why do killers hate dead hard?

I'm a survivor main and run dead hard purely to avoid getting downed during a chase. A lot of killers seem to think this is a strong perk, when I'd say it's a very half and half type of perk. Half of the time, it'll benefit me and the other half, I'm exhausted on the ground, dead hard a bit too early, or dead hard but get downed bc I'm in a dead zone. It's also an exhaustion perk, so I'll only be able to use it once during a chase (unless I happen to quickly get my exhaustion back). So if anything, I feel like it's very balanced and countered. Don't get me wrong through, I can see how you go for a hit and miss bc of dead hard, but I don't think it's enough to "get rid of it" especially bc killers are faster than survivors.. Is that not fair enough??



  • RenDesune
    RenDesune Member Posts: 246

    It's a decently balanced perk in my opinion.

    Although I understand the hate, it's used mostly to extend loops which can already be frustrating and waste time. It's a second chance perk which are always annoying.

    It depends how it's used though, people using it just to dodge a m1 attack without any other plan makes it a super weak perk but using it to extend loops makes it a pretty strong exhaustion perk. Overall its whatever, just remember who how has DH and try to bait it ig.

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    Because they feel robbed when they start chasing a non-exhausted target that proceeds to Dead Hard for distance.

  • Khar
    Khar Member Posts: 640

    Kind of answered your own question. You use it to "avoid getting downed during a chase". Killers are supposed to down survivors and a perk that can prevent can be very devastating from the killer's side of the match.

  • MochelMyersWetcave
    MochelMyersWetcave Member Posts: 27

    Using dh is as skillfull as downing someone with No Head.

    It's just not fun getting "outskilled" by a Perk.

  • dezzmont
    dezzmont Member Posts: 481
    edited April 2021

    This is a greater issue with Trapper though where devs just feel super comfortable letting tons of perks have unique interactions with his traps because he was designed in an era where the devs didn't get that powers should supercede perks (And items while we are at it).

    That is slowly being phased out, but they really should just do a 3.0 trapper rework (Its amazing how little they did with 2.0) that in part says 'Traps have priority over any mechanic' and be done with it. Trap tracking and bypassing just shouldn't be a thing for Trapper, as an entirely seperate problem from DH (Because DH is fair in the context of dodging MOST killer powers, and is unfair in distance scenarios).

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,878

    It's annoying. It's not all that powerful, but it feels really, really annoying. So people inflate it to resolve the cognitive dissonance of hey, on one hand, this perk doesn't actually break the game, on the other hand, it's just really boring to play against. Plus, the threat of DH can remove your ability to lunge, which kind of keeps you paranoid.

  • fancynancy
    fancynancy Member Posts: 38

    @Blueberry Hmm that makes sense. Thanks for the response, it's very insightful for me!

  • fancynancy
    fancynancy Member Posts: 38

    @Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Yeah, I only use it to dodge a hit when the killer's right behind me. Many people are commenting how people abuse dead hard so it's actually making a lot more sense to me now how it can be overpowering.

  • fancynancy
    fancynancy Member Posts: 38

    @MadLordJack Well seeing how you described how most survivors use it, they seem to abuse the power of the perk. I actually use it to dodge a hit if the killer is behind me and about to hit me (not to greed a pallet, etc.), so I guess it depends on how it's used??

  • fancynancy
    fancynancy Member Posts: 38

    @Khar Yeah, but from the survivor's perspective, we want to escape just as much as killers want the kills. It's also what survivors have to do... which is to survive.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    3:25 is the example

    Dead hard reminds me a lot of the base jumper of TF2.

    People who end up exhausted on the ground is the person that got shot out of the sky easilly

    People who use it for distance are the people who are dodging all the rockets.

    When people complain about a perk it's probably best to look at the best players and how they use it. And as it stands DHforDistance is just an extremly safe option every chase that the killer most of the time can do nothing against

  • fancynancy
    fancynancy Member Posts: 38

    @Bard Wow that was actually very informative, thank you!! I didn't know that dead hard was abused in those ways you described.

  • fancynancy
    fancynancy Member Posts: 38

    @Dustin No yeah that makes sense. I don't understand why dh can be used against a bear trap... doesn't add up to me.

  • fancynancy
    fancynancy Member Posts: 38

    @GeneralV Oh yeah, I think it needs the change where you can't avoid certain killer's powers (i.e. bear traps, etc.) so that it's only used to avoid a hit.

    Now I don't know about your stance on avoiding a hit, but it's pretty clear a lot of killers want the kills, but please remember survivors want to escape just as much!

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    I understand your point and, honestly, do not see a problem with using it to avoid a hit.

    Distance is the problem. Extending the chase because you randomly pressed a button? That isn't fair.

  • fancynancy
    fancynancy Member Posts: 38

    @GeneralV I 100% agree with you and yes, I see the bigger problem now! Glad to know that we're on the same page. :)

  • Rectal_Prolapse
    Rectal_Prolapse Member Posts: 60

    Because it's impactful. You need to respect wounded survivors with the lunge until you realize either they don't have it or they're just exhausted on the floor, lol.

