Who is the most hated killer?

There is a lot of complaining on these forums, a lot a lot. And a lot of that a lot is of killers, whether they suck, are really annoying or need a nerf. So I’m wondering, which killer do you hate the most and why?

(btw I’m a spirit main so don’t pull punches)


  • meowzilla69
    meowzilla69 Member Posts: 408

    Deathslinger, I don’t hate him but a decent amount of people do & not sure why.

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    Spirit because she's too good and trickster because he's too bad.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    Either spirit with strider because there is no counter play and only guessing and hoping you guess right. Or hag because a lot of them have a very boring play style of just hooking someone and then mainly using there traps to camp the hooks without being there.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,867

    Definitely Spirit

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,181

    My most hated is The Cannibal. Not because of the "basement camp" thing (if anything, the ones I encounter are amongst the fairest!), but because of the fact I can never bloody win against him! Ever! I cannot recall the last time I won against Bubba. Also, as a tip, please for all that is holy do not gather together when a madman with a chainsaw that can take down multiple targets is in the vicinity. It WILL end in much sadness.

  • Baal
    Baal Member Posts: 14

    Deathslinger 100% ~ Can ready his ability with no penalty to bait deadhard, zigzagging etc, and if you do neither he can insta shot you XD

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Nurse with agitation and starstruck. No other killer makes me feel so helpless.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,112

    Nurse because her killer power is noclipping.

  • VioletCrimes
    VioletCrimes Member Posts: 878

    Cannibal. Nothing is more annoying than waiting five minutes for a match just to get chainsaw spammed.

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    Spirit ofcourse. She is only one, who never had counterplay in Dbd story.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    edited May 2021

    Spirit. She fits the spitefuelled trinity of not having counterplay, being extremely strong, and not being very hard.

  • RiskyKara
    RiskyKara Member Posts: 804
    edited May 2021

    Hm. You're making me wonder about a StarStruck/Infectious Fright/Pop/Stridor build with Spirit. Throw on an amulet and mother-daughter ring and we're all gonna have a real bad time.

  • Shdw_Void
    Shdw_Void Member Posts: 37

    Spirit. I don't need to list why because plenty of those above me have acceptable reasons

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    Bubba's. Just the way almost everyone plays him

  • Affrax
    Affrax Member Posts: 19

    Huntress. Her hatchet hitboxes are just wonky.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,904

    Spirit. Especially if they are running Stridor.

  • Beaburd
    Beaburd Member Posts: 998

    I don't know how to answer this question in good Spirit.

    Maybe it's because the Spirit of the question itself is inherently negative.

    I can feel my mentality Spirit-ing away just thinking about it.

    Ugh, I need a drink now - where did I put my collection of Spirits?

  • Man_of_triangles
    Man_of_triangles Member Posts: 302

    Hag. I'd delete her from the game if I could. Can camp from across the map and is strong to boot.

  • Voodoo_Thirsty
    Voodoo_Thirsty Member Posts: 522

    In general, Spirit and Nurse.

    Personally, Bubba and Hag.

  • RbLen
    RbLen Member Posts: 144

    Spirit, everyone knows why. Deathslinger, free zoning in chase because you exist. Twins because they have to slug, tunnel and camp.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Bubba, slinger and nurse

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,939

    For me personally, it's Clown. Not because I find him overpowered or anything, I just find him so utterly boring to play as and against him that I almost fall asleep without even realizing.

    Playing as Clown: Throw stuff on the ground and be an M1 Killer who can slow down Survivors... wow so fun.

    Playing against Clown: Predrop every single pallet, don't loop at all.. just dare to run away from anywhere where isn't a pallet or a window.. whoops you are now 15 % slower and will be downed.

    I don't mind playing against or as him but I will definitely not enjoy it as much as say Blight or literally anyone else.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    I’d say Hag.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Right now the most hated one is Spirit because Twins is more or less obscure, the very moment Twins starts to show more the hate will shift towards them and rightfully so.

