A Rework for Monstrous Shrine to make it, you know, exist.

Bard Member Posts: 657
edited April 2021 in General Discussions
  • Gain one token per hook state earned thus far
  • For each token, survivors on the hook will last 1/1.5/2 fewer seconds per hook state.
  • Double effect on basement hooks.


  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    Id simply double the current effect (slightly round up) and make them on all hooks.

    So 20% hook progression acceleration, 30% hook difficulty increase, and 20% self unhook penalty.

    Right now the time differences is very minimal and even if it were doubled it wouldn't be gamebreaking.

  • Bard
    Bard Member Posts: 657

    This would still be pretty weak in actual games.

    Converted from percentages to actual values...

    • -4.95 seconds per hook state to 9.9 seconds per hook state
    • -0.6% chance to kobe to -1.2% chance to kobe
    • +1.8 seconds penalty to +3.6 seconds penalty (still not enough to deny a kobe attempt).

    It might get used in tournaments, where facecamping is such a meta tactic that Cameraderie gets used pretty often, but not in public matches.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405
    edited April 2021

    Yeah thats fair. I didn't feel like doing the math honestly lol. In that case I'd want to tripple or quadruple each value and make it active on all hooks

  • deckyr
    deckyr Member Posts: 799

    i once accidentally equipped monstrous shrine instead of noed by accident since their icons are pretty similar and not only did i get two basement hooks that game but they also never finished all the generators so idk guys seems like a pretty good perk

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    I mean, I've survived with no mither and I still wouldn't say it's a good perk.

    Try using monstrous shrine more and let us know how it goes

  • Lochnload_exe
    Lochnload_exe Member Posts: 1,360

    Ive had an idea for a rework as well.

    • Hooking a survivor on the basement hooks will cause the entity to block all generators for 45 seconds. Survivors currently on a generator will cause the generator to instead lose 30%.

    This isn't nothing insane and kind of just a situational perk, but it makes it where going for the basement will actually reward you much better.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089
    edited April 2021

    It with the new skill check system every skill check gets 1,2,3% smaller stack's

    And missing one takes 5,10,15 extra% off your bar

    Making them occur 5,10,15% more often

    So eventually you would have to be hitting almost ds like skill checks consistently when nearing the end of struggle

    Haveing no effect in stage 1 but giveing good value in stage 2

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    It's insane to me that this perk has not been touched in soooo long and its one of the more often talked about perks that needs looked at

  • hatchking
    hatchking Member Posts: 312

    I got a 3k at 5 gens with an ebony but ebony isn't broken

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    Nah, just take the extra BP stack from BBQ and apply it for basement hooks and every single killer will use it.