  • jokere98
    jokere98 Member Posts: 653
    edited April 2021

    one thing that also pisses me off is when I walk up to the survivor knowing they have DH, use my lunge attack (to hit him even if he uses DH at the right moment), but the game just cancels my lunge, and doesn't give me a hit .. it's so stupid

  • Khar
    Khar Member Posts: 640

    Which is fine, but extending the chase is what leads to killer frustration and losing a hook or even the match. An extended chase is a threat to the killer's time management. If they can't get the down and put the survivor on the hook then you get situations where tunneling and camping can happen in response. Mind you, survivors can still escape after being hooked twice and a killer can not get a kill after getting 8 hooks.

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720

    Im not a fan of it. Because of Hit detection. I often will make a melee attack against a player and THEN somehow a split second later, I see the animation of Dead hard. Despite I often figured they had it either way.

    • Yes, I am on a wired connection.
  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    All exhaustion perks give distance. DH gives arguably the least and it the most janky out of them all. I dont know why new killers are having such an issue with it tbh...

  • Poochkips
    Poochkips Member Posts: 266
    edited April 2021

    I play huntress mainly, so it's usually pretty rare it's a problem. Occasionally people use it to dodge hatchets, but its not often, and even then, if i ever have to melee the people that I melee i assume have deadhard. So for me it's not a problem. The "Counterplay" is to literally just see if they have it. It's only a nuisance when they can get to pallets. As it can create a window where they can escape for an additional 30 seconds + depending.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,503

    All of these are great points.

    I agree with them all.

    Dead Hard should be used to avoid a hit. not to go over a bear trap. or gain distance in a chase. it's to dodge a hit.

    sometimes I can bait it out while playing killer sometimes I can't and sometimes It gives too many second chances.

  • DropdeadPiggy
    DropdeadPiggy Member Posts: 155

    Right they talk about having skill when they bloodlust that literally takes 0 skill

  • TiltedBandy
    TiltedBandy Member Posts: 25

    for a dead hard you can make the killer waste so much extra time, second chance perks just hurt killers' soul. You say "now I got him" And he just dead hards and makes it on a jungle gym window, now he will loop you for 20 seconds before throwing the pallet, and you couldn't have done nothing to stop him to reach the jungle gym. That's why people can hate dh, I just find it annoying for example when noobs get carried by it.

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    I prefer survivors to have DH as killer - way easier on me than Lithe or Sprint Burst. I've went against DH enough to know how to counter it and I can count on my hands out of the last 50 or so games where DH actually helped extend a chase longer than 3 seconds.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,701

    I don't get it, tbh.

    People complain it requires no skill and is not conditional, yet 90% of the time the survivor dead hards in the middle of nowhere which accomplishes nothing or they dead hard too close to a window or pallet causing them to miss the timing for fast vault or pallet drop.

    Some survivors even try to dead hard through you which is easy to counter as well.

    I generally respect Dead Hard users who use it well to extend a chase, because most survivors don't know how to do that. And frankly I don't think I've ever lost a game because someone Dead Harded either.

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

    I have no idea why killers complain about Dead Hard. Most of them are just saying "It has no counter if u use it for distance". I mean, have you ever heard about The Spirit? A killer with a power that has no counter, you're only lucky IF she makes a mistake. And also, you can use Dead Hard once per chase, and it has a cooldown of 40 seconds, you can use Spirits power multiple times in a chase.

    I can agree that Dead Hard has no counter when you use it for distance and that you shouldn't be able to Dead Hard over Beartraps. But I don't really think killer mains can complain about Dead Hard because they think it's frustrating when they have The Spirit on their side.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,276

    It's a third health state and at lvl 3 it only has like 40-50 seconds of exhaustion before it can be used again.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 915

    it's extremely powerful if you use it correctly, by far the best survivor perk right now in the hands of good survivors. A single dead hard for distance that leads to another vault or to the next pallet can make the difference between winning and losing, because it can cost you another 20 seconds. This makes it very hard to gain momentum against a 4 DH's team. It's extremely frustrating for the killer if you outplay someone and then get DH'd to get looped another time, just straight up unfair in my opinion.

    (of course this only goes for good survivors who get even better through DH. Mediocre and bad survivors often don't use it correctly)

  • theplaggg
    theplaggg Member Posts: 267

    Dead hard covers up your mistakes in a chase and cant be countered if used for distance. Basically rewarding good and bad players.

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    i dont get it either. sprint burst gives way more distance

  • DoomedMind
    DoomedMind Member Posts: 793

    Because, unlike the other exhaustion perks, it robs you a hit when you're about to end the chase. The situation was "this is it, I hit him, hook him and protect gen" turned into "let's be looped another X minutes", making the feeling of losing time far more powerful.

    The perk is not a problem, I fear more 99% Sprint burst users than DH users.

    But hell yeah DH is a frustrating perk, and I say that as a Nurse, I know what I'm talking about....

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,612
    edited April 2021

    People say you fear ds everytime theres a obsession. Dead hard does this even moreso since you have to respect a survivor whos injured to attempt to bait it out. If they do have it they just use it and make it to a pallet. If they didn't you still wasted some time respecting deadhards very existance. I find myself after injuring a survivor waiting behind them for 3 seconds everytime to bait it out. And if i still get unlucky and they hit it the same time i swing and it actually goes through well ######### me then. I find it in pretty much every game in red anyway so its not like its rare.