all but the shortest loops, and requires addons to just be medicore. Otherwise survivors can just walk off the tile anytime you crouch for a dash attack. Without combat straps you can’t really even fake it.
And finally, the bear traps that people can get off on the first try even if you have double purple addons.
So with all that she’s basically a pure M1 killer with an unreliable stall and no mobility; a strong contender for the worst killer in the game.
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Got it. That makes sense. I've had success with Survivors being killed by my traps before the EGC, and I thought it applied during EGC as well. Guess not lol
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One more thing...I like Surveillance A LOT. That was the main reason why I decided to buy the Saw DLC (along with Detective's Hunch on Tapp), and it does not disappoint. I'm a Deadslinger main, and I can easily see how Surveillance would be valuable on him.
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also: look at what you are dealing with:
There's survivors, random groups and swfs alike, that WILL genrush no matter what, meaning a good tactic is down a survivor quickly and see if they activate a gen and thus the trap or not.
if they do, get traps on them, i have seen people pop gens while wearing a trap themself cause they think they can get them off before quickly enough.
If you have that kind of group and got a bit practice in, you might be able to time things well and have at least two survivors with traps when the last gen pops. then you can open the gates and watch them panic.
If you have a group who knows how to play against pig (99 gens and only pop them when no trap is in play).... good luck
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Probably because most red ranks are super boosted and go down quickly to any M1 killer, letting the pig get plenty of value out of the traps.
Her addons can just automatically win you games as well, no skill required.
I don’t know how people can go against good survivors who can loop well and then try to say pig is anything more than rolling the dice on an M1 killer.
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That's good to know, I wasn't aware of this either.
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For the traps they need to be activated. I dont think they ever mention that or its just outdated information. To activate a trap a gen has to be finished. if you put it on their head after all gens are done its worthless and does nothing. Also since your new to pig a good perk combo is to use whispers and monitor and abuse when whispers goes off squat to hide your terror radius because your close and thanks to monitor your terror radius is small enough to go unnoticed and helps you be sneaky. I think orignally survalience was suposed to do this then they changed pigs terror radius so it dosnt work as well anymore. Good luck fellow piggy and remember if they boop the snoot you must pretend not to see them anymore.
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As someone who plays The Pig a LOT, a few thoughts -- other Pig players experience with her will obviously vary, but there's always more than one way to play successfully.
-- You're gifted with an innate in-game slowdown in the form of your traps, so use them. Some Pig players like to save them, but I start busting them out immediately. Nothing worse than having the last gen pop, and you still have a trap left that's been rendered useless. Survivors will, for the most part, start searching boxes immediately, even if their trap isn't active, so that's a survivor that's NOT working on a generator. That slowdown is invaluable in a game where gens can go by so quickly.
-- That said, additional slowdown perks for gen regression are useful, if almost necessary. Corrupt paired with Pop can work, though Pop can be unreliable at times. Even though she's not a high mobility killer, I will run Ruin paired with Undying -- again, once a survivor has a trap on, particularly an active one, they won't be looking for your totem. I tend to run Surveillance with her as well, and I get a TON of use out of it with Ruin (as long as the totems stay up). I run BBQ with her mainly to reduce the BP grind, but Enduring is a 4th good perk (since you'll be eating through pallets, or Save The Best For Last (since you can save stacks by using your Ambush Attack on the Obsession). Sloppy Butcher isn't bad either, as survivors who take longer healing won't be searching boxes or working on gens. Any additional slowdown you can get is good for you.
-- Stealth is not her strength, but it still can be useful. Her terror radius doesn't go away immediately like Ghostface, and after you uncrouch, there's a brief period that it takes to come back. She moves painfully slow while crouched, so while it's okay to use it to move around, you have to be selective -- you don't want to be crossing the entire map while crouched. I get a lot of cheeky hits using her crouch to stealth back to a generator that Surveillance tells me someone has jumped back on. You don't have to use her Ambush attack in those instances -- using her stealth simply to get close to a survivor and in position to land a hit is often enough. There are many matches where I barely use her stealth at all and are still successful with her.
-- Her ambush attack is underrated at loops that aren't large ones. If you can break line of sight -- and even better if you can get into the pallet -- you can turn it into a no-win for the survivor if they hesitate and don't run immediately away. Here's a great example of how I'll land that type of hit:
You can also FAKE using her Ambush Attack as well, since her roar telegraphs it (something that it would be nice if that would be changed down the line). You can crouch and snort, faking that you're charging the Ambush Attack, then immediately pop back up after a survivor has run from what might have been a safe tile for them.
