I got my first one hour game, and it was the worst experience of dbd I ever had



  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    Probably not wise to make a discussion if you can't take criticism.

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297

    I dont want to repeat myself over and over, he dont agree with me, thats ok.

  • Bonanca
    Bonanca Member Posts: 21

    You repeat yourself over and over because u keep giving non-answers to my very specific questions.

    What held you back from getting killed?

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297
    edited April 2021

    Sorry its too complicated for me to be very very specific and give you details, english is not my first language, I tried my best.

    And you keep reject the fault on me, I was an idiot to trust my team and keep playing, but its clearly not my fault if I was in such situation. But it is my fault if I didnt disconnect. Sorry to still had hope, sorry to try to play the game as it should and sorry to not giving up and sorry to try to find solutions.

  • Bonanca
    Bonanca Member Posts: 21

    I never blamed you that your mates 3-Gen you.

    I never blamed you for continue playing the game and trying your best.

    I blame you for seeing a DC as the only options even though there was at least one other option (getting killed). And I blame you for blaming the killer even though he didnt do anything wrong (at least from you description.)

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297
    edited April 2021

    For me, getting killed or disconnect is the same. The difference is in one way I keep my bloodpoints, the other I lost them, and I dont really care, Im playing to get better and help my teammates how much as I can.

    Im the kind of survivor that sacrificed himself to help my teammates escape, but in this case I couldnt help people that dont play the game as it should.

    Yes I blame the survivors more than the killer, but I play killer too and I know that he could have do something more than just sitting on generators.

    When nobody is working on the generators you can travel more. Not in the opposite of the map, but 10 or 20 meters more. He keeps waiting on generators even when I was searching for the Claudette during 10min, even when I tried to stole her key during another 10min, even when I try to told her to work on generators more 10min.

    That was just an absurd game.

    PS : I said getting killed and disconnect are the same to me, I mean, in this situation, because in a normal game I never disconnect.

    Post edited by Anara on
  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Don't get me wrong here as I'm not trying to be meand or mix me in the discussion between the 2 of you.

    But you say you're the kind survivor that will sacrifice himself for the team.

    The Kate and the Claudette were looking for the hatch with a key you stated earlier.

    Why not sacrifice yourself for the team so they can escape trough the hatch and shorten the match by a lot?

    I know you don't like to get yourself killed but with a match this long it would have been the wisest option.

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    Why disconnect just go do the gen and don't run away that way you don't loose points.

    Also my question was about the end game collapse why do you think it needs to be automatic at 30 min when the option to die is there?

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    Except you were helping to keep it hostage of you kept running away. You could say the killer should have left the 3 gen area to chase you which would allow your friend to finishbthe gen uninterrupted. Ie you wanted the killer to let you win.

    Why didn't you just run around in the three gen area you'd likely get caught and downed and loose the game

    You blame the killer for extending the game by not just giving you the win hiw about you apply the same rules to yourself. He was chasing you when you were near he just couldn't leave without taking a loss. So you should have let him chase you in the area or let him down you so you take the loss and stop holding the game hostage

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297

    Like I said before he didnt want to chase me even in the 3 gen area.

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    So if he's not going after you why didn't you sit on the gen?

  • ClumsyTrapper
    ClumsyTrapper Member Posts: 544

    Sounds like an easy win the gen regresses half the speed of the gen work two gens at once run when he comes run back when he leaves as long as you don't miss skill checks it gets done

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297

    Because he tried to hit me if I stayed on the gen and dont go after me if I left the gen.

    He had Overcharge and my friend missed all the skillchecks. And we were only two working on.

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    So if he hit you but didn't chase you then stay on the gen who cares if your wounded?

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297

    He tried to hit everyone who stay on the generators, but didnt chase anyone

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    And if he hits you and you just stay on the gen then what? He leaves to go hit someone else you keep working on gen and finish the game. Or he hits you again you go down and....finish the game win win.

    Unless what you really wanted wasn't an end to the stalemate you were perpetuating, and what you really wanted was a win you were prepared l to spend 60 min to try and get. You could have ended the game at any time and blaming the killer for keeping the game going by trying to win when you were doing the EXACT SAME THING is a degree of hypocrisy usually reserved for politicians

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297

    Dude I blame the Claudette and the Kate more for not playing and searching a hatch than wasnt spawned already.

