I got my first one hour game, and it was the worst experience of dbd I ever had

Anara Member Posts: 1,297
edited May 2021 in General Discussions

I started a game with my friend who is yellow rank (im red rank) I looped the killer during 4 generators.

Then the team got 3 gen...

The killer didnt wanted to chase me, or other survivors. He was just kicking over and over the last 3 generators.

I told my friend to start a different generator from mine but they were so close.

I was wondering "where are the Claudette and Kate" (they were swf too each other)

They were searching for the hatch with a key.... but the hatch wasnt spawn, we had to do one more generator..

It was the worst experience of dbd Ive ever had. I dont want to play with my low rank friend anymore... I play with him because he is my friend, but clearly I lost my time during this game. (I dont blame him)

I think the devs should add a secret timer, after 30min the end game collapse begin, whatever happen, idk but never again.

Next time I will just disconnect.

Both the Claudette and the killer were "game-hostaging" but they didnt knew they were.....

I complain about red ranks games being too fast, but yellow ranks games are too long lol

Post edited by Anara on


  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297

    No he just dont play often and deranked...

    The killer didnt wanted to chase anyone. I stole the key but the Claudette didnt wanted to do any gen.. she was still searching for the hatch, but it didnt spawn at this point of the game...

    We were only two doing the generators, while Claudette and Kate were searching for a hatch that didnt already spawn... it was impossible to complete any generator.

  • HexSmolPP
    HexSmolPP Member Posts: 62

    Crazy, had this game since the day it released on PlayStation and have yet to have a match over 40 minutes and that was one time.

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297

    I ran the killer for 4 generators, then he left me and we were in a 3 gen situation (which was not my fault because I was doing the chase)

    The 3 generators were very close to each other, and my friend and I tried to do one of them but it was impossible because the two other survivors were looking for a hatch that was not already spawn.

    The killer was just kicking the generators over and over, and they were so close that it was impossible to complete them because we were only two doing generators.

    The killer wasnt doing chases but if we stay too close he tried to get a hit to make us ran away. But he stays close to that 3 gen situation.

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    I would have seen the match was a loss - stayed on the gens and made him hit me and down me. Worst case you lay there for 4 minutes and bleed out - or he actually hooked you and you could just suicide on hook. If the three gen is that close - after a few minutes you should realize it's a no-win with the other survivors doing nothing and change your strategy. Sometimes it's better to just cut your losses and get out of the match and ready up for a new one.

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297

    I know but I though it could be possible. Then I understood that Claudette and Kate were missing from doing generators.

    After taking their key, I though they were doing generators, but no.

    I was so confused...

  • BananaBlooD95
    BananaBlooD95 Member Posts: 555

    Basically your team mate ######### up, then were wuss enough to not work on a 3gen at 4 survivor no hooks and stupid enough to look for hatch and you guys always left the gen way, and I mean way before he had a chance to get a single hit when patrolling the 3 gen.

    Like other said, at this point just take the loss and move on.

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297

    I just like to try something, but it was the first time I was in a game hostage situation, and yes next time I will just dc.

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    I know, but letting the two selfish people ruin your game isn't fair to you. Ya know what woulda been a cool shirpa thing to do for your friend? Have him go follow the keyholder and then let the killer get you, that way they could escape with the jerks. And you get to be a martyr! Lol

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,408

    Yeah, one hour of DBD is pretty rough. I suggest mini breaks and a punching bag.

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    I mean DC is an option, but literally would be faster to bleed out than take the ban - plus at least you would still keep your bloodpoints. I have never seen DC'd on purpose - seems silly to get banned and lose points on purpose.

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    I don't understand something, could you clarify if the killer wouldn't swing at you while you were on the gens or just wouldn't chase you. If it's the first one you should be able to split up from your friend on a second gen to work the killer can't be in two places at once. If he wouldn't chase you then why not just let him down you and bleed out if you weren't having fun. It seems like you could have ended ot either way? It's not like you need the endgame collapse for that

  • GingerBeard
    GingerBeard Member Posts: 273

    Yeah long games absolutely suck. At least with survivor you can just let the killer kill you. As killer if you have no way to detect survivors and they want to hide all game, even when you give up searching and go AFK in a corner, you're at the mercy of the survivors to end it.

    Heck after 20 minutes i'm already over that specific game and just want it to end. I see no reason as to why there isn't a time limit of at least 30 minutes. No game should ever go longer than that and players shouldn't need to DC/AFK/suicide just to move on. Would be a nice QOL change.

  • Bonanca
    Bonanca Member Posts: 21

    No, it's not a hostage situation.

    The Killer had no control over preventing you to end the game - either by dying or by finishing a Gen.

