What was the first DLC you bought? Did you regret it?

This is I guess more directed towards those who haven't been around since its 2016 release or the very first DLC you could buy. Mine was the Saw chapter as I'm a major fan of the Saw films and Piggy is one of my mains so I don't regret buying the chapter at all.
I could never regret buying Mikey
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The first DLC I bought was Darkness Among Us (I originally bought the Legion with iridescent shards, But bought the full DLC a couple days after). I used main Legion (back before they were nerfed) and kind of regret buying it because after Legion's power got nerfed to the ground, I stopped playing them as much and switched to better killers.
Post edited by DistortedDream on0 -
First DLC I bought was Leatherface. I've had some fun playing with him, and he came with BBQ, so hell no I don't regret it. 😀
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Silent Hill, because I'm a huge fan even though I won't be playing as Heather until I've moved through some other, better characters (don't like her perks) and Pyramid Head will have to wait until I get better at simpler killers.
Next came Saw. Haven't used Detective Not Danny Glover yet but I've played Amanda a few times, I like her. Wish she didn't have the pig mask but I understand the several reasons why she does.
Then Stranger Things. That one was a no-brainer. Good amount of content.
Everything else was a sort of case-by-case basis, taking long hard looks at the killers and survivors of each pack. I got everything when it was on sale about 3-4 weeks ago, spending a total of maybe $70 for basically everyone. Not bad for the amount of content. Then I went and did the same thing for the Switch Lite version, lol.
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It was either Myers or Leatherface.
I don't regret anyone of them though
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Plague’s and then I found the dsync issue with her vomit plus taking 20 years without addons to make a survivor broken incredibly frustrating.
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Leatherface DLC. It's super worth it for newer players because of BBQ, as well as an easy instadown killer that got me through purple ranks. I wish the dlc would include a survivor, but I guess that's fair since it's only five bucks.
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Halloween...no regrets. I love Mikey! 🥰🥰
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The first DLC I bought was the Halloween Chapter DLC. And yea, I kind of regret it. Because I only bought it because I wanted DS, and I had been waiting for DS to show up into the Shrine Of Secrets. But it never did, so I got the DLC instead, and guess what. One week later, DS shows up in the Shrine
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I think the first for me was Darkness Among Us, which I do not regret.
Legion's one of my favourite Killers to play and Jeff is my all-time favourite Survivor.
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Ugh, that's like buying an item at retail only to see it go on sale for like half price a week later. I know the feeling.
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How am I meant to remember that?
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You had the right idea getting bbq right off. 😂
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I bought Bubba for BBQ. I don't regret it, but it makes me sad that you have to pay to get a perk that's mandatory to alleviate the terrible grind in this game, or just wait months in the hope that it drops in the shrine (which is an antiquated system, btw).
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That would be plague and yes she's been catching dust for awhile.
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Halloween. My only regret is how weak Myers has become over time. I remember when he was considered second only to Nurse...because there were only five killers in the game at the time.
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I bought curtain call first so having windows early was nice. Plus I still main clown to this day
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Ghostface and Bubba.
Brought them both at the same time at 50% off in a sale (yes, I did wait a while for the sale; but it was worth it.)
No regrets here. 👍
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The one i bought first and also right away with the core game was (Old) Nightmare on Elm Street. Old Freddy was the reason i started playig this game. I haven't watched any of the freddy films, but his appearance, the way his power works with the dream world, the cool animation when you put people into the dream with the freddy laugh and the skulls appearing in his hand was so much fun back then.
Now he has been changed for a good amount of time and i still play freddy from time to time but don't enjoy another killer anywere near as i enjoyed playing old freddy back then. I don't regret buying the chapter but it is not the same as before.
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GhostFace Dlc and I got no regrets. He is a great killer and really fun to play.
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Halloween. No regrets at all. Mikey is still my main 4 years later.