  • Avignon
    Avignon Member Posts: 133

    Funny thing how the most hated killers are all 110 speed or worse sucks when you can't loop a shack for 5 mins huh? :P

    Can't speak about Spirit, havn't played her personally yet and i played pretty much only killer unless i need to do something in the tome but... no counterplay? Nurse use to have "no counterplay" but she's damn hard to play without practice

  • Stinde
    Stinde Member Posts: 459

    Freddy was (and to some degree still is) the easiest killer to play and it was infuriating to lose to a bad killer who won the game with snare spamming and NOED. Still haven't played enough against nerfed Freddy to see if the changes actually did anything though.

    Now the most hated for me is probably Legion, mainly because over half of the survivor population don't know how to play against them.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082


  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    its probably spirit and slinger tied. Hag would probably be a mile ahead of both of them if good hags weren’t so rare to play against

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    Unpopular opinion, but Nurse, Blight and Billy. They're ability to have total map control because of their movement abilities makes them oppressive to play against. Nurse just flat out needs her teleport reworked, it not only gives her map control, it totally ignores looping, the only defense survivors have against killers.

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    There's only to killers I hate playing against, Sweaty Freddy (I know not all Freddy mains are like this), and Strider Spirit, she has no counterplay

  • Artemisha
    Artemisha Member Posts: 401
    edited May 2021

    Spirit and Bubba. If spirit has a bit of skill = gg wp 4k ez.

    And Bubba because he can spam his chainsaw for an eternity to one shot you. And good luck if he camps or tunnel. His power with the chainsaw is quiiiiiite long. I mean, anyone knows how much time it lasts? It´s more than 5 seconds at full charge, right? It´s veery hard to evade him.

    On the contrary, I find very funny to fight against Deathslinger.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719
    edited May 2021

    The most hated is Spirit, easy. I even see the people who use her say that she's OP.

    I like her though (even if she IS a tough opponent). For me the most hated killers right now are Wraith and Hag, his recent changes and her powers in general just really frustrate me.

    As a character concept and execution (as opposed to frustrating) I hate The Trickster the most. I dislike literally everything about him.

  • SpookyPumpkinPiez
    SpookyPumpkinPiez Member Posts: 278

    Bubba. I rarely escape, and on the rare chance I do it's usually because they let me. He's also the only killer that absolutely terrifies me

  • Zayn
    Zayn Member Posts: 365

    Spirit and Deathslinger. Twins would be too if they were played more.

  • LaUry
    LaUry Member Posts: 100

    i think most survivors would say Spirit

  • Kate_Main_01
    Kate_Main_01 Member Posts: 504

    Yet another tally for Spirit! I've a whole thread asking for gameplay counters and I still can't have a round against her that lasts more than 6-10 minutes. I don't go against her often but I am starting to get kind of sleepy during Spirit matches because it's just a short matter of time before she's done her thing and killed everyone before we got past 1-2 gens.

    Freddy has a lot of hate from the community. And while I never see anyone escape a Freddy match I have a fun round with him here and there. Though it does always feel like I'm wasting time and delaying the inevitable I like to try and give Freddy players a fun match since so many people just DC from them.

    Ignoring Spirit, I'd actually say my least favorite mechanically is Pig. I feel like a disproportionate amount of the time it is the second-to-last or the actual last box which takes off my beartrap. Maybe the Entity just hates me!

    Running to each corner of the map and then to some obscure place (like beneath the temple on the Plague map, ugh) often leads to timing out or being found. Then the fact that a good Pig runs crippling perks too and it almost makes me reconsider my policy about not suiciding. (Kidding)

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201
    edited May 2021

    Save the best for last proxy camping is why.

    Op, I don't hate the killer as much as I hate the players capabilities to use a killers ability in a scuzzy way. And that killer for me is legion. I am not a fan of his tracking ability one bit.

  • kisfenkin
    kisfenkin Member Posts: 617

    I hate doctors that only want to make you insane. It's just annoying. It's obvious that these people aren't touching you and desperately want you to know that so you can't tell on them.

  • Swampoffering
    Swampoffering Member Posts: 384

    Spirit, as main kille, is One of the easiest Killers in the game, I Saw a lot of Spirit mains with 300-400 hours played at Rank 1 carried by her.

    Bubba, because if he decides to Camp, there is nothing you can do, just gens and if you play SoloQ, your team mate is going to suicide, not giving you time to Rush the Bubba.

    Trickster, because is a joke and a ultra weak killer, I feel bad for them every time I face One when I play as survivor.