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297
    edited April 2021

    If I stayed too close he tried to hit me.

    I tried to stay injured to be an easy target, but that wasnt enough for him to chase me.

    The problem is I couldnt make the killer kill the Claudette because he doesnt left the 3 gen area and the Claudette stayed away from that area.

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    OK so why not just stay on the gen and if he downs you then bleed out and the match ends? Seems like you could have saved yourself a lot of time if you just wanted to die anyway?

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297

    Because I didnt knew it will be so long, I tried to play the game.

  • AgentTalon
    AgentTalon Member Posts: 331

    This makes no sense to me OP. Why not just sit on the gen with your friend, force the killer to down you, and get out of the match? If you literally tried to do single gen from what sounds like 40 minutes that's all on you.

    Sure it sucks that you had a stale game but how long did you actually try to do that last gen?

    If it was more than 15 minutes you were holding yourself hostage at that point.

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297

    We could have done the gen if the Claudette and the Kate werent looking for a hatch that wasnt already spawn.

    Its not my fault at all dude.

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    How was the killer holding the game hostage?

    He was defending the 3 gen which your team put you in.

    If anything blame the other two for abandoning you in search for the hatch. Had you all worked together the chances of escape would have been on your side.

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297

    Defending generators and dont try to play the game properly is two differents things.

    Both the killer and the Claudette and the kate were not playing like they should. It was just the biggest game hostage Ive ever seen.

  • AgentTalon
    AgentTalon Member Posts: 331

    SO you waited on 2 potatoes to suddenly stop being potatoes for 40 minutes...your fault you sat in that game 100%. Not your fault why it happened but your fault for the amount of time wasted.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    If killer is not chasing, you and your friend split furthest gens. Even if the killer kicks them progression speed is faster and at least one gen is always being worked on.

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    They all were new, even killer. So please be nice to them. You were not perfect when you started this game. So they will also learn this game. Be patient when you play with news.

    When i am facing with new survivors, i am giving them game because i know game is hard for them. Also when i am facing with new killer, i am giving him free kill. I dont know why you are complaining about this.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,875

    From what the OP described, I agree that it was less of a hostage situation than a stalemate, and stalemates really suck. From the killer's POV, there were theoretically four survivors still on gens, so it would be hella dumb to chase the strongest one away from the 3-gen. From the POV of the survivors looking for a hatch that didn't exist, they were just confused about how to play, and doing something that would have made sense if the situation were what they thought it was.

    I do think that there should be a limit where after a match has gone on X number of minutes, there's some mechanic for both sides to force EGC, to prevent deadlocks like this.

  • JimboMason
    JimboMason Member Posts: 759

    First thought after I read this, a good sandbagging teaches idiots real fast.

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    You said the killer was going for hits when close. You said the killer chased you for 4 gens. He had a 3 gen setup, why would he risk chasing you for another gen to pop when he has the advantage of the 3 gen. Your team can repair gens faster than the killer negate it. Your team is at fault, not the killer. The killer is playing smart knowing the game is now in is favor.

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    i had a 30 minute game because a p3 claudette hid in a locker with a key. fortunately i got lucky and managed to open the exit gates in time. thats why i always dodge lobbies with claudettes. at this point removing claudette would just be a survivor buff

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297
    edited April 2021

    I agree I should have disconnect, but how could I knew ? I was still hoping the team will do something. After I found the Claudette and stole her key, I though she will start the generators with the Kate, but no they were still looking for a non existent hatch...

    My only mistake is I trusted my team, even if they were bad I had hope.

    But next time I will just take my dc penalty. But I hope there will be no next time lol

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    I mean at the ten min mark you didn't know it would go that long I get it, but at the 20? 30? 40? 50? At some point you must have figured it out.

    You said at the 30 min mark endgame should start becuase 30 min it's already too long for a match in your view.

    So at the 30 min mark of your own match why did you not just let yourself loose if you couldn't win? Why did you stick around for 30 more min then complain that the game didn't kill you at 30 min mark? Why not just let yourself die?

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297

    Because I tried to play the game. But if it happen again I will just disconnect.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719
    edited April 2021

    My longest two games were 29 and 24 minutes, respectively. I loved them both, they were long because they were highly competitive. Extremely back and forth. For whatever it's worth my shortest (immediate slaughters, always because the killer spawned way too close to me) were about three minutes, my average (win or lose) is about ten.

    I couldn't even imagine a game going for an hour. I actually agree with the idea of having an endgame collapse at the 30 minute mark (without the doors opening - both the killer and the survivor are simply forced to do their thing and if they can't do so then boom, when the EGC finished up then the game is over and the points tallied). This is the second time in almost as few days that I've read about someone having a miserable experience because someone else, intentionally or otherwise, forced a needlessly long match.

