Is it acceptable for killers to ALT+F4 on seeing these?

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Aren't you supposed to have fun in this game? Why play something you wouldn't enjoy?
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No, it is not acceptable for you to DC because there is a map you dislike.
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No. You can, but you'll always be an average player at best until you learn how to overcome adversity. Fun is challenging yourself. If it's too easy it merely dumbs the mind.
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I burn coldwind offerings when I play as killer. lmao
Just play it out, and scrap as much bp as you can. if lucky you maybe can get a basement hook on Haddonfield and snowball it.
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Nope. Just play the match out or bring a sacrificial ward if you’re scared
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You'll get negative points for staying near hook on haddonfield
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Just play the match. I prefer either of these maps over crotus prenn.
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It's about as acceptable as it is to burn these offerrings in the first place. Which is to say, who the ######### knows, it's a massive grey area because no-one burns those offerrings to be nice so no matter what someone is getting screwed.
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It’s not ok to do it but I have burned those offerings in the past and laughed my ass off when the killer alt f4s so odds are you are making their day by doing that.
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If you really hate the map then just stay AFK. I dont know what is the hate of Coldwind Farms but I can understand the Haddonfield. I really hate that map but still manage to play my game. Play your game for fun and try to ignore ranks,kills,hooks and endgame chats. Just play your game and ignore all other factors.
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Survivors do anything: "man these entitled survivors always doing scummy things"
Killers literally DC because they don't like the map/they think it's SWF/ they don't like the skins/items: "fair and balanced, as all things should be".
Do you see the hypocrisy?
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Please, point out someone who supported the OP.
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Is it acceptable? No
But I'd be a hypocrite to condemn you as I alt+f4 if a killer uses any indoor map offering when I play survivor
Although, as killer, I never do it when survivors offer a map
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Personally I won’t DC when I play killer and see these offerings but I won’t hesitate to play scummy if I see a squad bring haddonfield and they all just so happen to have balanced landing. As survivor I honestly don’t blame killers for dc’ing when someone brings the offering but personally I don’t really care. Usually if somebody brings a haddonfield offering it’s because they’re compensating for something and I actually think coldwind is fine.
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I hate haddonfield as much as the next guy but i don't rq everytime i see a offering for it. Its a very unbalanced map that's for sure but i just play the match and try alittle harder to make up for the maps bs.
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Nope it's definitely not ok.
It's also definitely NOT something to promote on our forum as it goes completely against the rules here, we do not accept promotion of Unsportsmanlike Behaviour.