    Why are you all focusing on the fact I blamed the killer for not chasing in the 3 gen area ?


    Should I say it again ? Yes.


  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    3 gen with 4 survivors alive is a guaranteed escape. The killer wastes more time downing someone than what it takes to complete a gen with 3 survivors.

    If the match took so long, then that's on you. You can't really blame the killer here.

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297

    I said many times I was alone because other survivors were looking for a hatch that didnt spawned already so THEY WERE NOT WORKING ON GENS

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    If you get 3 gened you and your team allowed it to happen.

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    Obviously team issue there's no possible way to control 3 gens forever if whole team is working on it

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297

    I was chased during 4 generators so I couldnt control which one were done.

  • Ecstasy
    Ecstasy Member Posts: 426

    You still don't get it. Knowing "but I blame them too!" isn't the issue... it's that YOU (and only you) held yourself hostage in that game.

    Yeah, its not a fun situation--and what your team did was ######### & stupid--but being HELD HOSTAGE specifically means a game where you're basically FORCED to DC in order to leave. (For example: the killer bodyblocking everyone in the basement, or survivors hiding in lockers, instead of ever trying to win the game). "Held hostage" doesn't mean "games I can't progress without probably losing".

    You're the one who spent 40 minutes tapping a gen and then running off to safety before you risked being downed. You chose to play it safe, and did it again, then again, and again.... and again... and again....

    THAT'S JUST YOU REFUSING TO LOSE. And you know what? That's perfectly fine. That's all the killer was doing too there. Playing it slow and safe, waiting you out in a war of attrition, hoping they'll be able to down you eventually by waiting for you to take too big of a risk without sacrificing their own positioning (your health states vs their generator progress in this case). Same way you're probably they get bored/tired and finally commit to a chase again, allowing your friend a chance to complete the generator.

    But what's ######### up here is that you're looking back at this thinking "NEXT TIME IM GONNA DC!!!!"

    ######### is that? Any DC is totally uncalled for there. Why would you punish the killer for playing the exact same way you were at that point by taking it slow & steady? That's objectively the best decision for both sides if you're patient enough and want to win badly enough.

    If you want out faster, then you just start taking bigger risks to win, or simply walk up to a nearby hook and point. Worst case scenario? They slug you and you're stuck there for 4 more minutes. (And that's still shorter than the DC penalty too)

    For the record too:

    I'm not perfect and totally beyond DC'ing. This game gets me tilted at times too---and I've done more than my fair share of DCing while stressing some rough challenges & achievements. I just won't delude myself with rationalizations "it's totally fair here cause...". Nah man. It's typically a ######### move on my part, and not the best-self I should be.

    But, also, I just cannot even relate to how anyone could DC or even complain about 3-gens based on my own experiences with DBD. Lately I've become infuriated over how often I'm forced to ######### de-pip because either (A) some other survivor just bitches out and ######### DC's or suicides needlessly early-on, (B) the killer is one of those sweat-lord jerk-asses who just tunnels you out of the match at 5 gens or slugs the whole team without even a CHANCE to safety pip. Man. At least I get to PLAY the game in a 3-gen. (And to be honest, actually find them incredibly fun on both sides, though maybe that's related to being able to just play for real.)

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297

    Ok so reading you, its my fault to playing as I should, but the others who just dont play the game at all, like trolls are right.


    Its nice to read that Im wrong to try to play objectives but the Claudette just afking in a corner is right.

    I just cant read that type of comments anymore.

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    No the problem isn't that you played yo win.

    The problem is that when the killer also played yo win you whined and complained that he was holding the game hostage.

    Just admit that it was your own fault that the match lasted as long as it did becuaese you were forcing the stalemate.

    Again nothing wrong with the way you played, the problem was that your a hypocrit for complaining about the killer doing the exact same thing you were doing then pretending it was completely out of your hands that you were stuck there for an hour

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Then take the loss and let yourself get downed/killed. You could have played more matches in that time.

