hey guys, could I get a heads up on some important tweaks in this game?

podkall Member Posts: 109

It's been a couple of years since I played this game, literally.

As a semi-tryhard player, I need to know if there's anything useful that I should know about?

For example, is Wraith still visible when he walks? Cause I heard something about change, and I played against one and I couldn't tell if I was just unlucky or if he actually is invisible...

Talking about like 2+ years of not playing, actually 4 but I occasionaly watch DBD content at least once a year

I don't need basic tips, I've been in rank1 in the old days when it was harder, as killer.

Just things like the Wraith thing, seriously I don't know if Wraith is true cloak or the map was too bright, tell me.

Thank you.


  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    Wraith is completely invisible from a certain distance. But you can still see him in cloaked form when nearby you. You can hear his footsteps and his breathing (or whatever sounds he makes)

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Wraith was recently buffed, so he’s faster and has true invisibility at range but is still visible up close.

    Freddy was totally reworked. Billy was nerfed. Bubba and Doctor were buffed. Clown was buffed. Nurse was changed and made slightly weaker. Trapper continues to be awful.

    There are a lot of new killers and survivors, and tons of new perks.

    A lot of maps got reworked, and several infamous windows were removed. Breakable walls are a new thing that was added.

    Moris were nerfed. Survivors and their perks, items and add ons were nerfed.

    A lot of stuff has changed in the last few years so you’re probably best re-learning everything from scratch, honestly.

  • PlunderingPanda
    PlunderingPanda Member Posts: 112

    I'm assuming you now know about endgame collapse.

    Spirit is currently often called OP.

    Pig got nerfed. Only 4 traps for the whole match now. Rarely see them.

    Freddy got buffed, now can attack you when you're not asleep. Also can hop from generator to generator and lays traps in the dreamworld (oh, and fake pallets too, they suck!)

    Tons of other things, these are the ones that came to mind (I recently came back as well).

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    In the upcoming changes proposed in the ptb:

    Huntress is getting new add-ons that increase her hatchets' speed after they're thrown, a new pink add-on that lets her go 115% when out of hatchets, and her Iridescent Head add-on will be limited to 1 hatchet and will no longer work with Infantry Belt.

    Freddy is going to be slowed down when placing his snares and will have less of them. His slowdown add-ons are gonna be replaced with sound-increasing add-ons.

    Demogorgon is getting a few more seconds of Undetectable after exiting a portal of his, and is getting a new add-on that shows Killer's Instinct on survivors near his portals without having to charge Of The Abyss.

    The Twins' Victor is getting a longer cooldown after he pounces.

    The Coldwind Farm maps are going to be remastered.

    Small Game will no longer detect traps but will have show the number of totems left in the match.

    Lucky Break will now take away both blood and scratch marks when a survivor gets injured until the perk's duration runs out.

    Borrowed Time will be applied to the unhooked survivor no matter what, with a few seconds less of the Endurance effect to compensate.

    I might have missed a few things but you get most of it.

  • podkall
    podkall Member Posts: 109

    @xenotimebong woah woah woah, I didn't buy the game on release and than stopped playing it

    I know items changed, I know killer stuff like the annoying nurse change that's completely not weakaning the nurse it's just made her power annoying to use

    I should clarify than, I stopped playing before Blight came out, around Deathslinger the last 2 killer releases I didn't play.

    Also, I wanted at least a little explenation like "Wrait can't be seen even when moving"

    Because when you say "Bubba was buffed or nerfed" that gives me 0 idea on what you mean by buffing them, there are lot of ways to nerf and buff killer.

    Also I don't really care about if killer has for example stronger add ons, I care about the actual gameplay.

    I'll explain:

    If I didn't know that Wraith was truely invisible, that would be a problem because I would just keep searching for him wasting time, when I should just don't worry about him and listen...

    But I guess thanks anyway it is a heads up if you think about it.

    @Mooks Isn't it pointless to see him when he is so close you can hear his breathing in your ear?

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    Well, the true invisibility thing from high range was mainly introduced for SWFs, so they can’t tell eachother all the time where the killer is in cloaked form.

    you can see the cloaked form sooner than hearing him.

    also cloaked form has built in windstorm now, don’t know the exact numbers but addon-less Wraith is a fast boy now.

  • podkall
    podkall Member Posts: 109

    @Mooks since he is so fast, isn't it pointless to look for him rather to hear for him? unless you're surronded by grass

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    Pig always had 4 traps for the whole match without add-ons though??

  • Zucker_Schock
    Zucker_Schock Member Posts: 565

    You should visit the wiki, all stats are there: https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Philip_Ojomo

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    You still want to know where he is coming from and where he is uncloaking. And uncloaking-time was slightly increased to compensate for the fast movement I think? Not sure on that one.

    but yeah I normally notice him because I hear him not because i see him.

  • Zucker_Schock
    Zucker_Schock Member Posts: 565

    Patch 3.3.1

    • Buff: updated The Wraith's Power with the Undetectable Status Effect.

    Patch 4.5.0

    • Buff: made The Wraith completely invisible to Survivors that are farther than 20 metres away when cloaked.
    • Buff: increased the post-uncloak Speed Boost duration from 1 second to 1.25 seconds.
    • Quality of Life: again restored the missing rattling sound effect when starting to cloak ("Bell Tech").
    • Quality of Life: The Wraith now only uncloaks the necessary bits when interacting with Props when cloaked, instead of almost completely uncloaking.

