Any news on breakdown?

I had two games back to back against a full team with breakdown and they removed all the hooks on one side of the map so you were forced to slug them to death. They were fully aware of the hook exploit and took an advantage of it by running to the side of the map with no hooks.
If see this when playing killer I just stop doing anything and go watch a video or read a book until the match is finished. Be nice if it is fixed soon.
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I didnt think this was actually a real thing until the other night when I saw the killer going across the map to hook and wondering why all the other solo survivors were able to jump off lol. I just thought everyone had DS.
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I haven’t been paying that close of attention but have the devs said anything other than “yeah it’s a bug and we know about it”?
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That's how I feel when I play against the majority of killers slugging with perks that give them too much advantage such as Ruin and Undying and BBQ.
It's bad that a survivor perk has to be bugged to even come close to the resemblance of the power of killer perks. Hopefully Breakdown is never fixed.
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With pallets the way they are right now, I can deal with breakdown being bugged.
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I think it should stay since 3mins is nothing
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We all know you're a god-tier Nurse and Billy main, just look at your wall.
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But indefinite is.
The perk is bugged. The hooks do not respawn after three minutes, or at all. That's why people are upset.
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D strike, Dead Hard, Unbrekable, borrow, deliverance... well I can keep going. Survivor perks are in terms of streangth stronger then killer perks applied to their role and also have less counterplay.
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It just baffles me that something like this can just be in the game for so long.
This isn't some cute little bug that is mildly annoying. This can literally make playing a killer for any group of SWF that want to take advantage of it.
Lucky for me I have yet to come across a SWF that ran a Breakdown build but the longer this game breaking bug sticks around, the more people are going to notice it and start to take advantage of it.
There is not a nice way to say it; this is downright pathetic that there is no communication, let alone a fix yet. If it's a huge coding issue they can't figure out, pull the damn perk until you get it figured out.
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I'm pretty sure they cannot disable a perk on the fly like that, it'll have to wait for a patch, so prolly tomorrow.
I believe it is due to Jeff's adept achievement/trophy on console, as it is a horrible pain to alter anything that could interfere with unlocking them. Killer adepts and key changes take so much time and effort to happen for a similar reason.
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Look at who made the comment... take real good look.
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Had 2 people who ran breakdown, no mither, soul guard, & boil over. I was “slug camping” them. Play scummy with the exploit, I’m going to play scummy as well
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The only problem is if you focus on those survivors you will throw the game and the others will finish the gens
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Although it was raised, you still have an excellent forum name!
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As you see... if you ran infinite mend legion, you got banned from the game, but this situation is different? disable the perk please. I'm pretty sure you can.
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and does Hangman's Trick work against it still ?
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This content has been removed.
They changed hangman's trick awhile ago to show survivors near hooks instead of respawn hooks
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True but well since it affects survivors they dont care xD
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True. Idc I will punish those who’re willingly know that they’re exploiting. No mercy .
going to bring moris until they fix it
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You know what? Just make it a feature and revert Iron Grasp back to its original version.
Basement party all day.
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oh yeah i forgot ahah
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I was unhappy when I found out they removed it.don't know why they did that, they could've kept it with the aura reading (which should be 10 metres) and it would've be a good perk to use but now it just made it a perk no one will use except for pig adapt
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Yeah it could use a buff so it actually gets used
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They should change it so it only breaks one hook then
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We have just discovered one of Sluzzy fetishes 😱
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Why did they change the perk
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Because sabotage was getting a change as well as hook (having the respawn time of hangman trick as base) so they decided to change the perks by removing one of it mechanic that gave me a reason to use it (hook respawn regardles if it was use to sacrifice a survivors) and gave it a aura reading ability in it which they nerfed it hard to a weak 6 metres.
Don't know why they remove one of it's best machanic.
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Still waiting on definitive proof of the "majority of killers slugging"
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Sluzzy needs to play killer for once.... one stupid deadhard animation is enough to make me want to 4 man slug😂