-- Her best add-ons are the Combat Straps, which are a common that reduce her crouch time, and either the Video Tape (an uncommon that reduces the time it takes to charge the Ambush Attack and the cooldown if you miss) or the Last Will (which gives you a 5th trap). If you're feeling particularly spicy, the Tampered Timer/Crate of Gears is deadly, if for no other reason than only the most experienced survivors will realize you're running it before someone dies (if they notice that you're putting the trap on them slightly quicker than normal). I've had survivors die to the TT simply because they got healed off of hook with an active trap and got pushed off of a box somewhere along the way. Her other add-ons are not really anything to write home about.
-- Speaking of traps, the best way to start a round is to get a down and a trap on a survivor's head before the 1st gen pops. If you can do that, you'll have immediate pressure on. While it might be tempting to chase after a trapped survivor, that's NOT the way to play her. The trap IS the pressure, not you chasing after the person who's trapped. RNG can sometimes be cruel -- it's frustrating to see everyone getting their traps off immediately -- but that's still time they have to do something OTHER than work on a gen, which gives you additional time to get the downs you need to win.
-- The exception to the above rule is when you come across someone on a Jigsaw box, it's always worth it to harass them off of it, even if you don't commit to chasing them. They lose all progress on the box, and if it chases them all the way to another box somewhere else, even better. If, while chasing someone, you run across someone searching a box who's injured, downing them and continuing your chase can provide a ton of pressure. Don't camp boxes -- not only is it a waste of time for you, but it's bad form to do so, and you'll just end up watching all the gens get done while you're doing so.
-- Finally, players are going to want to meme with you when you play The Pig. I honor every Boop of the Snoot by letting that person live -- I've even let whole teams farm who are willing to Boop out the gate -- but that's not a requirement. If you don't want to meme with your survivors, a quick attack will let them know you mean business, lol.
I'm not an "expert" by any measure, but I have played hundreds of rounds as her, and I've made it to Rank 1 playing the majority of matches as her. She can compete, even against very good survivors, and she's a lot of fun to play. My YT channel (the video clip above is on it -- the channel is here: has well over 100 matches on it if you'd like to see how many of my Pig matches go (just don't look at my earliest ones -- I've only been playing a year, and I still have a LOT to improve on, lol) . If you want to see somewhat occasionally competent Pig play, you'll have plenty to see there.
The best Pig player I know of is a player by the name of Scorpionz -- he has a whole Pig guide on his channel (here -- While I don't follow everything he says to do, I think there's more than one way to play the Pig successfully, and I have learned a lot watching him (particularly about using the Ambush Attack successfully). If you want to play the Pig, it's a must to checki him out, as he's continually at Rank 1 playing her and playing her well.
Hope some of that helps -- and good luck playing The Pig! 🙂
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I like playing Pig, but I also don't like it when survivors try to boop my snoot constantly. Sometimes I just wanna kill everyone man lol. I shake my head and m1 them, if I change my mind and they're still alive, I may give them hatch. I feel bad for doing that to people though lmao, but it is a reason I am hesitant to play Pig sometimes. I do enjoy the traps though, I just wish killing with them was more reliable and consistent.
I like killers who can do stuff like that, it's fun and unique but I hate relying on addons to do it.
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Hello and firstly welcome fellow oink enthusiast 🙌🐷
Her traps will not work at the exit gate unless active (sad oink noises)
Secondly I really hope you take some time with either video tape and combat straps or Amanda's letter and either last will of combat straps.
I have spent probably the past 3 months just playing with there add ons and it's helped me to really up my dash game. Honestly when you really practice know what works and doesn't her ambush is amazing and I find it fun.
I hope you give the dash some time but your choice.
Nice to have you come aboard
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All praise 🙌🐷👑
God damn chio that's so impressive so much information and help but I'm not surprised coming from you. Nice to see more love for Piggy!
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Hello silent 🐽
I actually agree with you about rolling the dice while being a M1 killer. Probably one of the things that I don't enjoy about her
l stopped using box add ons for combat straps and video tape.
Now I have add ons that help me all game rather than pray the rng is in my favour.
What add ons do you feel win her games? (friendly polite discussion wanted)
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Piggie doesn't get picked nearly enough. 😔 I'm happy to see whenever someone joins us in appreciation of her unique kit. 🙂
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Devs nerfed that because so many Pig mains would abused it.
Pig mains never got the chance. The trap was nerfed at the same time as EGC.