    Patch 4.6.0

    • Buff: considerably increased The Wraith's Movement speed when cloaked from 5.06 m/s to 6.0 m/s.
    • Nerf: moderately decreased The Wraith's Movement speed when uncloaking from 2.024 m/s to 1.6 m/s.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    You said you hadn’t played in 2+ years, that’s a lot longer ago than Blight’s release. A ton of stuff has changed in the last 2+ years, way more stuff than I could outline in a comment, so I wanted to give you an idea of stuff to look up yourself since I thought you’d been away for a long time.

    If you want to see details from the last few patches you can just look up the patch notes.

  • podkall
    podkall Member Posts: 109

    @Zucker_Schock yes yes, I shall spend minutes to hours reading wiki, because I don't already know 90% of the game

    Why are these forums here for if I can't ask such simple and quite easy question for frequent players?

    @Mooks I'm pretty sure sice you can't see him cloaked at all, you should have bigger window before he uncloaks

    @Zucker_Schock thanks for the wraith stuff, anything else changed since the Blight and Twins release or slightly before that, that's good to know?

  • Zucker_Schock
    Zucker_Schock Member Posts: 565

    Hmm the biggest recent changes were probably Billy Rework, Leatherface Rework and Clown Rework. Do you already know about them ?

  • podkall
    podkall Member Posts: 109

    @xenotimebong thanks dear, I have sense of time, I still watch DBD videos sometimes, or I occasionaly played 1 game once every year, but that's not enough to know for example the wraith thing

    last year I didn't play at all after that I might have turned on DBD like in 6 months period just for less than 30 minutes probably, also probably longer than 6 month gaps

    So yes 2+ years technicaly, just not exactly 2 years behind in knowlage, also killers get released pretty slowly for it to not be 2 years, if I remember correctly it takes about at least third of year to releas a killer

    @Mooks u guys are serious?

    Patch notes are like max 3 months old, I didn't play for a damn year+.....

    Patch notes come with new killer, I didn't play when Trickers came out, I didn't play when Twins came out, I didn't play when Blight came out, and a while before that

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    You can view older patch notes there as well.

    on the bottom left you can go back to previous ones, the link I posted shows the most current one.

  • podkall
    podkall Member Posts: 109

    @Zucker_Schock clown rework? also bear with me I can't post every 30 seconds

  • Zucker_Schock
    Zucker_Schock Member Posts: 565

    Very recently got Blight a little love,he is now taller and has better hit detection.

    Doctor got Reworked but that is even older then the other reworks. He is viable now.

  • Zucker_Schock
    Zucker_Schock Member Posts: 565

    Yeah he can now throw 2 different bottles and switch them freely, the new bottle increases movementspeed of everyone that stays inside the cloud for a short duration. It also heals you from the slowed state of the slow bottles. The slow bottles are basically unchanged.

    It didnt change much, clown still isnt really viable. Some dont even use the fast bottles.

  • Zucker_Schock
    Zucker_Schock Member Posts: 565

    The 2 bottle types are basekit, there is a addon that changes the visuals of the 2 bottles (normally purple cloud = slow, yellow cloud = fast. With the addon purple = fast, yellow = slow)

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    Trappers traps got a slight change, now the first attempts of freeing yourself have a smaller chance of succeeding. But the 6th time is a guaranteed escape out of trap.

  • podkall
    podkall Member Posts: 109

    @Mooks don't really like reading patch notes, maybe watch DBD streamer that reads them and gives an opinion on them, but by itself I don't reat them, haven't watched any DBD content in a while that was informative

  • Zucker_Schock
    Zucker_Schock Member Posts: 565


    Patch 4.5.0

    • Buff: reduced the Bear Trap Escape chance from 25 % to 16.67 %.
    • Nerf: capped Escape attempts at 6, after which Survivors will automatically escape.

  • podkall
    podkall Member Posts: 109

    @Mooks @Zucker_Schock cool, nothing else? is rank 1 faster or slower queue times? than let's say 9 or 5

  • Zucker_Schock
    Zucker_Schock Member Posts: 565

    Like already said, Huntress, Demogorgon and Freddy are getting changes / addon pass soon. Iridecent Head got a nerf, its still a onehit, but addons, that increasing hatchet count have no effect. So you are limited to 1 hatchet.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    Don’t know if it has been mentioned here already:

    Decisive Strike got nerfed (now loses activation if you are doing anything productive like healing or repairing)

    OoO will get a nerf/rework with the next update as well.

  • Zucker_Schock
    Zucker_Schock Member Posts: 565

    Rank 1 is slower, around high purple/ low red is fastest last time i checked.

    Also survivor queue times are sometimes abysmal. Killers sometimes have instant lobbys while survivors need to wait up to 10 minutes. Since there arent as many killer players right now.

    It depends on your region and time of day though.

  • Zucker_Schock
    Zucker_Schock Member Posts: 565

    Oh yeah, some perks got changed, other than what has been said, nothing too noteworthy i believe. Ruin was the biggest change in history.

    Borrowed Time will always trigger next update, also Lucky Break will become OP, it hides blood and scratchmarks for i believe 90 seconds and will trigger until you had 90 seconds of injured use.

    So if you run it with Iron Will, you will have no sounds no scratchmarks and no blood while injured, take a medkit and you can heal yourself keeping Lucky Break very long.