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297
    edited May 2021

    Im a hypocrit because I play to win.. wow Ive never read such an absurd comment on this forum. But you are right I should play to loose and let myself die every games, oh ! its bannable to play like that in the game rules !

    Sorry to try to play the game as I should.

    I ran the killer for 4 generators, but I should take the loss and let myself die to punish myself because I did well.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    The game isn´t telling you to 3 gen yourself. Ask your teammates to equip Deja Vu. So this won´t happen again.

    What is escaping anyway? 5000 points and an item.

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297
    edited May 2021

    How can I ask them I was just with one friend, I couldnt talk to that random Claudette and Kate 😂

    Did you even read the initial post ?

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    You have a pre match chat. Do you even play the game?

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297
    edited May 2021

    How could I knew they were this bad ?

    Just take a second and imagine :

    Claudette, in your hypothetical bad gameplay can you use Deja Vu ?

    (This is really absurd, at this point, but lets make it real)

    Do you really think she will say :

    Of course random player, I will use Deja Vu !

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    No, but i also wouldn´t rant about it on the forum. So...

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297
    edited May 2021

    I was just sharing a story, nothing more. Some people shared a similar story, and you could have to, what was your worst experience in dbd ?

    But I think its more fun to come after me saying Im the bad Guy for staying alive and try to do the generators.

    But now I understand your point ; afking Claudettes are always rights.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    No one called you the bad guy. Its just that both sides (killer and survivors) refused to give up. To concede the other side the win. Call it out of pride or stubborness. Wasting so much time for everyone involved, when everyone could have played other matches and gain so much more in the same time.

    When i play solo survivor and i maxed out several categories, i don´t care if i escape or not. I achieved my goal and will gladly sacrifice myself for the team (when i can get another stack of WGLF even better) and move on to the next match. As nothing is holding me.

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297

    Im the kind of survivor that sacrificed himself for the team.

    But in this case, it wasnt about that. If the Claudette and the Kate (who were swf obviously) werent looking for the hatch (which wasnt already spawned) we could have done the last generator so easy. We were only two trying with my friend.

    When I found the Claudette and stole her key, she still refused to work on the generators and was still crouching with Kate around the map.

    In that situation, I dont want to sacrifice myself for that kind of selfish player. Thats why I said I should have disconnect. It wasnt about helping the team, it was about getting out of this nightmare. And I was naive enough to hope about these Claud and Kate to come help us (me and my friend)

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    No you seem to be ignoring the entire point of my post. Let's try again.

    You played to win which resulted in a 1 hour stalemate.

    The killer also played to win which resulted in a 1 hour stalemate.

    Both of these are fine.

    Theb you came to the forum and whined about how the killer (who did the same thing you did) was aweful for forcing you to spend an hour in the match by playing ti win.

    THE WHINING about the killer for doing the same thing as you was the hypocrisy. If you didn't want a one hour game either loose, or DONT WHINE ABOUT THE KILLER PLAYING TO WIN.

    I know you also complained about your two teammates for doing a terrible job. That was perfectly justified because they were terrible.

    Also who won by the way?

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297
    edited May 2021

    Why are you ignoring the fact I blame my mates too ?

    You are not reading me, or you are just a troll.

    Lets talk about the Claud and the Kate.

  • Ecstasy
    Ecstasy Member Posts: 426

    For ######### sake. Try reading it again with the actual intent of understanding what I'm saying even if you don't agree with it.

    I don't know how I could write and elaborate so much only for you to gloss over everything with such a ridiculous, faulty, and single-minded interpretation of the many, many points I outlined. Where did I EVER say that Claudette was good? Did you miss the part directly stating that what they did was ######### and stupid? First real paragraph. And what does that ONE ASPECT have to do with EVERYTHING ELSE that people are telling you here?

    If you actually tried to engage the specifics here, you might be forced to reconcile that your OTHER conclusions are the hypocrisy we're talking about. You're so caught up on "######### EVERYONE ELSE!" that you see your initial frustrations as a blank check where you can't be wrong about anything else after that.