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Not many people play her in higher ranks so, and the majority of people that did pull trap a survivor then tunnel hard. that’s why it was so high kill rates don’t always determine how good a killer is
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I hope they give her a rework, especially give her something to use during egc since traps and crouch are worthless once last gen is done. Having her entire kit useless at that point is a unique weakness to her which is a shame
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If you're new to Pig and trying to learn her, I recommend you watch this video made by Scorpionz, as he is a very good Pig main.
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Her stealth is amazing, her dash is amazing, and her traps are one of the best secondary objectives in the game..... you sure you play pig?
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I recommend picking up some tips from pig players, but also figuring out your own niche. Check out some of Scorpionz stuff as well as others.
Its great to watch great players, but pig has a versatile enough kit that you could play her in a variety of different ways effectively based on your needs. My personal style I tend to focus on secondary objectives and debuffing survivors. Some other pig players enjoy playing her with brute force. Some others enjoy utilizing her stealth constantly. All personal preference. Once you learn her basic mechanics, she becomes one of the best perk manipulators in the game. With builds that can only be pulled off with her kit.
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Don't use her ambush much. Only use it at short loops where you can maximize its potential. Otherwise, it's better to M1.
In order for a RBT to activate, a generator has to be completed while it is on somebody's head. After 5 gens, any RBTs you put on will be useless.
Post edited by ShamelessPigMain on0 -
Another Pig tip: if you have traps left over at EGC, use them anyway. They won't activate, but you still get points for putting them on and, surprisingly often, a survivor will get confused and think they have to take it off.
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Traps don't count down on dowed survivors
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They nerfed it because they were implementing the End Game Collapse in the same update, and having both the RBT timer and the EGC timer ticking down simultaneously for Survivors unlucky enough to get a Trap at the end of the game is not fair. It's just that their solution to the problem ended up being too heavy-handed.
My theory: The average player in this game is a potato. This does not exclude Red Ranks. When you consider that Pig has very few players playing her, the ones who play her are more likely to be dedicated to her and better than normal. So when these better Pig players run into the potato Survivors, the end result is a highly boosted kill rate in the charts since there aren't as many bad Pigs and good Survivors to balance it out.
I disagree, I disagree, and I'm so-so on the last one. I don't just play Pig. I pretty much ONLY play Pig.
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Her stealth could be better....considering ghostface showed up and just kinda outdid that part of her kit for no reason out of nowhere. But her dash plays are out of this world during a chase. Only other killer I can think comes close is Legions dash, and maybe blight, with the exception that legion is slightly better because he can shut down pallets by simply vaulting. Can't kill during that phase but can really shut them down. Pig on the other hand can get the down in those same situations if the pallet is a loop. And can hug corners to ridiculous levels. But again I think her level of play and capabilities is all gonna come down to preference.
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Her dash plays, no matter how galaxy brain they can be, will always suffer because it is the Survivor who has to make the mistake for you to land the hit at a not-trash loop. The best you can do with your dashes are present the mindgame and hope your opponent messes it up. If they don't, you are wasting time. And this is all assuming they don't just skip the whole thing by dropping the pallet pre-emptively. Once that happens, you got nothin'.
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(Reaches out)
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I see this happen so often. It's been, what, 2 years since the EGC changes? You'd think people would learn eventually.
That and a full year after the chainsaw brothers update I still get survivors greeding pallets against my Bubba. It's like they keep forgetting that his chainsaw reaches more than 3 feet now.
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*muffled noises from a bush*
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If you put a trap on someone before the last gen pops than they can't get out of the gates and have to go for the boxes.
There is 1 but, if they have a trap on them which is active, they can however escape trough the hatch.
That is the only escape possible with an active trap on.
If you put a trap on them after the last gen pops than they can escape trough the exit gates.
About the ambush attack.
Don't bother using it cause it barely works.
Whenever I play as miss piggy I only use her crouch for stealth.
The only time I ever use the ambush attack is at a pallet loop where I'm able to break line of sight.
I crought during the loop, mostly at a pallet, than charge and try to mindgame them.
I make them guess at which side I'm going for.
Usually dash a bit to 1 side to throw them off and then quickly go to the other side to get a hit on them.
But as I said earlier, the ambush attack barely works.
At least in high ranks, and as I described when doing it at a pallet loop, it's also just up to the survivors how quick their reaction is.
As for good add ons, I use tempered timer and crates of gears.
Don't expect headpops with the traps, only slow downs on gens when they search the boxes.
But those 2 add ons together increases the odds of getting a headpop.