    My question though (forgive me if this has been asked, I didn't read all the responses) is why don't you just talk to your friend, help them to understand the game better, etc.? It's your own business but it's a shame to not be able to enjoy a game with your friend just because they don't happen to know how to play it well.

  • Bonanca
    Bonanca Member Posts: 21

    I don't know if you srsly don't get it or if you don't want to get it.

    1. The Killer WAS playing how he should in such a situation.
    2. You didn't have to DC nor do you have to DC the next time you are in this situation. Just get yourself killed. Easy as that.
  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297

    The problem was not my friend, I was on discord with him and we tried both doing a different generator.

    The problem was both the killer and the two other survivors. The killer didnt tried to chase use, even in the 3 gen area, he just kicks again and again the generators with Overcharge (which my friend cant deal with and I missed some)

    The two other survivors were swf too, and I found they were looking for the hatch with a pink key, but the hatch didnt spawn, we had to do one more generator, and nobody will died because the killer didnt chased us.

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297

    I play killer too and I can say that it is not like the killer is supposed to play, sorry.

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297
    edited April 2021

    I never lost a 3 gen situation and I know when to chase, and when not.

  • Bonanca
    Bonanca Member Posts: 21

    If you leave a 3-Gen for a chase when 4 ppl are still alive you immediately lose the game unless you pray for every god in every religion that the other 3 Survivors are braindead or afk.

    And you didn't give me a response to my 2nd statement. You insist this was a game hostage situation. You insist that a DC is you only escape. But it's so easy: Just get urself killed. game end. Where's the problem?

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297

    The problem is you dont know what really happened in this game and keep saying its not a game hostage.

    But when the game is more than one hour, its clearly a game hostage.

    Not only killer fault, but the Claudette and the Kate too looking for a hatch with a key, but the hatch didnt already spawn.

    We were 4 survivors alive, but only two playing the game.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    I can remember such game a long time ago vs doc on a farm map.

    All he did was hitting a survivor and kicking the gen.

    Even when he downed a survivor he didn't pick them up.

    Luckily we were with 3 left and 1 gen to do.

    We tried to get him away from the gens but didn't budge and kept going from gen to gen.

    I was just about to run to the killer and let myself get downed and eventually bleed out if he wouldn't pick me up when a meg ran in front of me and showed she had a key.

    Was glad that that 90 minutes game was over.

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297

    I feel your pain dude, the problem is we cant do anything except disconnect or try to get killed, but its not the purpose of the game.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    Okay, but you said "It was the worst experience of dbd Ive ever had. I dont want to play with my low rank friend anymore... I play with him because he is my friend, but clearly I lost my time during this game" which made it sound like you were partly blaming him. Maybe when he rises in rank you can have better games with him. But most matches aren't terrible like the one you had to go through.

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297

    Sorry english is not my first language.

    It was a time he was red rank with me, but now he dont play often and he deranked.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Dc is never a good way.

    I didn't knew that the meg was searching for a key, I just thought she was trying to push on another gen.

    I hadn't kept an eye on the time but only realised it after the match it was a 90 minutes game.

    Had I known that earlier I would have let me bleed out earlier instead of getting myself healed up.

    But yeah that was a long time ago and the only time it happened to me.

    Since then I do everything I can te prevent a 3 gen, which can be a pain sometimes as a solo

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297

    I always try to avoid a 3 gen situation, because when I play killer so many survivors lost against me because of that. But I know when to leave the 3 gen to kill someone and my games as killers are not more than 20min lol.

    But in this game I was chased for the first 4 generators so I couldnt prevent it to happen.

  • Bonanca
    Bonanca Member Posts: 21

    "The problem is you dont know what really happened in this game and keep saying its not a game hostage." - Then explain it to us and don't just write "The killer refused to chase [even though it's a 3 Gen and chasing would be dumb]"

    "But when the game is more than one hour, its clearly a game hostage." - Nope. That's not the definition of holding a game hostage. Pls check the definition first before stating that.

    "Not only killer fault, but the Claudette and the Kate too looking for a hatch with a key, but the hatch didnt already spawn." - Ur mates being dumb made u not win, weren't holding the game hostage.

    "We were 4 survivors alive, but only two playing the game." - Where is this the Killer's fault (as you blame him in this thread too)?

    "But I know when to leave the 3 gen to kill someone" - You ran the killer literally for 4 Gens and weren't even downed (at least never mentioned that.), but yet state that the killer should have chased you even though you ran away from the 3-Gen.

    Don't you see the Contradiction?

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297

    Have a nice day, I hope youre doing well in life, I wish you the best, bye.