Just figured something out about the RE chapter

I've heard a few people say the RE may feature Jack Baker or the new Vampire lady, but after watching the teaser, i think i noticed something.
Umbrella charm: There's a charm with the umbrella symbol, if this is a hint to what the characters might be in the chapter, we can rule out Jack and Vampire because, as far as i know, Umbrella had nothing to do with them.
Map: In the teaser we see a guy put on a hook, if this is happening in the new map, its not a snowy village or swamp family home. Also, its raining, we have to remember which RE games featured rain.
Zombies: We can hear zombies in the background of the teaser. If we think, there aren't any zombies in 7, and it doesn't look like there are any in 8 (unless you count those hooded guys in the cellar)
But if you asked me, i'd say the chapter has something to do with RE 2 or 3. Umbrella, rain and zombies played in both of these games. Also there's a chance the map could be the mansion from the first game because its the only game in the original trilogy that features a forest atmosphere.
But this is just be thinking out loud, i'm still open to anything to happen in the chapter, i just think the original trilogy and its characters have a better chance to be involved in the chapter.
The killer may have to do with the T-Virus since there are zombies going to the hook. So the killer can be a Tyrant.
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As much as I like Jack, and love Resident Evil VII, I'll say without spoilers that he wouldn't fit in all that well with the rest of the killers in this game.
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I would love a Map based from The Original RE mansion~
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I think the trailer was just something to announce the collaboration at Capcom's Resident Evil showcase. I doubt there's much there to hint at the actual contents of the chapter. But yes, it's fairly obvious they're going to base the chapter on the original trilogy just like they did with Silent Hill. That's the iconic stuff.
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Very good logic!
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I disagree, they love to tease things that later make you say, "ah of course!"
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I'm inclined to believe it really is just an announcement of the collaboration. The reveal showcase is still a month away, and the chapter itself a further two weeks later. It'd be silly to give away everything this early.
My bet is we'll see another teaser or two between now and the May 25th reveal, showing more on what we will be getting. After all, the person on the hook in the teaser is quite clearly Felix, so it's not representative of the actual RE survivor.
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i don't know anything about RE. But what i know is that we already got two chapters that came out on an already existing realm :
- Clown with the Chapel on Crotus Prenn
- Plague with the Temple on Red Forest
The fact that we didn't have new maps since Silent Hill and that there is still maps that are in the rework list, make me think that the RE chapter might take place in the Red Forest Realm.
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I think there will be a map. People expect it of a licensed chapter and it's been a year since the last one. Resident Evil is one of the biggest licenses in a long time, dwarfing Silent Hill. I can't see them skimping on it. It's also part of why I expect two survivors.
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I guess it’s possible (Leatherface came with a new map of Backwater Swamp), but I expect a completely new map/realm for such a big license.
there are many iconic places that can be used and as far as I know, none existing realms really reflect the atmosphere in the RE games, at least not in the games I have seen..
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I think the 'map' from the trailer is a mock up, but if anything it most closely resembles Shelter Woods.
Everything else is a good idea though, just don't think the location has any significance.
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The hook is from the McMillan realm so I woulnd't put too much thought in the enviroment of the teaser
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My bet is Leon, Claire and Mr X
All from the same game, RE2 remake which is their most popular game in past few years.
They are classic characters and they fit
Chris, Jill and Nemesis legendary skins for them.
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The killer might be just a regular zombie with 1.2 m/s speed.
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I'd probably prefer it the other way, Chris and Jill with Nemesis as the characters, with legendary skins for Leon, Claire, Mr X, plus buff Chris and blonde Jill from 5.
So this as base with some individual options for head/chest/legs...
Then these are full body skins:
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We honestly don't truly know, hell the teaser could just be announcing the RE chapter and that's it. I do want the RE chapter to feature characters from the Old games, and the new games, giving something to all fans
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What... in the hell... is Jill wearing, dude she looks like she came from a superhero comic, that's not RE at all! ( FYI I'm talking about the bottom image not the top one, the top one looks good.) I'm happy I never played RE 5, if that what the series was becoming, if I was playing a horror game looking like that, I wouldn't have been scared of Nemesis in the slightest. It makes me happy RE 7 existed in the first place
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That’s the standard outfit for Jill in RE5?
That pic looks like the genre switched from horror to porn...
