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Which survivor do you single out the least often?

I was wondering if any killer mains have noticed a particular survivor character who rarely, or never, seems to really be "asking for it". You know, the non-toxic, non-t-bagging, non-flashy-flash/clicky-click type of survivor.

On the other end of the spectrum, what about any characters that basically make your blood boil when you see them in the lobby?

Also, are there particular cosmetics related to either the nice survivor or not nice survivor?


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  • Member Posts: 2,719

    I apparently haven't played killer enough to notice any consistent patterns of annoying behavior based on the character chosen. It's about the player, not the player's avatar. So, for me, if I do ever single anybody out it's the one who's acting like a jackass. Don't care which character they're using.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    Steve. Most of the Steve's I see are just vibing, and I respect that.

    Claudette's really do anger me though.

  • Member Posts: 53

    Really? In Asia servers, it's the Steves who are usually the Object/Clicky people. Same with Janes, Quentins, Feng, and Neas.

    I guess here, it would be Nancys? I rarely see them teabag or clicky click despite wearing P3 clothes.

  • Member Posts: 6,030

    Worst are

    *Fengs, onsie Elodies, neas, Felix, and lisa's

    Least Toxic

    *Cybill's Claudette (p3's are an exception), Tapp's, Kate's and Jeff's

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    The Steve's I meet in NA are just chill. They do gens, they take hits, that's it. They vibin.

  • Member Posts: 672

    From my experience: Jeff, Adam, Kate, and Cheryl are the nicest. Feng, Claudette, Zarina and Nancy are the worst.

  • Member Posts: 82

    From my experiences the least problematic survivors I get are definitely Jeffs and....Megs.

    However the worst I get are always Fengs. Always.

  • Member Posts: 3,012

    Nea with purple hair, most of them toxic. Dwight with weird cosmetics, 90% toxic.

    Kate is never toxic, i always giving Kate mains hatch. They deserves that. If i am not doing 4K challange or adept.

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    probably jeff might also be because his abysmally low pick rate combined with my own bias as he is my male survivor main, my female survivor main is Cheryl and i'll be honest I see aggressive Cheryl's at least somewhat often.

  • Member Posts: 793

    The worst survivors in my experience are Claudette, Dwight, and Nea.

    The nicest ones are Cheryl, Jeff, and Kate I'd say.

  • Member Posts: 13,616
    edited April 2021

    It always seems to me in my trials that Bills do exactly what the 3 Teachables tell him to do: To be very selfless and be able to do something on their own, and not in any "triggering" ways.

    I also have a unique soft spot for Bills ever since his voice actor died. (Not in DbD, the one from Left 4 Dead.)

    Bills are really my favorite bois.

    Weirdly enough, i feel like in my trials that the females are playing more in that way while the guys are generally more on the wholesome side.

  • Member Posts: 341

    Mostly between Jeff and Tap as the nicest I honestly even if they played really badly if their nice i'll normally let them have the hatch.

    Nea don't like her 90% of the Neas i fight super toxic and they don't do it to like agro they'll force hits on their teammates. Had one game like this recently recently where a Nea ran me to a loop opened a locker i saw a dwight in there he got out and started to run behind the Nea ( he was injured she was not ) she dropped the pallet on him. He looked at me I looked at him broke the pallet downed the nea after a bit and no one rescued her. She got very upset and I was very happy. I let the rest of the survs go and we farmed a bit, good times.

  • Member Posts: 848

    I see dwights, and jakes being nice, but the worse toxic survivors are Neas, Lauries, Megs, Nancys, or even worse: [BAD WORD] CLAUDETTES.

  • Member Posts: 326

    When I see a Douchebag Steve my lip curls up in disgust. Curse you, Douchebag Steve!!!

  • Member Posts: 1,019

    probably tapp, hes usually just vibing on a generator and whenever hes in a chase he just tries to escape the chase instead of trying to stall.

    the one who "asks for it" the most would definitely be ash, they usually just moonwalk or spin in circles after getting a pallet stun and overall get a bit too cocky

  • Member Posts: 1,019

    really? most steves i go against literally make me want to uninstall.

    as a killer, they usually have a flashlight with long duration addons and try to get a flashlight save every time they get the chance

    as a survivor, steves always chug the god pallet at the start of the match and suicide on hook

  • Member Posts: 7,161

    Neas and Steves are usually the worst in terms of being toxic in my experience. P3 Claudettes too.