    • How are you not in control of your own decision to keep playing or not at any given point?
    • Knowing the actual definition of "hostage holding" now, do you understand why your scenario ISN'T that?
    • How is the killer playing any different than you by playing safe and trying to ensure they win?
    • So why do you feel justified to DC, which ######### the killer over, when your team's inactivity isn't their fault either?
    • And if you want out of the game, why not just get out legitimately by letting yourself be hooked then?
    • How doe DC'ing ever HURT the survivors you're mad at? What's the difference from their POV at all there?

    Do you get it yet?

    These are the specific issues raised beyond "my team wasn't helping!!!". Specific issues that should lead you to realize "Okay, DC'ing would be a ######### move there too."

    But hey--if all those points are actually non-sensical--you can easily refute the logic with your own counter points instead of shutting down to make it some all-or-nothing situation where you are either absolutely right or absolutely wrong.

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    I'm not ignoring you blaming your two teammates. If you read my last post you'll notice I specifically said there was nothing wrong with blaming them.

    The only thing wrong was you blaming the killer because your blaming him for doing the exact same thing you were doing. Forcing a stalemate by trying to win. Your a hypocrit for that and you seem to think somehow that the killer was in the wrong even though you were doing the same thing.

    So who won you guys or the killer?

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297
    edited May 2021

    I just think you have not read all the comments and just the ones you wanted to.

    Like I said many times before, I dont care about winning, I care about my mates.

    If I stayed so long was not because I wanted to win, but because I wanted my team to win. Can you understand the difference ?

    I was too naive to think my mates will go on the generators. I can do chases for them, I can do generators for them, but I cant do both at the same time.

    I didnt let him kill me for so long because I was too naive, that is the real problem, Im too kind, Im too naive, Im too altruistic.

    Why I blamed the killer ? Because he knew 2 survivors were missing. He knew we were only two working on generators. Even if he couldnt catch me, he knew my friend was an easy target, he is very bad at looping and he was at stage 2 on hook, one more and he could have kill one survivor.

    But he just wanted to protect the generators, I think he doesnt care about winning, it was a loose for him and he knew it.

    Survivors won because I let him kill me after one hour. My friend took the key and let the Claud and Kate be killed haha

    The Kate escaped if I remember well, by the gates. And my friend by the hatch.

    I think the Claudette died but, is it me wanted her do die or did she escaped I dont remember.

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    See there it is again you blaming the killer. Alright let's walk through this slowly.

    The killer was ensuring you guys wouldn't win by not letting you do the gens in your mind thus was terrible killer behavior becuase .... he should have left the gen area so your friend could finish the gens?

    Why should the killer give up his chance to win and let you win instead? You spent an hour not letting him win Why should he just let you win?

    And could you explain how you were being altruistic by staying trying to win?

    Oh it wasn't for your win no it was for team survivor to win you claim.if How generous of you to sacrifice your time so your team could win...but wait if you were really being altruistic and just doing this for your team wouldn't letting yourself die spawn the hatch and actually let your team escape?

    Doesn't sound like you were playing to let your team win but for you to escape.

    Well now it doesn't sound very altruistic of you. Sounds like you were just plain old playing to win

    Again nothing wrong with you playing to win just don't kid yourself about it. your a hypocrit who wanted the killer to let you win, you were playing for yourself to escape not your teammates and did I mention your a great big hypocrit.

    The killer did his best and killed 3 of you is say he played it as best he could in the situation and apart from you having a key he'd have got all 4 of you.

    You lost he won don't blame him for trying to win. Blame your two useless teammates itnsounds like you all could have escaped if they helped but don't blame the killer for trying to win just like you were. And don't pretend your altruistic either. You clearly weren't.

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297
    edited May 2021

    You just dont read me at all, Im done.

    I said many times even in front of the generators he doesnt try to chase. Even if I tried to loop in the 3 gen area.

    Now its my last respond to you, I cant anymore.

    He just killed me and no 3 survivors, you are just a troll who dont read me, I will not feed you again.

    I said so many times I blamed more my teammates, and you still focusing on the killer, youre clearly a troll.

    Have a beautiful day. Bye.

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    Sorry that I read your posts about blaming the killer to mean blaming the killer, if you were only trying to blame your teammates then I will apologize, so to be clear are you in any way blaming the killer or not?