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I'm still convinced that we are getting Mr X. That "x" on the teaser trailer is going to be the same kind of clue as the "pyramidhead-shaped" four from last year's anniversary.
I think Chris and Jill are the safe bets for survivors. However, if they offer a Wesker legendary skin for Chris, I will be begging them to take my money....lol
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I definitely think it's going to be a Licker just with the camera perspective and the noise in the teaser
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Bro how the hell does Chris look nearly the exact same as he did in the RE1 remake, and then Jill looks like she came from a porn set?
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There was rain in every RE game. Turns out that rain and thunderstorms make for good horror background.
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That is what I'm thinking, thank god this isn't the direction RE is going now.
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I know that everyone will hate me now,but I really expect it to be Daniela (the vampire lady)
She fits better than mostly others and a Vampire themed killer would be great
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The most classic,but the most popular is no doubt Re 4
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Hmm, thats a good idea. Though it would be a shame if there was no RE related map for the chapter
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Lickers are iconic, yeah, but i don't think it will be a licker. They walk on all fours and climb walls, two things DBD doesn't want in killers. Plus with all the monster-like villains in the games like Mr X or Nemesis, why would they choose a licker?
But i'm not ruling it out completely
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There's no doubt in my mind that the chapter will be based on the first few games as they are easily the most iconic and well known. I'm also one of the people predicting that they will likely try to pull things from a few games like they did with the Silent Hill chapter.
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Anyone who doubts that the Killer will be Wesker and the Survivor will be Tofu has obviously never played Dead Rising.
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I just see it as a Killer power being able to latch onto survivors with the Tongue and stuff, would be interesting
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what about sheva?
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Lmfao you did not just put Nina Williams as Jill's RE5 skin 🤣
I see a lot of people in this thread think that's real
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That is not her RE5 outfit. It looks more like this:
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Still looks like she came from a porn magazine
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The best way I could describe the RE series between 5 and 7 is COD with anime tropes. ######### was crazy.
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I mean.. that’s not a big difference. But okay. Better this than that other. Thanks for the info
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I wouldn't say RE 7 followed those tropes, thank god
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He says remember: kill or be killed at the end.
That is a re: vendetta quote from chris
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I thought Jill or Clair said it
Also, i've never played RE vendetta, so i'm not sure where you were going with this, sorry
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"As far as I know".....yeah...exactly
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It'll probably be Mr X or nemesis. Either of the tyrant. No way it's going to be a licker. They can barely stand.
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I made a post on my prediction for the RE chapter but long story short, I'd think they'd follow the pattern of Silent Hill and incorporating different games into one chapter and I don't think it'll be Jack or the Lady Dimitrescu but if some how or another they give us the vampire I'm gonna be upset tbh (seriously what is with everyone and their thirst?) But yeah, good observations. :)
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It would be cool to see a raccoon city map, or maybe the RPD. I'd prefer an outdoor map personally.
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Well what I was mainly referring to is:
The fact that he doesn't have any kind of signature weapon. You face him in the game three times (four if you include the End of Zoe DLC but that's ridiculous and completely undermines the main game anyway) and of those fights, one is in a car, one is in a chainsaw battle, and the other is as a massive monster. He'd have to just be "guy with weird deadly garden implement" to be true to anything that he did in the game, and that was only during a portion of it.
Then there's the fact that he has no signature power, other than regeneration. Jack's just an ordinary guy who can sustain endless damage until "cured" with a serum.
Which brings me to the most important point which is that Jack is just a normal guy, actually a totally decent guy, who only commits violence under the influence of Evie.
Don't get me wrong, I think that the LOOK of Jack - an invincible, shirtless, glasses-wearing 55 year-old former Marine - would be an awesome fit in this game. I just don't see how they'd get his story to work, how to give him a weapon or story that really makes any sense. In the overall RE mythos he's one of the more incidental characters, literally just someone on the sidelines who had the misfortune of encountering the true villain. I LOVE the character, and I absolutely 100 percent LOVE Resident Evil 7, so on paper I am totally on board with seeing Jack Baker in the game. It just doesn't make a lot of practical sense to me.
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Pretty sure people have pointed out that it’s a quote of Claire from Code Veronica!
Vendetta seems to be a movie? If the phrase was used more than once and by different chars (Chris and Claire) it seems like it’s not a hint for the char after all
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It's not even the right costume. This one is a character from tekken named Nina Williams.