Camping, focusing

Can you please do something against killer who hard camp and hard focus ?

These players are so cancer. There is absolutely no fun playing with then and they are more and more


  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 943


  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    You and your fellow Survivors in the match have all the tools you need to deal with these obstacles. Let me stress that thee are IN GAME problems, and you must solve them with IN GAME solutions. I don't have the energy to write you an essay but it suffices to say that all the information you need can be found on Youtube, in articles, and on Podcasts. You and your peers can learn to make safe rescues, take protection hits, swap hooks, use the best Perks, learn to Loop, and so on. I hate to be cliche and say "get good" but in this case, it bears repeating. Stop blaming other people for YOUR problems, and stop asking the DEV to solve your problems.

  • cike
    cike Member Posts: 10

    LOL, that's why DBD losing players .bla bla bla,You should learn this , you should learn that. OK , so a basicly question: I think what you said means when survivor face the camp and focus ,they need to cost time to LEARN IT and STUDY IT. So what about killer camp and focus? give me a time. 1 hour or 2 hours to learn it? Study camp and focus , yes ,or maybe 3 ? A 500 hours survivor face camp and focus, how long will he/she alive when he/she left the hook?.If I play it 2 hours 1 day, I will cost 250 days , that's a year , and I think if this 500 hours guy alive 20 sec , he is good. So for him , 1 min game for 1 year. lol . And listen, he is a single player, no mate. BOOM, delete and see ya. Hey hey hey, show me some really skill not tombstone face the hook. lol

  • CheesyGuy
    CheesyGuy Member Posts: 399

    It is a game mechanic. Devs dont see it as a problem so it will stay. I play both side and yes camping and tunneling can ruin your game as survivor but it exist. There are many things that dont like by each side. Ethically they are true or false or open to discussion but in the end it exist and everybody must accept it. It is pointless to talk about the skills of killers or survivors or "do this,do that" in that point. This mechanic is in the game and it will be in the game like many others. What you should do is accept that and play your game in that condition. There are many topics you can find about camping,tunneling and etc... and all of them ended same, the system contiune. Best thing you can do is accept it.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    This game isn't right for everyone. I play Killer and Survivor, and statistically I face the same number of Killers who employ Camping and Tunneling as anyone else. How is it I get by just fine? Could it be that I simply take the required steps and own my problems? Complaining about how other people play and asking the DEV to fix your problems is not a productive solution. Tackling the problem yourself is the only meaningful choice because the only person you have power over in this situation is YOURSELF. So again, there are tactics and strategies which will help Survivors. If they can't be bothered spending the time in grade to get good at the game, then they should move on to one they enjoy enough to do the work. This entitled expectation that the game should be easy boggles my mind.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    First, your metaphor is extreme and offensive .

    Secondly, play how you want and let others do the same.

    It is a game and there are many tactics available to counter the differing playstyles. Not to mention perks and one's own skill level. I guess you are newer, or you would understand how to play against these tactics, as well why they may be used in a certain situations.

  • basicpitch
    basicpitch Member Posts: 101

    I find it interesting that people will tell newer or less skilled people to "get gud" or use certain perks but not say how to outright. Or offer a YT link that shows how to counter killer face camping/tunneling.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited April 2021

    Actually I have, many times. I've written many posts with long detailed instructions on how to do it. I don't bother much anymore because whether you tell them how to do it or not, they still claim it can't be done. They aren't really coming here looking for solutions, just for other whiners to have a pity party with them. The main reason Survivors don't handle Camping and Tunneling well is because they don't apply themselves. You can lead them to water, but they won't drink.