  • Member Posts: 303

    I forgot to put the survivor(s) I always see acting particularly toxic.

    Neas: After the reign of noob3 some people think they are his protégé and take a purple beamer and either one of the multiple 'toxic nea' outfits and purposefully try to make you angry. Most of them don't really have the skill to back up the BM's so it's mostly just funny.

    Cheryls: Mainly the cheryls who glitch her legendary sets. They always seem to be the most cocky and honestly a lot of the times they're pretty decent.

    Ace: Oh my god whenever I see an ace who's in anything else than his base cosmetic I always know that they're going to be obnoxious, at least in my own experience.

  • Member Posts: 1,201

    feng min and feng min

    You either have a really nooby I feel really bad for being matched with this player feng min or a really aggressive take all your pressure away and spit in your face feng min.

  • Member Posts: 1,181

    Jeffs are super chill. They never taunt when I play killer and they're usually reliable teammates when I play survivor. To all you Jeff mains out there, you guys are awesome.

  • Member Posts: 46

    Jane mains are pretty unproblematic

  • Member Posts: 35

    Not a killer main but when I play killer I tend to shy away from bunny hoodie Fengs. They tend to be awesome at looping so I try to assess their skill early and move on to the others

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    Like most good people, I refuse to even touch Neas for fear of getting diseases.

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    Quentins and Jeffs are the least toxic.

    Most toxic? Probably Aces and Lauries.

  • Member Posts: 890

    Some of the answers here are solely due to pick rate bias. Obviously Tapp/Jeff/etc are going to be less toxic because you see less of them, while Nea/Claudette/Meg are going to be more because you'll see them way more often.

    As objective as possible, I'd say Jake, Kate, Jeff, and Jane are all pretty good-spirited survivors most times. Nea is single-handedly the most toxic survivor imo.

  • Member Posts: 593

    I don't mind being in a lobby with megs and Felixs they normally keep to themselves however I despise Nea's and Dwights.

    Nea because they tend to be good loopers and the most toxic people

    Dwights this may be my survivor side talking but they're always hiding in a damn locker no matter what rank they are I mean come on if you're against a huntress don't go in a locker it's simple

  • Member Posts: 593

    Funny you say that about Ace all the ones I'm against or with seem hopeless no matter what they wear it's kinda funny

  • Member Posts: 6,025
    edited April 2021

    Jeffs, Steves, Kates and Zarinas are pretty cool for some reason.

    Most of the others are neutral the way I see it.

    Neas, Claudettes, and Cheryls are quite the odd ones, however. In a bad way.

  • Member Posts: 686

    Steve or Dwights. I keep constantly seeing them with flash lights or maps 😑 drives me insane.

  • Member Posts: 112

    You do make a very good point here. I've tallied some of the responses and it does seem to mirror character pick rates, although I'm basing those "pick rates" off of purely anecdotal evidence. I don't know if there's a chart somewhere with the actual pick rates on it.

  • Member Posts: 794

    I avoid anyone clicky-clicking their flashlight while hovering around a jungle gym/killer shack.

    They're just screaming, "Chase me! Chase me! Chase me around this really safe loop!"

    I look down on them from the rooftops and whisper, "No."

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    Tapps usually keep to themselves and melt into the scenery when everyone else runs away.

  • Member Posts: 1,448
    edited April 2021

    Well i never met a Toxic Jeff , but again there aren't lot of them outhere. Or Bills, i never seen a toxic Bill either.

    But the most toxic are usually :

    • Dwight : with crazy skin combinaison
    • Nea : with the pink hair and mask (never faced or played with one that wasn't tbagging or clicking her flashlight)

    There are the occasionnal toxic Feng, Ace, Meg or Zarina. But overall i would say those two (Dwight and Nea) are the worst.

  • Member Posts: 408

    None, I don’t discriminate or resent people for picking a survivor.

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