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Her dash is the fun part of her kit. The traps are unfun. If you want to reach red ranks without really trying always run tampered timer and crate of gears. Just play her as an m1 killer that gets at least one free kills from traps with this addon.
I hope they nerf her traps and trap addons into the ground so she can join clown and legion with her kill rates.
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Not quite.
They pre-emptively gave her that massive kneecapping in the same patch EGC came out.
Pig players never got a chance to abuse it.
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Pig occupies multiple people, and solo queue is filled with idiots.
In solo queue, the actions survivors are occupied doing at any given moment are typically:
- One Dwight getting chased
- One Nea chasing the killer chasing his teammate while clicking his flashlight
- One Nancy searching chests and hunting totems while permanently holding crouch
- One Adam doing gens and losing his fait in humanity
If Pig puts a Bear Trap on Dwight and starts chasing Adam, you now have zero survivors doing gens and Pig gets a free win.
Also, if she gets one lucky kill with an RBT, she snowballs to an easy win. With Tampered Timer, this is highly likely.
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Honestly if you die by a head trap than the change is that you deserved it.
That is if she doesn't go after you crouching.
The only time I got a headpop (I believe it happened 2 times, at least no more than 5),was because I was to greedy.
Even with tempered timer and crates of gears I never got a headpop from it.
There is so much time to get it off your head before the timer reaches 0.
Even if you get it off on the last box, you still would have time to spare.
So i don't think there will be a nerf coming any time soon for these add ons
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Timer and crate are nowhere close to guaranteed to get one free kill per match, from my experience. Sure, they are among the best add-ons to raise the odds of a Trap kill, but even with those add-ons, Trap kills are still infrequent at best from when I've used them.
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With crates and tampered timer, on a big map and your trap being in the last box you don't have enough time to search all boxes, unless you can go straight from box to box with not a single interruption.
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Survived mothers dwelling a lot against pig.
With and without those add ons.
It is never guaranteed a kill with those add ons, not on big maps nor on small maps.
You don't want to know how many times my key is in the last box 😅
It is very rare for me to get it on the first try or anything before the last box.
If you hear her TR don't be scared and just risk it.
The only survivors who get headpops from it (no matter the add ons) are the ones who get scared when they hear her TR.
They suddenly go hide to see if they can spot where she is.
And by the time they realise she's chasing someone else, they have spent so much time that there is a great chance they get a headpop.
The worst thing that can happen is she goes for you.
But then the timer stops and when she leaves you alone, you are miles away and most likely close to a box with some extra time you got from the chase.
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Best thing for ambush is to just stand up if your lucky you will get a grab if not a hit the same as an ambush for traps always put one on unless they are dead or the last gen is done allready
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Sounds to me like a good case to fix those big maps, then.
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That is a argument I can stand by.
Some maps are just stupidly big which hurts the slower killers a lot as well as killers that takes time to setup.
I definitely hope those maps shrink in size with a rework
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Seriously: disregard ANY post in here if they say that her dash is garbage. They either don't play pig, or just play her because ruin undying isn't enough of a slowdown and need something more to avoid genrush /s
As other people mentioned, watch scorpionz's guide. You probably won't find better pig player than him
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It will still kill survivors during egc, it just has to be placed before the last gen finishes. When the last gen finishes, it'll activate, and in some games that causes a lot of chaos. Especially if a survivor (or killer😈) opens the gate quickly.
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*Has new BFF
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Her dash really is not that good. I play Pig in red ranks using the meme taxi build and zero slowdown perks. I'm not winning because I am a particularly good Killer, and I am certainly not winning because I am using anything remotely resembling a meta build. I am winning because the average Survivor is bad enough that I can 4k using the meme taxi build without ever needing to dash once. Against competent players, the dash is actually lacking because the dash is only really capable of landing hits on bad loops or against Survivors who make mistakes.
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It’s literally junk. You need combat straps for it to be useable in mindgames. Which means you are not using addons to pump up the head traps and embrace the RNG kills that are the only reason to ever play pig.
Any decent survivor is just going to run directly to the next tile the second you crouch. It can get you hits at some ~very~ short loops where any other killer with real antiloop would be collecting a 100% free hit whereas pig is still gambling on a 50-50 dash attack if the survivor is completely trapped and can’t just run away.
“It’s good because Mr streamer can beat up on solo Qs with it” isn’t an argument. Anyone who is even mildly good at video games can get rank 1 killer in DBD, using anyone from the roster.
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All pigs usually do is patrol trap boxes to tunnel people that have a ticking time bomb on their head. Right up there with deathslingers and ghosties in the douche department