Why Romero is banned from the chat ?

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Well many things have been cencored at the endgame chat. Last time I was try to write that I grabbed the survivor and it was cencored which is not making sense. I think that while they try to stop toxic behavior endgame chat, they did a sensitive program for that which cencors nearly many things.
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I dont understand how works the new censoreship thing ๐
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Can we have an option to turn it off?
I take full responsibility for any language used against me but some of the banned words are so silly.
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So is Hawkins.
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Lol are you serious?
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you can even say pp in chat it get censoret too
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Otzdarva has a video where he tried to type "to prove a point" and it was censored. This is the dumbest chat censor I've ever seen.
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Too hot for the web
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I tried to write r o m e r o and it was banned too, I tried
And the m letter was banned XD
Post edited by Anara on2 -
Tower of babylon type censorship
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Be careful or you might get banned here for bad language
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They don't want anyone to play Doom instead of Dead by Daylight, I guess.
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I can't write ######
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Romero and Juliet
Jokes aside I have no idea why
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Pretty much everything is censored in chat. Even the word gullible.
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#### #### ##### ###### ## ###### ####?
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#### ## ###### ###
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The closest I could find any reason why (I know there shouldn't be, but for amusement purposes) was a website which gives 350 names you shouldn't call your baby, due to various cultures, etc..
Yet, the site has names like "Succubi" on it. WHO IN THE HELL WOULD NAME THEIR KID SUCCUBI!!
Of course, there is also the darkest name of "Tim" there too - which explains a friend of mine at least!๐
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i mean I did :/
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Is this chat filtering based on some wildcard assumptions? Like if something is only two letters off from something that might be a bad word, it auto filters it?
Either way, it is ridiculous. Personally, I think those that are in favor of keeping the chat filter on for EVERYONE at all times and NOT allowing an option to turn it off are weirdos.
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Imagine if "Tim" also got picked up by the chat filter...
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Who the hell is Romero? The night of the living dead guy?
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Waiting for people that show evidence that you actually can type all those terms without censoring...
Janes last name?
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He's also correct
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The fashion queen of dbd
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I saw the m being censored today when someone typed
Honestly, hilarious.
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Adding this to the long list of reasons there shouldn't be a forced censorship mechanic in a game about murder.
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Fashion icon, diva horror, Romerooooo
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Juliet's family still got that lawsuit going against Romero's I see...
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Goddamn it I miss Roblox's #### filter already.
Why the hell would it censor the letter #?
I'# just ##########. Who would implement such a ###gy system?
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but jokes aside, could the devs seriously look at the chat filter? i feel like a whole slew of completely normal words are on it for some reason.
by all means keep the slurs banned, just remove the everyday words.
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Do they think children are playing their game? I thought they were just gonna censor slurs and nothing more
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lmao this censorship system is so broken
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Mrs thiccums
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So is Jeff Mr thiccums?
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It should come to no surprise that they can't code/implement a chat filter correctly, given their history
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Romero wasn't built in a day.
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######## you know its just to ############
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Well, when in Romero...
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Heck yeah jeff is Mr thiccums... have you seen that god of a man?
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What about Yun Jin ?
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I feel your pain. I can't even say my screenname in chat unless I misspell it...lol
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Well she is pretty but she defo isnt mrs. thiccums.
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I dont agree she is like Mrs. Thiccums twin !!!
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Nah her legs are toothpicks compared to jane... sorry :P
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How dare you underestimate Dame Lee thiccness ??!
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Jane ramero so thicc she is the easiest target of huntress and deathslinger since her hitbox is so big
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The chat filter is constantly being worked on, it's updated regularly to not be quite as stringent as it appears to be right now. I believe names should be sorted on it after today and I'm giving feedback on the other words as well.