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What do you think would improve the game?

Say everything you want about improving the game (nerfs-buffs-ideas) even map ideas


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  • Member Posts: 116

    I mean the devs could add a text bubble mechanic for the main lobby and end game screen. Click a button to say "GLHF" or "GGWP". That would be a good substitute. And both killers and survivors can see it. Plus console players can use it as well. :)

  • Member Posts: 387

    A new map. This game has gotten a little stale due to the newest map being around year old now. (Midwhich)

    I think a new map will allow for people to explore different things, loops and spawns. And just have fun ya kno

  • Member Posts: 2,451

    The current matchmaking is not based on total amount of time played. In theory it searches for the same rank up to a 8 rank difference , but if someone waits too long it just gives them any opponent.

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    Is that for certain? If so then thank you, you're the first person to give me the real answer.

    Sadly the real answer is actually worse. An 8 rank difference is at least 4 ranks too much in my opinion, and I certainly don't like "if someone waits too long it just throws them in with anybody". That sucks. That's a system that definitely needs changing.

  • Member Posts: 4,692

    Trading off a gen speed slowdown for severe restrictions on camping, tunnelling and slugging.

  • Member Posts: 2,451

    One big problem is also that rank doesnt measure skill. Two red ranks can be completely different bc reaching rank 1 is not hard. So with enough playtime bad player reach it, too. And with the current almost not existing rank reset they will stay at the highest rank.

  • Member Posts: 6,030

    Nah I don't think so, that just feels stale, and has no feeling to it

  • Member Posts: 707

    Remove Midwitch map. JK.

    Balance solo survivor and SWF. In game speak/audio should be a priority and buff killers to balance again. Right now solo is so bad sometimes that everyone is desperate for friends to play with. Which again makes it miserable for some killers, its just an evil circle.

    Then balance matchmaking.

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    It sounds like reaching red rank isn't hard because the system pairs players up with others who may be of a vastly different skill level. I also don't understand the purpose of the rank reset. How is that a positive? Doesn't it just deceive the poorer players into thinking that they're going against players of equal skill? I mean if I'm (hypothetically) red rank tier and my rank suddenly switched to 20, aren't I going to have that much greater a chance of ruining the games of people who are legitimately new, or less skilled, and thus at rank 20 naturally? It sounds like the ranking system is almost specifically designed TO get players of totally random skill levels to be in the same match. I don't get it.

  • Member Posts: 72

    Yeah once i played as a killer after rank reset I'm a 10 rank killer after rank reset i was faced against rank 20 survivors it was so unfair for them after the game i looked at their perks it was all yellow just to summarize how big of an issue this is.

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    Yeah I don't get it, I mean I actually legitimately don't understand what they were going for. I don't comprehend what the benefit is (I'm relatively new so I'm sure I'm missing something that would make the rank reset seem much more sensible). When I first began playing it was around the 20th of March or so, and as a rank 20 player I did seem to face other players who were challenging but generally a fair and fun match. Had I joined on the 13th I would have been annihilated and maybe even quit the game right off the bat.

    I don't understand it. It's like encouraging highly experienced players to delete their accounts and make new ones so that they can trick less skilled players into thinking that it's going to be an even match, only to get slaughtered.

  • Member Posts: 1,378

    the devs putting in some effort and being willing to take some risks to try stuff out for a month or so so we all know if something works or not

  • Member Posts: 72

    You know maybe if they implement the same matchmaking system fps games use with a bit of adjustment it could actually work

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    Are those games not matched based on W/L percentage? (You can tell I'm not much of an online gamer, lol.) That's what seems like the most blatantly common sense matchmaking system to me. This guy's won 5 matches and lost 100, pair him with someone with a similar ratio. Don't throw him against someone who's won 794 matches and lost 42 just because their arbitrary "rank" on a 20 point scale happens to fall within the 8 point differential.

    I have to admit that I kind of like the perk tiers, I find it satisfying to see the stronger version of my favorite ones showing up in my bloodweb. That doesn't make it any less of a grind though, and usually the differences are very small (I can't remember which but there's at least one perk out there that grants something like a 5 / 6 / 7 percent difference in something. I mean really?

    I also don't like that teaching perks means that other characters still have to grind through the tiers. I made the mistake of thinking that any tier of a perk could show up in any other character's bloodweb at any time. Nope, it seems like I get the teachable perk at maybe level 15 or 20, then the 2nd tier of it around maybe level 30, then the final one around level 40. I thought that I'd be able to enjoy raising a new character's levels WITH the teachable perks, not level all the way up just to GET them.

  • Member Posts: 72

    It's based on how well you did in a game instead of your level

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    Hmm...What's the criteria for how well someone did in a game if not W/L ~ K/D?