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My first DLC was Shattered Bloodlines, which I now kind of regret because at the time I didn't think Spirit was as strong as she is and please for the love of all that's phasewalking BHVR give her some goddamn tells so I can actually play Spirit.
And like half an hour after that I bought Curtain Call for Kate and no regrets there.
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The first DLC I bought was the first DLC that was released. I do not regret it in the slightest.
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Leatherface. I only leveled him to 50 and used all bp offerings, then i didnt play him for a long time. I bought him for BBQ and it was worth it.
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Bought the DLC :
2 weeks later ->
I got the 2 perks that i needed in the web after wasting around 1million bloodpoints leveling up myers.
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I got Curtain Call as my first DLC and don't regret getting it.
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I bought the game with the Halloween DLC togheter.
0 regrets, Michael is still cool
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It was bubba and BBQ is without a doubt my most used perk, plus I've been using Bubba a lot since his rework.
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This ^
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I had the four licensed chapters at the time (Halloween, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Saw, and Nightmare on Elm Street) bought for me as a gift. Considering that I main Pig now, I'd say it was worth it.
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My first DLC was A Nightmare on Elm Street. I bought it together with the base game during the Christmas sale. And hell no, I don't regret it.
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A Nightmare On Elm Street for me (back just after Freddy's nerf), don't regret it at all. Loved Old Freddy
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Silent Hill when i first bought the game I was going to main PH but ended up on doc. But do i regret buying PH God no I still love playing PH and he is one of my sides.
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My son tried to get me to play this game idk how long ago but the lack of characters resulted in me not staying with the game (played long enough to level wraith to 18 lol). I came back about a week after slinger came out and went nutz. Didn't know about forums or anything so I bought my favorite first (freddy) should have been bubba for BBQ but most don't know that at beginning without help. Although after unlocking his perks a noob like me had noed and bw on my killers👹. Then I tried to read and figure out who was best just by description....... choose ghostface still trash with that guy to this day uhhhh.
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Any dlc that could be bought with iri shards
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Michael 🥲❤
No he's my sweetheart and he knows it ☺
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I bought the game late December 2018, after the Darkness Among Us chapter. Once I had determined to myself that this would be a game I would invest a decent amount of time in, I scrounged up some extra cash and bought all of the Chapters at once. I think I bought them in sequential order, which would make Halloween the first Chapter than I bought.
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I don't really buy full DCs anymore since I only care for the killer 95% of the time, meaning my last full chapter was Cursed Legacy, and I don't know how you could regret it seeing as you get two fantastic characters. Arguably the best original chapter we have.
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Spark of Madness was my first DLC. This was also in 2018 before Docs rework and he was a monster at generating blood points. Still love playing him today very good killer over all, fun perks for both sides as well.
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My first Dlc, I would say was Curtian call before Clowns rework, honestly I thought he was amazing and i don't regret getting him at all
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Halloween, but I never played Michael Myers or Laurie besides just leveling their bloodwebs for perks. I do not regret it.
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Halloween. Yes, I regret all of the dlc that I have purchased.
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My first was the one with Doctor and Feng. I bought it after playing just one survivor match :D no regretties
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"Silent Hill" was my first purchase and I have absolutely no regrets.
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Halloween, I regret it. It wasn’t the dlc in particular it was just when I bought it. I bought the dlc and 3 days later there was a 50% discount and ds got nerfed. But the worst part about it was that ds appeared in the shrine 1 week later. But at least I got Mikey who is my main
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I started playing when Michael was the only licensed so he was the only one I could buy since the others were free. But I bought the game for him anyways now I'm just waiting for my favorite game franchise RE to retire Michael as my main...
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I bought Myers - Hag - Doctor & Bubba as a first dlc purchase.
I got them on sale, it was worth it.
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I got everything in one go. Didn’t really regret it as such but it was annoying having to play for 500 hours to be able to use a handful of the content.
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Halloween Chapter. Given Myers is the first killer I got to rank 1 and I still like him, I don't regret it.