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    I mean sure having the tiers can be a sense of progression, a couple other things i've thought about or seen others suggest is to make it so that as soon as you unlock a teachable that perk is available on ever character of that type in its tier 1 version, would solve a few issues like make getting teachable a lot more satisfying as well as make it so that level 1 characters aren't so awful to level up and would give people a much better sense of progression as they level up different characters blood webs.

    Another thing i've thought about was to make the stacking BP effects of BBQ and WGLF base kit and buff or leave alone perks as the devs see fit, I dont like the idea of having a farm perk really and BBQ is practically a must use for a lot of people regardless of if people like its aura reading abilities same with WGLF, as its a bit of a weaker perk overall, not bad though with its somewhat recent buff.

  • Member Posts: 848

    We need ways to make more shards and a daily login so I can buy the killers and survivors, also some cosmetics.

  • Member Posts: 72

    Lol that last comment but great ideas would love to see them ingame

  • Member Posts: 2,719
    edited April 2021

    Oh okay yeah, that's what I was thinking. I don't know why this game doesn't use the same system. Presumably if someone has a win percentage of 75 percent it would be fair to match them with other people who are also at or near 75 percent. I understand that for killers a "win" isn't as clear-cut as it is for a survivor but I'm sure that it could be figured out.

    I do like a sense of progression but it's more organic and less linear and grindy in some games. Perfect Dark and Timesplitters, for example. Somewhat old games made by Rare. They had you constantly unlocking new weapons, maps, and characters with pretty much every match. In this game it's basically just "start with a decent perk, then get a slightly improved version of it, then get a slightly improved version of that". Not really progression so much as just spinning your wheels until you get a small upgrade.

    Granted, that might feel different depending on a person's philosophy. If you play just to have fun, like I generally do, without the specific goal of acquiring more or better perks, then leveling is less of a grind than something that just happens passively while you play. Also, fortunately for me, the perks I've enjoyed the most are largely available from the start - Bond, Dark Sense, Kindred - so I guess if BBQ is about aura reading then I appear to like the survivor version of it. So again, in a way I'm lucky that so far I enjoy using perks that show up pretty early, but at the same time it DOES sort of suck that Bond, just as an example, has to be leveled all the way up with whatever character happens to start seeing it in their bloodweb. It WOULD be nice to be able to just have that perk available from the start to assign to the character. I mean one of my characters is just sitting at level 50, being used solely to exhaust her items and get points that I'm applying to someone else, and she never even got the third version of Bond.

  • Member Posts: 72
  • Member Posts: 1,864

    Survivor passives would be nice.

  • Member Posts: 1,864

    Passive abilities for each unique survivor. Like Claudette heals faster, Nea's crouch movement is slightly faster, ect...

  • Member Posts: 2,451

    The old rank reset was from rank 1 to rank 10, so no everyone reached red rank fast and you had some days after the rank reset where only good players were red rank. Now as red rank you are rank 5 after rank reset and you get red rank teammates who are not good enough.

    But yes, a monthly rank reset is not good for fair matches for most player. So its good that the MMR-system, which will hopefully work, will have no rank reset.

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    I understand that the character packs are a source of income and that their fees are basically compensation for the work (and, in the case of licensed characters, the cost of the license) so for that reason I'm okay with being charged for them. I like the fact that none of them are required, that I can pick and choose which ones I want. When they're on sale they're remarkably inexpensive (the most expensive pack I bought was Stranger Things which I think was roughly 5 dollars, most of the others averaged like $2 dollars per character which is very reasonable).

    The cosmetics, on the other hand, are obscenely overpriced. Why does one "rare" outfit for one character cost roughly as much as two entire chapter packs? Three "rare" outfits are the cost of the entire BASE GAME. That is, to me, patently absurd. I don't even get the sense of them being that expensive for the killers considering that the person playing as the killer barely even gets to see the outfit. You can buy SOME (why not all?) outfits with shards but not only is THAT requirement also profoundly overpriced, to top it off shards are stupidly slow to accumulate.

    I do appreciate that the game isn't pay to win. No game should ever allow players to spend real world money to give them an in-game advantage. But they went overboard with the cosmetic prices. I get that players are expected to spend a lot of time with the game and that outfits are therefore expected to be unlocked slowly, throughout that time, but there are like 200 of them. I'd be afraid to count them all and do the math to figure out how long it would take, or how much real money it would cost, to obtain them all.

    TL;DR: Yes, I fully agree. Shards should be obtainable through challenges or daily logins or some other kind of gameplay mechanic that's more generous than the one we have now.

  • Member Posts: 72

    Oh i get it you want it to be unique nice both killers and survivors will be more unique

  • Member Posts: 72

    I agree they got greedy i already payed 30 dollars for the game and now they want me to pay more

  • Member Posts: 1,864

    Survivors are just skins & there's no gameplay benefit from deciding to main one survivor over the other

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